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Graduate Studies Calendar 2014-2015 Courses of Instruction Courses of Instruction by Faculty
Courses of Instruction by Faculty
Faculty of Arts

Anthropology ANTH (here)
Archaeology ARKY (here)
Art ART (here)
Art History ARHI (here)
Communication and Culture CMCL (here)
Communications Studies COMS (here)
Dance DNCE (here)
Drama DRAM (here)
Economics ECON (here)
English ENGL (here)
Fine Arts FINA (here)
French FREN (here)
Geography GEOG (here)
German GERM (here)
Greek GREK (here)
Greek and Roman Studies GRST (here)
History HTST (here)
Israel Studies ISST (here)
Latin LATI (here)
Linguistics LING (here)
Music MUSI (here)
Music Education MUED (here)
Music Performance MUPF (here)
Philosophy PHIL (here)
Political Science POLI (here)
Psychology PSYC (here)
Religious Studies RELS (here)
Sociology SOCI (here)
Spanish SPAN (here)
Strategic Studies STST (here)

Cumming School of Medicine

Community Health Sciences MDCH (here)
Medical Science MDSC (here)

Faculty of Environmental Design

Environmental Design EVDS (here)
Environmental Design Architecture EVDA (here)
Environmental Design Planning EVDP (here)

Haskayne School of Business

Accounting ACCT (here)
Business and Environment BSEN (here)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation ENTI (here)
Finance FNCE (here)
Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics HROD (here)
Management Information Systems MGIS (here)
Management Studies MGST (here)
Marketing MKTG (here)
Operations Management OPMA (here)
Risk Management and Insurance RMIN (here)
Strategy and Global Management SGMA (here)
Tourism Management TOUR (here)

Faculty of Kinesiology

Kinesiology KNES (here)

Faculty of Law

Law LAW (here)

Faculty of Nursing

Nursing NURS (here)

Schulich School of Engineering

Biomedical Engineering BMEN (here)
Chemical Engineering ENCH (here)
Civil Engineering ENCI (here)
Electrical Engineering ENEL (here)
Environmental Engineering ENEN (here)
Geomatics Engineering ENGO (here)
Manufacturing Engineering ENMF (here)
Mechanical Engineering ENME (here)
Software Engineering for Engineers ENSF (here)

Faculty of Science

Applied Mathematics AMAT (here)
Astrophysics ASPH (here)
Biochemistry BCEM (here)
Biology BIOL (here)
Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology CMMB (here)
Chemistry CHEM (here)
Computer Science CPSC (here)
Ecology ECOL (here)
Geology GLGY (here)
Geophysics GOPH (here)
Marine Science MRSC (here)
Mathematics MATH (here)
Medical Physics MDPH (here)
Physics PHYS (here)
Plant Biology PLBI (here)
Pure Mathematics PMAT (here)
Space Physics SPPH (here)
Statistics STAT (here)

Faculty of Social Work

Social Work SOWK (here)

Faculty of Veterniary Medicine

Veterinary Medicine VETM (here)

Werklund School of Education

Educational Psychology EDPS (here)
Educational Research EDER (here)

Collaborating Faculties

Community Rehabilitation (MD, SW) CORE (here)
Interprofessional Health Education (KN, NU, SW) IPHE (here)
Language (AR, ED) LANG (here)
Software Engineering (EN, SC) SENG (here)
Sustainable Energy Development (EN, EV, LA, HA) SEDV (here)


Energy and Environmental Systems EESS (here)
Public Policy PPOL (here)
University UNIV (here)