Barbara Schneider Writing Award

Award value

up to $400

Number of awards


Application to apply for

Undergraduate Nominated - Continuing Students


Dr. Barbara A. Schneider

Recognizes writing excellence among students in Communication and Media, and Film Studies. One student from each program will receive an award that celebrates their accomplishment in writing a well-researched and argued paper.

Award description

  • Offered annually to an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts
  • Academic merit
  • One award will be given to the best paper in a COMS course by a Communication and Media Studies major; and one award will be given to the best paper in a FILM course by a Film Studies major

Required criteria

Student type: Undergraduate

Faculty: Arts


Year entering: 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Citizenship/residency: Any

Award information

Type of award: Award

Internal/external/government: Internal