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University of Calgary Calendar 2018-2019 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions I Indigenous Studies INDG
Indigenous Studies INDG

Instruction offered by members of the Faculties of Arts and Social Work as part of the Major in International Indigenous Studies or the Minor in Indigenous Studies. Please contact the Arts Students’ Centre for specific details.

Junior Courses
Indigenous Studies 201       Introduction to Indigenous Studies
A multi-disciplinary, theoretical and empirical overview of the situations, perspectives, and aspirations of selected Indigenous peoples with a focus on the Canadian context.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Senior Courses
Indigenous Studies 303       Indigenous Ways of Knowing I
An introduction to various Indigenous peoples ways of knowing (epistemology) with a special emphasis on the contextualization of knowledge-building. Deals with various aspects of building knowledge, such as listening, reflection, protocol, and experience.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Credit for Indigenous Studies 303 and any of Indigenous Studies 203, Social Work 203, Social Work 553.30 or Social Work 553.33 will not be allowed.
Normally offered during Block Week. Pre-term study and field trip(s) are normally required and students will be required to cover field trip costs. Priority will be given to International Indigenous Studies majors and minors.
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Indigenous Studies 305       Indigenous Ways of Knowing II
An examination of the nature and relations of being (ontology) and specific responsibilities in cultural context. Integration of components of Indigenous ways of knowing. International comparison of Indigenous ways of knowing.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
One of Social Work 201, Indigenous Studies 203, Social Work 203, Indigenous Studies 303, Social Work 553.30, Social Work 553.33 or admission to the BSW Post-Diploma.
Credit for Indigenous Studies 305 and any of Indigenous Studies 205, Social Work 205, Social Work 553.31 or Social Work 553.34 will not be allowed.
Normally offered in Block Week during Spring/Summer Intersession. Pre-term study and field trip(s) are normally required and students will be required to cover field trip costs. Priority will be given to International Indigenous Studies majors and minors.
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Indigenous Studies 311       Indigenous Governance
Principles that would establish which legitimate and lasting Aboriginal self-government are examined from both an urban and rural perspective. Examines the mechanisms that are being developed to meet political aspirations of Aboriginal peoples: Métis, Inuit, First Nations. Identifies key governance challenges facing Aboriginal communities.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
One of Anthropology 213, Canadian Studies 311, History 345, Indigenous Studies 201, or Sociology 307.
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Indigenous Studies 312       Cultural Immersion Field Course
Experience of ceremonial and cultural activities, with a focus on four themes: living values; spirituality; health and healing; and roles, responsibilities, and respect.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
One of Indigenous Studies 217, 317 or 303.
Normally offered during Block Week in Spring/Summer Intersession. It may involve rugged field conditions and varying weather for which students must be prepared and equipped. Students will be required to cover field trip costs. Registration closes one month before course begins. Pre-session study may be required.
Also known as:
(formerly Indigenous Studies 311 and 313)
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Indigenous Studies 317       Ecological Knowledge
Experiential exploration, consideration, and application of Indigenous ecological knowledge, philosophies, and contemporary issues.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Some field trip(s) are normally required. Students may be required to cover field trip costs.
Also known as:
(formerly Indigenous Studies 217)
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Indigenous Studies 343       Indigenous Law in Canada
Examination of the special legal and constitutional principles, provisions and instruments that have an impact on Indigenous individuals, governments and organizations. Topics covered may include aboriginal rights, treaty rights, self-government, fiduciary duties, the Royal Proclamation of 1763, the Indian Act, the 1982 Constitution, and pivotal court decisions.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
One of Anthropology 213, Canadian Studies 311, History 345, Indigenous Studies 201, or Sociology 307.
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Indigenous Studies 397       Special Topics in Canadian Indigenous Studies
Selected themes in Canadian Indigenous studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Indigenous Studies 399       Special Topics in International Indigenous Studies
Selected themes in International Indigenous studies. May focus on Indigenous peoples of only one country.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Indigenous Studies 401       Research in Selected Themes in International Indigenous Studies
Various themes in the area of International Indigenous Studies on the basis of special interest and need. Normally the course will have a research component.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Consent of the program co-ordinator.
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Indigenous Studies 407       Comparative International Indigenous Communities
Social, economic, and political comparisons between selected Indigenous communities throughout the world.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
One of Anthropology 213, 337, Canadian Studies 311, History 345, Indigenous Studies 201, or Sociology 307.
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Indigenous Studies 415       Indigenous Ethics and Protocol
Examines principles underlying Indigenous ethics and academic and local research protocols, including indigenous ways of knowing, indigenous methodologies, notions of relationship, spirituality, community, and responsibility in academic research, teaching and learning when collaborating with Indigenous peoples.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Indigenous Studies 303 and one of Anthropology 213, Canadian Studies 311, History 345, Indigenous Studies 201, or Sociology 307.
Also known as:
(formerly Indigenous Studies 315)
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Indigenous Studies 502       Selected Topics in Canadian Indigenous Studies

Investigation of selected topics in Indigenous issues in Canada.

Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
60 units (10.0 full-course equivalents), including one course in Indigenous Studies.
Credit for Indigenous Studies 502 and 501 will not be allowed.
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Indigenous Studies 503       Selected Topics in International Indigenous Studies
In-depth investigation of selected topics in international Indigenous issues.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
60 units (10.0 full-course equivalents), including one course in Indigenous Studies.
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