Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Executive Office:
A100, Administration Building, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4
(403) 220-5460
(403) 210-9122 (Country code + 1)
Email the Office of the Provost
Submit a comment form
Invite the Provost to your event
Meet the Provost team
Organizational chart
The below chart illustrates the broad portfolio of the Office of the Provost.
Contact Procedures
Explore the following drop down areas as a guide to the appropriate contact.
On email to Sandra Davidson, Provost and Vice-President (Academic), please cc Ambika Lakshmanan.
On email to Deputy Provost, Robin Yates please cc Katie Suen.
On email to Verity Turpin, Vice-Provost (Student Experience), please cc Kathy Steinhauer.
On email to Wendy Benoit, Interim Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning), please cc Madison Jensen.
On email to Mary-Jo Romaniuk, Vice-Provost (Libraries & Cultural Resources), please cc Barb Murray.
On email to Michael Hart, Vice-Provost (Indigenous Engagement), please cc Svetlana Ponic Vakanjac.
For email enquiries regarding International: uci@ucalgary.ca.
For email enquiries regarding OEDI data, EDI workshops, events, consultations: equity@ucalgary.ca.
Please provide detailed information (e.g., purpose, background, participants) when requesting meetings. The below contacts also manage calendar conflicts.
For meetings with Sandra Davidson, Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic), please contact Ambika Lakshmanan.
For meetings with Deputy Provost, Robin Yates please contact Katie Suen.
For meetings with Verity Turpin, Vice-Provost (Student Experience), please contact Kathy Steinhauer.
For meetings with Wendy Benoit, Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning), please contact Madison Jensen.
For meetings with Mary-Jo Romaniuk, Vice-Provost (Libraries & Cultural Resources), please contact Barb Murray.
For meetings with Shawna Cunningham, Acting Vice-Provost (Indigenous Engagement), please cc Svetlana Ponic Vakanjac.
Agreements, contracts (not employment related)
Annual report assessments
Administration and HR
Comprehensive Academic & Research Universities (CARU)
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Program (FOIP)
- FOIP (University Legal Services)
Provost's designates to committees
Search / Review processes
Student issues
Teaching and learning awards
Tuition consultations
For the Provost's signature on: Please contact (who will forward to the Provost):
Absences from campus
Agreements, contracts (not employment related)
Cheque requisitions, travel claims (PeopleSoft)
Letters of support*
Proposals to Alberta Learning and other organizations*
Sabbatical requests
* Please allow 5 business days