UCalgary Alumni fosters lifelong connections between the university and an inclusive alumni community of entrepreneurial thinkers, leaders and innovators.
Below is an overview of the UCalgary Alumni visual identity. Please refer to the full guidelines for more details.
Primary mark: Full Alumni Lockup
The full Alumni lockup with the UCalgary crest should be used in most circumstances, especially when an audience group is external.
It can be used in either a horizontal or vertical orientation, and is offered in one- and two-colour options.

Full Alumni Lockup — vertical, two colour

Full Alumni Lockup — horizontal, two colour

Full Alumni Lockup — vertical, one colour

Full Alumni Lockup — horizontal, one colour
Secondary marks: Wordmark and UCalgary logo lockups
For internal communications, the Alumni wordmark can be used without the UCalgary crest.
In situations where the University of Calgary needs to be prominent, a lockup with the full University of Calgary logo is available.

Alumni wordmarks for internal audiences

Lockups with the full University of Calgary logo when the university needs to be more prominent

Alumni Visual Treatments
The following visual treatments anchor back to the Alumni identity and can be used for day-to-day Alumni communications materials. Templates with these treatments are are available in the downloads section below. When creating Alumni materials, please continue to use UCalgary brand fonts, colours and imagery.

Corner pop with Alumni mark
This holding device can house an Alumni mark and be placed over a graphic or photo. It can sit in any corner.

Background pattern
This background combines elements of Alumni with the Start something campaign look. A variety of colour combinations are available, and it can be used as a full background or a border element.

Frame with Alumni pop
This frame highlights a part of the photo, and can be used on portraits of Alumni members or on campus shots. It's available in red, gold and white.
Alumni signature programs
UCalgary Alumni hosts several signature programs, including the Arch Awards and Alumni All-Access.
Each of these programs has its own look that speaks to the event while connecting to the Alumni visual identity family. Please use the signature program look when promoting these events. If you have questions about Alumni signature program looks, please contact the Brand Experience team.

Alumni Templates and Downloads
The following assets help with the creation of everyday Alumni materials. Please contact us if needing templates for other assets or in other file formats.
Print templates (Microsoft Word)
Presentation templates (Microsoft PowerPoint)
Digital assets (.jpeg)
Video assets
Alumni outro bumpers and transitions are available to preview and download here.