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Handbook of Supervision and Examination for New Students (Applicable to students admitted for Fall 2014 and beyond)
Handbook of Supervision and Examination (Applicable to students admitted prior to Fall 2014)
Part I: Course-based Master's Degree
Part II: Thesis-based Master's Degree
Part III: Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Education Degree
Part IV: Policy Governing the Relationship Between Supervisor and Student
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Graduate Studies Calendar 2014-2015 Handbook of Supervision and Examination (Applicable to students admitted prior to Fall 2014) Part I: Course-based Master's Degree
Part I: Course-based Master's Degree
Approved by Graduate Council November 9, 2009.
1. Supervision Although the Faculty of Graduate Studies does not require the formal appointment of a Supervisor, programs may appoint a Faculty Advisor or a Supervisor. The latter must meet Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements for graduate supervision. Those requirements are outlined in Supervisory Policy
2. Judgment of Student Performance

If a student’s grades do not meet the Calendar requirements (see Calendar, Student Standing), the Faculty of Graduate Studies will notify the program of this. In addition, the program may independently judge that a student’s performance is not satisfactory. In either case, it is the responsibility of the Graduate Program Director to promptly notify the student in writing that performance is below an acceptable level. A student will be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Graduate Studies for reasons of unsatisfactory performance unless the program recommends otherwise.

3. Research Component and Exit Requirements

The Campus Alberta Quality Council requires a research component for all Course-based Master's programs, and states that this requirement can be satisfied in a variety of ways, for example, by "one or more research courses in the program," or a capstone course that focuses "on the integration and application of the knowledge acquired." The programs may also "culminate in a comprehensive examination involving an examination committee."1 The Faculty of Graduate Studies operates in accordance with CAQC guidelines, and requires that the nature of the research component and the form of any comprehensive examination must be identified in program regulations that are approved by the General Faculties Council Graduate Academic Program Subcommittee.

1All quotations are from the CAQC handbook: Quality Assessment and Assurance (

4.0 Transfers at the Master's Level
4.1 Application for Change of Area of Specialization

A student requires approval of both the Graduate Program Director and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to transfer from one area of specialization to another, while remaining within the degree program.

4.2 Transfers From Course-Based Master’s Degree To Thesis-Based Master’s Degree

A student requires approval of both the Graduate Program Director and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies to transfer from a Course-based Master’s Degree to a Thesis-based Master’s Degree.

4.3 Transfer from Doctoral Programs
4.3.1 Transfer from Master's to Doctoral Programs

Program Heads may recommend outstanding Master’s students for transfer to the doctoral program. Such recommendations must be endorsed by the proposed doctoral Supervisor and accompanied by the names of members of the proposed doctoral supervisory committee. The transfer must be approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

4.3.2 Course and Examination Requirements

Courses credited in the prior Master’s program will be taken as fulfilling doctoral requirements where applicable, in accordance with program requirements for required doctoral course work. All students transferring from Master’s to doctoral programs will be required to sit the doctoral candidacy examination.

4.3.3 Time Limits on Transfers

Transfers from Master’s to doctoral programs must be completed within twenty-four months of the student’s initial registration in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. All transfer students must attempt the candidacy examination within thirty-six months of first registration in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.