Academic Staff
There are several earnings components that can make up an academic’s total compensation:
"Compensation" as per Collective Agreement
- Base - rank salary as per the collective agreement (included in pensionable earnings)
- Market Supplement (included in pensionable earnings)
- Provost Fund
- Overload Duties
Other Possible Pay Components Paid by UCalgary
- Administrative Honoraria (included in pensionable earnings)
- Honoraria from Trust Grants (included in pensionable earnings)
- International Stipends (included in pensionable earnings)
- Research Supplements\
- Research Stipend (included in pensionable earnings)
- AI-HS Research Prizes or Dual Reward Research Supplements
Other Possible Components Not Paid by UCalgary
- Medical Honoraria - administrative and clinical (included in pensionable earnings)
- Clinical Income (included in pensionable earnings)
- Outside Professional Acitivty (OPA) (included in pensionable earnings)
Academic Performance Assessment
Article 29 of the Collective Agreement outlines the process for academic performance assessment and Progression Through the Ranks (PTR) along with OAAs for Continuing, Limited Term, Contingent Term, Special Limited Term or Pre-Tenure Track academic staff.
Provost's Salary Adjustments
“Provost’s Fund” is the budget available to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) to provide rank salary increases in order to retain individual academic staff members when competitive pressures in the market warrant such payments beyond the allowable term of a market supplement and to provide funds to faculties and academic units for the general support of academic staff.
Salary Anomaly Adjustments
An academic staff member may receive a salary increase to address a salary anomaly, relative to colleagues in the same Department or other appropriate academic unit, that can be demonstrated to have been present at the staff member’s time of hire.
Overload Duties
Overload teaching is assigned within departments and faculties. Overload duties shall note be assigned unless voluntarily agreed to by the academic staff member. An academic staff member assigned overload duties shall receive extra remuneration in accordance with the Collective Agreement, Schedule “A”, Article 1.4.
Market Supplements
Market Supplements are payments made to academic staff members in addition to their rank salaries.