Act with Integrity & Respect

Management and Professional Staff Core Leadership Competencies


Understand behaviours to see how this competency is demonstrated at different levels of proficiency. Competencies are not rated during the annual review. This information is provided to help employees and managers describe strengths and opportunities for development.

To support the core values of the university, to be congruent in what you say and do, to be trustworthy, respectful and honest, and to exhibit a high standard of integrity in all interactions.

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • Values may not match the university's
    • Does not practice what they preach
    • May be a strong individualist with low concern for others
    • May follow own rules
    • Exhibit some but not all university values
    • Is truthful
    • Strives to practice what they preach
    • May avoid being direct
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Acts in line with values during good and bad times
    • Practices what they preach
    • Reinforces the right values
    • Is seen as a direct, truthful individual
    • Very aware of the values of others, as well as the university's
    • Shows consistent behaviour across different situations
    • Presents the unvarnished truth in an appropriate manner
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Viewed as a model of integrity
    • Behaviour exemplifies university values
    • Coaches others to act or make decisions consistent with values and integrity

 To "do the right thing", be accountable and fair. This quality enables leaders and staff to be patient, flexible, and accessible.

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • May worry too much about being liked, correct, or above criticism
    • Treats everybody the same regardless of their needs or differences
    • May be inconsistent
    • Blames others when errors or problems occur
    • Accepts responsibility
    • Acts fairly
    • Uncomfortable making hard or unpopular decisions or actions
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Supports equal and fair treatment and opportunity for all
    • Listens and checks before acting
    • Accepts responsibility for results, errors, and problems and takes corrective action
    • Ensures equal and fair treatment and opportunity for all
    • Waits for others to catch up before acting
    • Sensitive to due process and proper pacing
    • Shares personal learning from own errors and problems
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Takes unpopular stands if they are the right thing to do
    • Champions fair and equal treatment
    • Creates a climate of accountability and learning

To maintain a respectful workplace by modeling respectful behaviour and challenging and/or reporting disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour when it occurs.

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • May often display disrespectful behaviours
    • May expect disrespectful behaviours from others
    • Does not challenge or report disrespectful or inappropriate behaviours
    • May sometimes display disrespectful behaviors
    • Often tolerates disrespectful behaviours from others
    • Seldomly challenges or reports disrespectful or inappropriate behaviours
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Consistently displays respectful behaviour
    • Sometimes challenges or reports disrespectful or inappropriate behaviours
    • Supports a respectful workplace by participating in respect initiatives
    • Models respectful behaviour for others
    • Consistently challenges or reports disrespectful or inappropriate behaviours
    • Supports a respectful workplace by actively participating in respect initiatives
    • Shares personal learning from own experiences with respect and disrespect
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Champions respectful behaviour within the team/faculty/unit
    • Always challenges or reports disrespectful or inappropriate behaviours
    • Supports a respectful workplace by organizing or leading respect initiatives
    • Creates a climate of accountability and learning