IYTWs (Cluster reps)

Category: Strength

Level: 2

  • Begin bent at the waist and slight bend in the knee
  • Draw shoulder blades down and back
  • Arms will then slowly raise up and back for the recommended number of reps in each of the following patterns:
    • Straight ahead (I) 
    • At a 45 degree angle (Y) 
    • At a 90 degree angle (T)
    • At a 90 degree bend at the elbow (W)
  • Reps should be completed in 'clusters' (e.g. 5 reps I, 5 reps Y, 5 reps T, 5 reps W)
  • Thumbs pointed towards the sky on all movements
  • Squeeze for 1 second at the end of each rep
  • Rounded shoulders
    • Cue "Pinch shoulders back"
  • Elbows bent during the I, Y, and T phases
    • Cue "Long reach"
  • Chin tucking forward as arms move up
    • Cue "Long, strong neck"
  • Develops shoulder strength and stability
  • Emphasizes proper spine alignment and posture
  • Shoulder mobility