Working Alone Standard
The Working Alone Standard
The Working Alone Standard applies to all work-related activities where an employee of the University is required to work alone. This standard defines the minimum requirements and expectations that must be met to ensure the safety of employees who, due to the nature of their work, are required to work alone in circumstances and locations where assistance may not be readily available in the event of a work-related injury, illness or other emergencies.
How does this apply to you?
The Work Alone Plan
The Work Alone Plan is a required written agreement between the lone worker and their supervisor describing the type of work that may be performed while working alone, the duration of the working alone session, the location of work, and the check-in intervals.
View your Work Alone Plan (login required).
The first time you access the app, you will need to grant the application permission to use the necessary connections. Click on the “Allow” button and it will take you to the application.

Working Alone on Campus
When working on Main campus, Foothills campus and in locations where Wi-Fi is consistent, the WorkAlone session feature within the UCSafety App is the preferred communication method. The UCSafety App will automatically implement escalation procedures for missed check-in and emergency alerts through the 24/7 Telelink monitoring service. Check-in history will be maintained for audit purposes.
Contact EHS for consultation if:
- you are unable to use the app to support your Work Alone Plan
- you will be working alone on a campus other than Main or Foothills
- you require assistance developing your Work Alone Plan

Campus Security offers Safewalk, a free 24/7/365 service for students, staff, and visitors.
Call 403.220.5333 or find SafeWalk on the UCSafey app, and two experienced Safewalkers (done in male/female pairs) will be dispatched to walk with you anywhere on campus including McMahon Stadium, Health Sciences, Student Family Housing, the Alberta Children's Hospital, to your car, residence, the LRT and the bus.
Additional Resources
- Working Alone – OHS Information for Employers and Workers
- Working Alone - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
Working Alone FAQ
The Working Alone Standard provide guidance for determining whether work is low, medium or high-risk work based on the type of hazards that an employee is exposed to when conducting the work. Generally, if the hazards are those that are similar to an employee working in an office, then the risk is considered low. The Working Alone Standard document provides examples of low and medium and high-risk hazards.
You can create a less formal plan and exceed the requirements of the program. Also, a less formal plan to check in and out with a designated contact person may be implemented if a Working Alone Plan is not required.
If you are working on campus doing low risk activities for which no Working Alone Plan is required, you may choose to use the UCSafety App Working Alone function.
No. When employees are working at home, they would be considered to be working in an office setting with low health and safety risk and therefore a Working Alone Plan is not required. Even though a formal working alone plan is not required for a worker at home, as per the Hybrid Work Program, people working at home should provide their supervisor with multiple forms of contact information, update contact information in PeopleSoft, and commit to speaking to someone on their team at least once per day.
No, the Working Alone Standard sets out some high-risk tasks that are prohibited from being done alone such as:
Working on electrical systems at a voltage exceeding 750V
The UCSafety App may be used as the communication tool any time there is consistent cellular or Wi-Fi service available for the duration of the Working Alone session. Other means of communication that can be used in Working Alone Plans are phone, two way radio, in-person check-in, and GPS enabled working alone monitoring device where they have been provided (e.g. Ranch).
Security should not be written into Working Alone Plans as the Designated Contact Person. The Designated Contact Person should be a manager, supervisor, or co-worker. Campus Security may be included as part of the escalation plan if a worker misses a check-in.
No, the designated check in person must work at the University. They should be familiar with the work activities, the location of the work, and the Working Alone Plan.
The frequency of check-in should be based on the level of risk. At minimum, this should be at the beginning and end of the work shift and/or the working alone activity. If the shift is longer than 6 hours, check in at the mid-point of the shift is required. More frequent check-ins may be required based on the nature of the work being performed.
When travelling, minimum check-in frequency is at the start of travel and upon arrival at the specified destination.
Workers involved in home visits must check-in at the start and end of each visit.
The Environment, Health and Safety is available to provide guidance on completing a working alone plan. They can be reached at or via telephone at 403-220-6345.
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Your personal information is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and is required for updating your email subscription preferences. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please visit our Access to Information page.