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Graduate Studies Calendar 2014-2015 Courses of Instruction How to Use
How to Use

This section contains the descriptions of courses offered at the University of Calgary. The courses are arranged in alphabetical order by course title not by abbreviation. In order to better understand the notations used throughout this section, an illustrated example of a course description is provided.

All courses listed are not necessarily offered every year and students should consult the Schedule of Classes for an official listing of those courses that will be offered in a given term.

Since this Calendar is published a considerable time before the opening of the academic year, the University reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require including the cancellation of a particular course.

Note: Access to graduate level courses (numbered 600 and above) for Visiting and Exchange students is limited to those admitted to a graduate program. For Open Studies and other students, access to graduate courses is restricted to those with adequate preparation, normally an undergraduate degree or the equivalent. Permission for an Open Studies or other student to register in any graduate level course must be obtained from the Faculty of Graduate Studies office.

Sample Course Description

See numbered footnotes for explanations of the information commonly provided in a course description.

Medical Science 6091                    H(3-2T)2
(Biochemistry 609)3

Gene Expression

The flow of genetic information from DNA to final protein product. The subject will be covered in two courses offered in alternating years: gene structure and regulation of transcription, including gene structure and organization, chromatin structure, regulation of transcription and post-translational processing; and the activity of genes during development including stored messenger ribonucleoprotein particles and translational control in gametes, the switch from maternal to zygote genome control of development in early embryos and the molecular basis of morphogenesis and differentiation.

609.01. Gene Structure and Regulation of Transcription

609.02. Genes and Development

Prerequisite:4 Medical Science 537 (Biochemistry 537) or equivalent.

Corequisite:5 Biology 515

Note:6 Credit for both Medical Science 609.02 and 751.14 will not be allowed.



1Course Numbers: e.g. Medical Science 609
The number of the course indicates the level of the course:

  • Junior level: 200's
  • Senior level: 300's and 400's
  • Upper level undergraduate: 500's
  • Graduate level: 600's and 700's

2Hours of Instruction: e.g. H(3-2T)
The hours of instruction per week are indicated with this code:

  • M More than a full course; refer to individual course description for hours.
  • F(3-3) Full course; equivalent of 3 hours of lectures and 3 hours of lab each week for 2 terms.
  • F(3-1S-3) Full course; equivalent of 3 hours of lectures, 1 seminar hour, and 3 hours of lab each week for 2 terms.
  • Q(3-0) Quarter-course; equivalent of 3 hours of lectures each week for 1 half term.
  • H(3-3/2) Half-course; equivalent of 3 hours of lectures every week and 3 hours of lab every other week for 1 term.
  • E(0-3) Eighth-course; equivalent of 3 hours of lab each week for one quarter term.

The figures "S" or "T" attached to a number signify seminar or tutorial hours.

3Cross-Listed Courses: e.g. Medical Science 609 (Biochemistry 609) 

Courses which are listed under two Departments and which can be taken for credit from either Department, but not both. The credit is determined by the student's registration.

4Prerequisite: Must be completed before registering in this class.

5Corequisite: Must be completed at the same time as this class.

6Notes:/Antirequisites: Certain courses carry the notation "Not open to students with credit in course number XXX" or "Credit for both course number XXX and course number XXX will not be allowed." Students may take these courses if they wish, but credit for both courses will not be granted towards their degree.

7May Be Repeated for Credit

Some courses are decimalized in order to accommodate different topics of study e.g. 609.01, 609.02. If this notation is present, students are allowed to take multiple topics belonging to one course number.

8Not Included in GPA

A course with this notation is graded as CR (Completed Requirements) or F (Fail). The course is not included in the calculation of the grade point average.