A group of students chatting, backlit by the sun, sitting in a riverside park looking towards downtown skyscrapers

Global Learning Ambassadors

Each year, a new cohort of Global Learning Ambassadors joins UCalgary International! Ambassadors are current students with diverse international experiences who are passionate about sharing global learning opportunities with the UCalgary community.

The Ambassadors team takes on a variety of roles during the fall & winter semesters, such as:

  • Providing peer advising and directing students to information about global learning programs, application processes, eligibility, funding, and more
  • Managing the front desk of UCalgary International to assist students visiting the office
  • Promoting global learning opportunities on social media @UCalgaryAbroad, and in-person with print materials & classroom presentations
  • Participating in a training program to develop their cultural competency skills and cross-cultural communication & leadership skills
  • Sharing their own international experiences with other interested students and the broader
    UCalgary community

Applications are now closed.

Joining the Ambassadors team is a great way to develop your leadership qualities and work on skills such as public speaking & community building. It also connects you with like-minded students and helps you build your international network! Your volunteer hours will be tracked, and can be used as professional experience or a reference on your resume.

Applications are now closed for Global Learning Ambassadors and Ambassador Team Leads in Fall 2024-Winter 2025. If you submitted an application, thank you! We will be in touch in mid-July with updates. Any questions, please contact our office at study.abroad@ucalgary.ca.

Global Learning Ambassadors play a valuable role in supporting student advising, Global Learning promotions & events, and special projects throughout the year. They commit 2-4 volunteer hours per week (minimum 20 hours per semester).

Who is eligible to be an Ambassador? 

  • Must be a current UCalgary student in good academic standing
  • Both degree-seeking students and non-degree-seeking students (e.g. exchange or visiting students attending UCalgary) are welcome to apply
  • Prior international experience is a benefit; students who have participated in a UCalgary global learning program (travel-based or online) may be given priority

Please read the Ambassador job description (PDF) before you apply. This description has details such as expectations of the role, benefits/learning outcomes, and the time commitment, including all scheduled meetings for the year which you are expected to attend. 

Ambassador Team Leads take on extra responsibilities and leadership roles, both among the Ambassadors team and the broader UCalgary International office. They commit on average 10 volunteer hours per week (130 hours per semester) and will receive an honorarium each semester. While two or three Team Leads are selected and work collaboratively throughout the year, each one will be given a specific portfolio and expected to take initiative on certain projects. 

Who is eligible to be a Team Lead? 

  • Must be a UCalgary degree-seeking student in good academic standing
  • Prior international experience is a benefit; students who have participated in a UCalgary global learning program (travel-based or online) may be given priority
  • Returning applicants (e.g. applicants who were Ambassadors in a previous year) may be given priority

Please read the Team Lead job description (PDF) before you apply. This description has details such as expectations of the role, benefits/learning outcomes, and the time commitment, including all scheduled meetings for the year which you are expected to attend. 


All information past this point is from the 2023-2024 year, and will be updated after we finish Ambassador recruitment for 2024-2025.

Drop-in Advising

Come speak with a Global Learning Ambassador about your international opportunities! Ambassadors are UCalgary students who are trained to answer general questions about programs, application processes, etc. Many of them have studied abroad in the past and/or are international students themselves, so they are a great resource to learn about the student experience abroad.

Fall 2023

Drop-in hours:

September 5 to December 6

Mondays to Thursdays, 11am to 3pm

Mackimmie Tower 5th floor (MT 501)

Winter 2024

Drop-in hours:

January 8 to April 9

Mondays to Thursdays, 11am to 3pm

Mackimmie Tower 5th floor (MT 501)

2023-2024 Ambassadors


Abby (she/her)

Major: Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, University of Copenhagen

"I made many unforgettable memories. A highlight from my time abroad was getting to travel throughout Europe to cities I had always dreamed of visiting, for very cheap, and with my friends! I also learnt so much about myself while abroad, but I especially learned how to trust myself and my choices."


Amanda (they/she)

Major: Concurrent degree - Spanish and Education

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Spanish Language & Culture

"My experience in Spain was a lot of fun! I still hang out with the friends I made in the Group Study. If I had the chance to go again I would."



Major: Neuroscience

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, University of Copenhagen

"My favourite memory was honestly meeting new friends abroad and getting to make pasta with them everyday in the common room. It was so interesting to learn about their cultures, and we all brought forward traditions from our home countries to each dinner!"



Major: Chemistry

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Food Culture in Spain

"My favourite memory of my trip was making new friends and exploring the cities on my own. This trip has made me confident to do solo trips and taught me to be a more empathetic individual."


Aya (she/her)

Major: Political Science

Global Learning Experience: Incoming exchange student from Senshu University

"One of my most vivid memories is the intensive study at the language school in UofC. The classes were tough, but I was able to study with wonderful classmates from different countries and learn not only English but also the cultures."


Cecilia (she/her)

Major: Neuroscience

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, Tsinghua University & National University of Singapore

"One of my most treasured memories was my solo trip to the Forbidden City in Beijing – a dream since childhood. The best part was arriving very early in the morning feeling like I had the entire place to myself, and indulging in traditional pastries at the café within the palace's walls. Amid the solitude, I found an unexpected sense of tranquillity. The time spent alone allowed me to grow comfortable with my own company and embrace my true self."


Christina (she/her)

Major: Communications and Media Studies

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Community Building Through Meaningful Collaboration of Ainu & Japanese in Hokkaido

"A highlight of my global learning experience was the opportunity to fully immerse myself in another culture and learn more about its traditions, history, and language(s). It allowed me to interact with locals and understand their perspectives, which helped me cultivate a sense of empathy and appreciation for diverse cultures that I still have today."


David (he/him)

Major: Global Development Studies

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Community Building Through Meaningful Collaboration of Ainu & Japanese in Hokkaido

"Going to Japan was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. Exploring a new world unfamiliar to me with a group of like-minded people was so exciting and I fondly look back at all the places we visited together. Getting to experience Japanese onsens, foods, Ainu culture, and heritage sites, all contributed to my education and my amazing experience there and I'd love to go back one day. After this experience, I'm ready to take on even more unfamiliar adventures and opportunities!"



Major: East Asian Language Studies

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Japanese Language and Culture

"One of my highlights was being able to practice the language that I’m learning and seeing the local’s faces light up when I tell them that I’m studying their language and culture in Japanese! Being able to share commonalities despite being from halfway across the world is an amazing experience. I learned that no matter where you’re from, there is always something to connect you to other people even through language or land barriers."


Erin (she/her)

Major: History

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Religious Studies in Central Italy

"The highlight of my experience was that I was able to travel to smaller towns and villages in Italy and meet locals. My group travelled to and studied small villages that I would never have thought to visit had I travelled on my own, which is something I am really grateful for! It allowed me to experience very authentic Italian culture, food, and daily life, which really helped me appreciate the differences between their culture and way of life and mine."


Floriane (she/her)

Major: Biomedical Science

Global Learning Experience: Incoming exchange student from the University of Sheffield

"My favourite thing about my year abroad to France was meeting people from all around the world and making new memories. My year abroad taught me to go out of my comfort zone and embrace every opportunity. After all, we only live once!"



Guia (she/her)

Major: International Relations

Global Learning Experience: Virtual Exchange, Korea University

"My favourite memory is getting the chance to meet and create long lasting friendships with exchange students from different parts of the world during Winter 2022. We got to know each other through D2L introductions and planned hangouts every weekend to explore Calgary. It was fun to share my recommendations about the city I grew up in, as well as getting to know each other through the diversity of our cultures and learning from the stories we had about our homes. It was a great experience that enhanced my intercultural understanding which broadened my perspective about the relationships I make with diverse people that share the same interest as I do."

Hong Anh

Ann (she/her)

Major: Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology

Global Learning Experience: International student at UCalgary

"After finding myself unable to walk for 2 days following a 7-hour hiking trip in running shoes, I developed a passion for hiking. This experience taught me the importance of boldly exploring ideas beyond my comfort zone and fully embracing the discomfort of stepping out of my usual elements, as it might lead to something unexpectedly good."



Lawson (he/him)

Major: History

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, Kansai Gaidai University

"My favorite memories during my time abroad would be: A road trip to the mountain onsen towns of Nagano prefecture during the winter, a bike trip I took throughout the tea plantations on the outskirts of Nara, and spending Christmas day in Tokyo with my American friend, where I met her parents, went up the Tokyo Skytree, and explored the city well into the night. Through all these experiences I learned that my greatest happiness is found in the exploration of new places in the company of those I consider close. While this may seem an obvious requirement to self fulfillment for some, it was through this time spent in Japan that I really came out of my shell and was able to finally open up to those who appreciated me. I learned to trust those around me, and to genuinely listen and learn through the experiences they shared, while creating new experiences with them in the process."



Majors: Geography and Ecology

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation in Belize

"My experience was wonderful. Being able to travel with professors and learn from local experts has broadened my horizons and helped me in determining what direction that I wish to take my academic and professional career. The bonds that I formed with my fellow students have also been the strongest ones that I have made with anybody at the university thanks to the fantastic shared experience we all had. I truly believe that students who can take the opportunity to learn in a different culture and setting should absolutely do so and the university offers a great system to facilitate that."




Major: Urban Studies

Global Learning Experience: Personal travels

"My favourite memory from my experience has been exploring the streets of Montreal. The heritage and history of the city is really inspiring to show the ways in which the environment shapes people’s lifestyles while simultaneously it is constantly changing to adapt to the needs of its residents. One thing that I have learned about myself is to embrace change and appreciate the opportunity of learning something new everyday."



Major: Neuroscience

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Religious Studies in Central Italy

"Among the many experiences, my favourite memory was exploring the city of Sulmona and interacting with the friendly locals. This trip taught me a valuable lesson - I realized that I tend to stick to my comfort zone. However, this global learning experience allowed me to step out of my bubble, become self-reliant, and learn how to navigate cross-cultural communication."


Minjing (she/her)

Major: Kinesiology

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, Manchester University

"The highlight of my exchange was meeting and interacting with people all over the world. I spent a most of my time with Spanish and French speakers and it was interesting to have a trilingual group! I learnt to appreciate time alone but also my ability to get along with different groups of people."


Neilius (he/him)

Major: Anthropology

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Maya Archaeology and Ecology

"The team bonding moments with teammates on the field are the main highlights for my trip. I learned in a difficult way that it’s not possible to always be prepared on the field, so peers can back me up when I fall short. Therefore developing peer relations is crucial, even if not in a survival setting."


Nim (she/her)

Majors: Finance and Economics

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, University of Amsterdam

"My favourite memories involved fully embracing Amsterdam’s weather! Sunny days (though limited in supply) were reserved for picnics in the park and walks through the city; meanwhile, rainy days made for the best backdrop for exploring one of the many museums! Through this all, I learned that you don’t need to always follow a strict plan – allow yourself to enjoy the days as they come, even if you have to adjust your calendar to enjoy the sun."


Nyah (she/her)

Major: Law

Global Learning Experience: Incoming exchange student from the University of Exeter

"A highlight for me would be the day I got my allocation here for my exchange. Studying abroad in Canada has been a goal of mine for a few years, so seeing it come together as a part of my studies has been incredibly rewarding. I'm definitely a bit of a perfectionist, so something I've learnt in the build-up for this year is that preparing for opportunities such as this is never linear, which has developed my self-trust in my abilities to manage and resolve important hurdles when they come around."


Raneem (she/her)

Major: Natural Science

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, University of Copenhagen

"One of the highlights of my experience in Copenhagen was living in a dorm that was a preserved historic building in the centre of the city. I met many lifelong friends in that building and I was always excited to come back home after travelling. I learned that no matter where I am in the world, I like to have a home to look forward to."



Majors: Political Science and Law and Society

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, Sciences Po

"A highlight of my study abroad experience was being able to travel to different countries in a short period of time. That is not something you can do easily while living in Canada so being in Europe gave me that opportunity. I learned that I could adapt to different cultures quite easily with some practice!"



Ruby (she/they)

Major: Earth Sciences

Global Learning Experience: Group Study Program, Sustainable Cities: Learning from Europe

"A highlight: Hiking through the Black Forest and eating at a pancake restaurant within the Forest with the whole group. And something I learned: that I get a spark of joy talking to people! Before I was nervous because I didn't know what to say."



Major: Communication and Media Studies

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, Queensland University of Technology

"The highlight of my exchange in Australia was traveling to North Stradbroke Islands alongside friends, we saw whales and heaps of kangaroos in the wild nearby and saw beautiful sunsets and sunrises on the beach. Something I learned abroad is how important change is in your life, getting out of your comfort zone will teach you to adapt to different situations  and meet new people."




Majors: Law and Society and International Relations

Global Learning Experience: Exchange, Sciences Po

"Perhaps the highlight for me was the way of finding reality through different perspectives with an open mind. What I learned is the need of constant self-reflection of my goals, life, and the way of being."

Want to talk to an ambassador?

Come to drop-in advising

Drop-in advising is led by ambassadors, who are trained to help with all of your general global learning questions. 

Visit our office

Ambassadors can be found at the front desk of the UCalgary International office. The next time you visit our office, feel free to say hello!

Email us

If you want to talk to a specific ambassador about their global learning experience, send us an email (study.abroad@ucalgary.ca) - we would be happy to connect you.