June 9, 2020

An Open Letter to the University of Calgary

The UCalgary Psychology Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Blog

June 9, 2020

Dear Dr. Edward McCauley, Mr. Bart Becker, Dr. William Ghali, Ms. Linda Dalgetty, Ms. Karen Jackson, Dr. Dru Marshall, and Ms. Nuvyn Peters
(cc: Dr. Malinda Smith)

On June 1, 2020, the University of Calgary released the following statement:

“The University of Calgary denounces anti-black racism and racism in all forms. We are committed to creating an environment where all are valued and included – on campus and in society as a whole. If you need support, please reach out. We stand with you in these difficult times.”

We thank the University for this show of support, and for condemning anti-Black racism and racism in all forms. Your message is important, and commits the university to “creating an environment where all are valued and included.” We are writing to help uphold and deliver on this commitment. We now urge you, in your capacity as executive leaders, to put into action this commitment by taking a public stand against racism via a comprehensive statement, clearly outlined actionable steps, and metrics by which to measure the progress of these steps. A comprehensive statement and commitment to action would reflect and expand the steps the university has already taken towards diversity, equity, and inclusion through ii’taa’poh’to’p, our Indigenous strategy, the campus mental health strategy, appointment of a vice-provost for equity, diversity and inclusion, and additional strategic initiatives (https://www.ucalgary.ca/provost/strategic-initiatives/strategies). The creation of these strategies and leadership positions within UCalgary indicate a commitment to take up and allocate resources to the following actions.

We believe that a comprehensive statement outlining the school’s condemnation of anti-Black racism, racism in all forms, and commitment to positive change is of the utmost importance, and demonstrates the school’s dedication to training future leaders. This will ensure that graduates are both cognizant of matters of social justice and equipped to advocate for a more inclusive and just society that supports the mental, physical, and social health of all its members.

Any statement from the school would not be complete without addressing police brutality against Black and Indigenous people and people of colour (BIPOC). Police brutality disproportionately impacts Black and Indigenous communities, and it creates and exacerbates physical and mental health inequities. The recent deaths of Regis Korchinski-Paquet, D’Andre Campbell and Chantel Moore make it clear that Canada is not immune to acts of police violence against Black and Indigenous peoples. There is an urgent need to recognize and act against systemic racism towards Black (
https://www.calgaryjournal.ca/index.php/living/3547-black-lives-matter-in-calgary-too-2) and Indigenous (https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2020/06/03/nothing-else-is-working-indigenous-rights-lawyer-says-action-need-to-fight-racism-in-canada/) people, which has a long history in the province. “For example, Alberta in the early 20th century had official documents meant to prevent Black people from settling in the province” (https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/calgary-anti-racism-protests-a-defining-moment-for-city-organizers-and-experts-say). The need extends to the University of Calgary, which has been home to racist signage and sentiment (https://thegauntlet.ca/2017/11/09/its-okay-to-be-white-messages-appear-on-u-of-c-campus/).

Importantly, a reaffirmation of the University’s commitment to ii' taa'poh'to'p is warranted in light of recent events, and is aligned with the strategy’s statement of commitments (https://www.ucalgary.ca/sites/default/files/teams/136/Indigenous%20Strategy_Publication_digital_Sep2019.pdf), and its goal to “strive towards systemic and systematic transformation.”

Researchers have shown that racism within schools is among the main reasons for the academic failure of Black students (Allen et al., 2014; Paradies et al., 2015; Schmitt et al., 2014). This racism can be on the part of students, teachers, and administrative staff. There is substantive research to show how microaggressions impact students’ mental health (Nadal et al., 2014; Blume et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2017; Lewis et al., 2013; Torres et al., 2010). Indigenous peoples also experience negative stereotyping and marginalization by non-Indigenous peoples (Morrison et al., 2008), including in academic settings. In addition, conflicts between Western institutional policies/practices and Indigenous worldviews often adversely impact Indigenous students (de Plevitz, 2007). These factors contribute to a gap in university degree attainment between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada (Statistics Canada, 2011). Furthermore, in Canadian universities, Black and Indigenous people are among the groups most underrepresented in professorial positions relative to their representation in the general population (Henry et al., 2017). Thus, there is a need to address longstanding, underlying, and systemic racism within our own university.

Research also shows that a sense of belongingness to one’s institution is one of the most frequently cited variables in explaining students‘ academic success, and that perceptions of one’s academic institution as honouring diversity significantly impacts belongingness (Glass & Westmont, 2014). Feelings of belonging are not just cultivated in the classroom but in all aspects of campus life, including both academic and social. We have a responsibility to ensure that Black and Indigenous people and people of colour feel they belong and are valued members of the University of Calgary.

As a community leader and a Canadian institution, the University of Calgary has a responsibility to take a strong stance on racism and social inequity. We request that the university issue a statement that includes the following content:

1. A condemnation of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism and police brutality against Black and Indigenous people in Calgary, in Canada, and worldwide;

2. A statement that anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism and police brutality are public health crises;

3. A clear acknowledgment of the roles that anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism and police violence play in engendering poor academic, social and health outcomes for Black and Indigenous people;

4. A plan, or commitment to the immediate development of a plan, detailing how the university will address police brutality and anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism in scholarly (e.g., Eyes High strategy) and outreach activities (e.g., Global Engagement Plan), as well as how the school will address these issues, and racism and social inequities more broadly. This includes how these issues will be addressed in the school’s programming (i.e., courses, seminars, and workshops); hiring of faculty and staff; admission and retention; treatment of students; and day-to-day operations.

In requesting that the University devise and implement a long-term plan to address social inequities, we urge that the plan includes the following:

1a. Hiring and retaining more faculty and staff of colour, in recognition of the fact that the success of a diverse student body reflects a diverse faculty (Turner-Gonzalez & Wood, 2008), and that
research exists to show student performance and interest in school is impacted by teacher diversity (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/10/upshot/teacher-diversity-effect-students-learning.html#:~:text=Does%20it%20matter%3F,like%20them%2C%20especially%20nonwhite%20students.&text=And%20studies%20show%20that%20teacher,and%20their%20interest%20in%20school). Towards this end, we recommend adopting a task force to review and communicate the university’s hiring practices, as well as conduct regular surveys to collect diversity data about students, faculty, and staff, ensure transparency of these data, and use the data to develop programming and supports for BIPOC individuals at the University of Calgary, or to refine those currently in place.

1b. The systemic barriers to the application process for students should be re-evaluated, and concerted efforts need to be in place to recruit a more diverse body of students. For example, across all individuals and groups on campus, how do we ensure that the opportunities for education are not inequitably disadvantaging those who have access to lower financial resources, given expenses required for application and entry into the university, required testing, travel for interviews, etc.

2. Taking necessary actions to ensure sufficient support, protection, and fair compensation to staff (including staff of colour) with limited institutional power. These populations include administrative and support staff, custodial staff, research support, and essential workers. We recommend conducting an evaluation of the current supports and resources provided to staff, and taking actions to rectify any discrepancies identified between need for support and available resources. Resources should also reflect the needs of staff who experience marginalization, such as a implementing a directory of support workers and resources derived from and for BIPOC staff.

3a. Creating and offering more courses, workshops, and resources that deeply delve into structural racism and its consequences. This involves revising current programming and curricula across university departments at both the undergraduate and graduate level to provide in-depth instruction on structural racism, oppression and marginalization, and decolonization, as well as including diverse perspectives across content areas. Further, these courses, workshops and resources should provide people with the tools to combat racism and other forms of discrimination. Course and workshop creation and revision should adopt identity-conscious (as opposed to colour-blind) policies and practices; for example, requiring the selection of reading lists to consciously include BIPOC voices. Mandatory revision of and participation in courses, workshops, and curation/dissemination of resources is required to permanently abolish the unsafe practices currently being used to educate future community leaders and researchers.

3b. Including modules in the Continuing Education (CE) courses offered at the University that describe and emphasize the impacts of systemic racism, colonization and microaggressions in schools and workplaces, and how these issues can directly impact the health and well-being of Black people, Indigenous people, and people of colour. Reaffirmation of the actionable steps taken to ensure the stated benefits of CE, which include “extending access to education and to post-secondary credentials, to people who would otherwise not have such access” and “discuss[ing] key issues facing our communities and our world today.”

4. Commit to addressing structural racism in the University of Calgary’s research efforts by integrating anti-racist initiatives into the University’s research practices and compensatory structures (e.g., through the Eyes High strategy). Further initiatives are to protect the public from structural and researcher racism, bias and discrimination.

5. Examining and improving the institutional reward structures used to incentivize programs towards instruction and mentorship of underrepresented students, and addressing the constraints that limit instruction and mentorship practices (e.g., via the 2018-23 Academic Plan). This could involve using targeted strategies, enhancing organizational accountability, providing funding and opportunities for instruction and mentorship, and promoting awareness of the positive impacts of mentorship that are essential to student success (Byars-Winston & Dahlberg, 2019; Morales et al., 2017).

6. In response to the UCalgary’s statement, clarifying the resources available to students who are impacted by racism and are in need of support, i.e., providing a comprehensive index of resources where students may reach out to if they are struggling. This includes campus mental health resources, physical health resources, and academic/financial resources. Identifying discrepancies between the need for these supports and their availability, and addressing discrepancies through appropriate allocation of resources and prioritization of needed supports in UCalgary’s campus initiatives (i.e., the campus mental health strategy).

According to Statistics Canada,
one third of Calgary’s population is a visible minority, and up to 40% of Canada’s population will be a visible minority by 2036 (https://calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com/research-and-reports/demographics-lp/demographics/). The Indigenous population is also rapidly growing at a rate that is more than four times that of the non-Indigenous population throughout Canada. This population is also relatively young compared to other groups (Statistics Canada, 2017). This indicates that a higher proportion of Indigenous peoples are within the typical age-range for post-secondary education. As such, the need for institutions to actively create inclusive and decolonized spaces is especially relevant and pressing.

Steps taken to address the aforementioned recommendations must include Black and Indigenous students and staff, and students and staff of colour – their perspectives are necessary for creating and enacting the above-listed recommendations, as well as further recommendations that can truly generate meaningful social change (https://journals.sfu.ca/cjhe/index.php/cjhe/article/view/188529). If academic institutions are to truly serve and lead their community, we encourage leaders to sincerely reflect on the matters presented in this letter and the value of the voices and community members that they reflect. We urge that immediate steps are taken to not only provide the school’s statement on these issues but to provide accountable and actionable steps towards how the school can improve and unite.

With permission, this open letter is adopted from those written to the University of Ottawa School of Epidemiology and Public Health, and to the University of Ottawa School of Psychology. Thank you to Zahra Clayborne (Epidemiology PhD Candidate) and Erin Leigh Courtice (Psychology PhD Candidate) for their necessary and relevant ideas and calls to action.




Past and present students, faculty, and staff of the University of Calgary and members of the community



Camille Mori (EDI committee, Clinical Psychology MSc candidate, University of Calgary)
Elaine Atay (EDI committee, Industrial-Organizational Psychology MSc student, University of Calgary)
Michaela Patton (EDI committee, Clinical Psychology MSc student, University of Calgary)
Laura Hernandez (EDI Committee, Research Assistant, Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Calgary)
Lorena Solis (EDI Committee, Industrial-Organizational Psychology PhD Student, University of Calgary)
Jusnoor Aujla (EDI Committee, Psychology undergraduate student, University of Calgary)
Lianne Tomfohr-Madsen (EDI Committee, Department of Psychology, Associate Professor, University of Calgary)
Cara MacInnis (EDI Committee, Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary)
Joshua Madsen (EDI Committee, Department of Psychology, Instructor, University of Calgary)
Deinera Exner-Cortens (EDI Committee, Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary)
Anna MacKinnon (EDI Committee, Department of Psychology, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Calgary)
Joshua Bourdage (EDI Committee, Department of Psychology, Associate Professor, University of Calgary)
Derya Sargin (EDI Committee, Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary)
Alex DeBusschere (Behavioural Neuroscience MSc student, University of Calgary)
Monica Lopez
Zahra Clayborne, BSc Psychology UCalgary (2015), PhD Epidemiology Candidate uOttawa
Brianne Collyer, alumni
Stephanie Borgland (EDI committee, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, professor)
Nubia Zepeda
Nicole Cooper (BA Psychology and Philosophy, University of Calgary (2017)
Kathleen Hughes, Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Catherine Lebel (Associate Professor, Radiology)
Keith O. Yeates, PhD, Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Hilary James (BFA Dance 2017)
Candace Konnert, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Simon Spanswick, Senior Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Liza Hartling (BSc Psychology (honours); BA Dance, University of Calgary)
Melanie Noel, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Veronika Markova
Gerry Giesbrecht, Associate Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary
Kirsti Toivonen, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology
Michelle Zepeda, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Julia Kam (Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary)
Brian L. Brooks, PhD, Adjunct Professor (Psychology), Neuropsychologist, Alberta Children's Hospital
Giuseppe Iaria, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Melissa Boyce (Department of Psychology, Senior Instructor, University of Calgary)
Michelle Flynn, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology
Soeun Lee, PhD Candidate, University of Guelph
Mahrukh Tahir
Chelsie Miko Hart
Leah Chadwick, MSc Student, Clinical Psychology
Sarah Nutter, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Calgary
Karolina Wieczorek, MSc Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Adam McCrimmon
Melinda van Sloten
Madison Kennedy
Stephanie Deighton, PhD candidate, Clinical Psychology
C. F. C. (community signatory)
Katherine Zwick, BA Dance, University of Calgary
Megan Cowie, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Elena Buliga, PhD student, Psychology, University of Calgary
Sabine Soltani (PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary)
Brae Anne McArthur, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Calgary
Nadine Abousalem, B. Comm ‘13, MBA ‘14, University of Calgary
Melanie Grier (Indigenous Students' Council; psychology undergraduate student, University of Calgary)
Taryn Fay-McClymont, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, University of Calgary; Neuropsychologist ACH
Tom Strong, PhD, R.Psych, Professor, University of Calgary
Mila Kingsbury, PhD, Research Associate, University of Ottawa (community signatory)
Chantelle Magel, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Caitlin Forbes, Research Coordinator, Division of Psychosocial Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine
Sara Salavati, M.Sc. student, Psychology, University of Calgary
Kate Kennedy B.Mid
Dion Kelly, MBT ‘18, PhD Student, Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Tessa Bailey, Gadzoosdaa. University of Calgary
Michael Spilka, PhD '19, Clinical Psychology
Phuong Nguyen
Signe Bray
Sheri Madigan, PhD R Psych
Emilie Lacroix, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Shelly Russell-Mayhew, Professor, Werklund School of Education
Samantha Jones, Industrial-Organizational Psychology PhD Student, University of Calgary
Samantha Baglot, MSc., PhD Student, University of Calgary
Susan Graham, PhD
Tamara Williamson, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Brooke Russell, MSc, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Colleen Peterson (EDI committee, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, PhD student)
Rachel Kratofil PhD Candidate, Immunology, University of Calgary
Andrew Tran, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Juan Hernandez
Nikolas Ewasechko, PhD Candidate, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, University of Calgary
Jessica Switzer, PhD, R. Psych.
Stephanie Howe, Research Coordinator, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Queenie KW Li, BSc Psychology, Research Assistant, University of Calgary
Bradley Lewis BA, MSc, MSc student, Werklund
Amy Spray, BA 2006, BEd 2009, University of Calgary
Connor Anderson, PhD Candidate, Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Susan D. Boon, PhD
Rebecca Saah, PhD, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Andrew (Hyounsoo) Kim, PhD Candidate, C.Psych
Chidera Nwaroh, MD Student, University of Calgary
Jayla Schmidt, R.Psych
Sachin R. Pendharkar, MD MSc, Associate Professor, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Jessica Cooke, MSc Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Payge Saretsky, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Faizan Malik, Neuroscience MSc Student
Gwen van der Wijk (PhD candidate, Psychology, University of Calgary)
Pamela Roach, PhD, Program Manager, CSM, University of Calgary
Reed Ferber, PhD, Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Laura Rojas, MSc Student, Medical Science, University of Calgary
Brittany Lindsay (Graduate Student, Psychology, UCalgary)
Janice Braun (Dimensions Steering Committee, OPED Committee, HBI-EDI Committee, Associate Professor, University of Calgary)
Karen Benzies, PhD, Nursing, University of Calgary
Deirdre Bailey MEd., University of Calgary
Jacqueline Beatch, PhD '19, Clinical Psychology
Jennifer Khil, MSc Student, Psychology, University of Calgary
Walaa Taha, MSc Counselling Psychology Student, University of Calgary
Chandandeep Bal, BSc (2014) MD (2018) University of Calgary
Anonymous, Engineering student
Nicole Culos-Reed, PhD, University of Calgary
Maryam Qureshi, BA
Emiko Muraki, MSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Rabab Mukred, MSc Counselling Psychology, University of Calgary
Valerie Pruegger, PhD, Psychology, University of Calgary
Ayushi Shukla, PhD Candidate, Medical Science, University of Calgary
Lauren Seabrook, PhD candidate Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Amanda Fernandez, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Linette Savage, Ph.D., R.Psych, Clinical Neuropsychologist
Winston Ho, BA Psychology & Sociology, University of Calgary
Elnaz, Department of Pediatrics, University of Calgary
Ian Colman, Professor, University of Ottawa (community signatory)
Sanya Chaudhry, BCom 2020, University of Calgary
Jaryd Winslow, Indigenous Students' Council - Executive, Undergraduate
Courtney Charnock, RA, BA, BFA, University of Calgary
Ashley Dhillon, BA Psychology, Healthy Families Lab Research Coordinator, University of Calgary
Sofia Perez, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Seyeon Park, University of Calgary
Reigen Kehler, BA Law and Society, University of Calgary
Ashley Felske, BA(Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Alix Westgard, MEd, University of Calgary
Roshni Sohail, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Colton Quinn, MKin, University of Calgary
Jennifer Le Huu, BSc Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Christine Trac, MKin student, Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Rose Jackson
Jacob Dowling, BA Anthropology
Juan Sanchez, Schulich School of Engineering student
Alexandra Neville, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
A.C. Cameron, MSc, University of Calgary
Luis Rodriguez, BSc Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, 2015, Alumni
Geoff Vooys, PhD Student, BSc. Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Calgary
Mateusz Salmassi, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Katrina McDougall, BA Psychology (Honours), Class of 2015
Krista Wollny RN, MN, PhD Candidate, Community Health Sciences
Jackson Calliou Campbell, BA History, University of Calgary
Eva Bosnjak, MSc Student, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Morgan Davis, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Hannah Dimmick, Ph.D. Student Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Sarah Keller, MA (BFA Art History, University of Calgary)
Logan van Roessel, BSc (Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Kimberly Hughes, MKin student, Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Heather Shepherd, OT, PhD Student, Kinesiology
Alicia Lewis
Andrea Herzog, MSc Student Counselling Psychology, University of Calgary
Danielle Duska, M.Sc. Student in Counselling Psychology
Simon Barrick, PhD Candidate, Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Marcel van de Wouw, PhD, University of Calgary
Nusrat Farah, BA IR and POLISCI, University of Calgary
Hieu Tran
Brandon Eby, Student
A.S. Senevirathna, BME, UofC
Diego Padilla-Ontanon, Research Assistant, Department of Paediatrics
Karly Comstock, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Erica Reed, MD Student, BSc(Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Eman Nassef, Student
Julie Gorenko, MSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Nicole Wyatt Ph.D., Associate Professor and Head, Department of Philosophy
Rachel Smith-Gay, BA Canadian Studies, University of Calgary
Samaria N. Cardinal
Umair Yousuf
Safaneh Neyshabouri, PhD
Brendan O'Reilly, BCom, University of Calgary
Richard Zach, Professor, Department of Philosophy
Isha Gill, BSc. Mind Sciences in Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Francesca Jean, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Rebecca Lesser, UPA, Philosophy & Women's Studies
Andrew Pohl, Graduate Student, Kinesiology, Univeristy of Calgary
Laura Flanigan, PhD Candidate, Werklund School of Education
Jen Smith, Administrator, Philosophy Department, University of Calgary
Reet Khosa, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Sandra Mish, Ph.D., R.Psych.
Zach Barrons, University of Calgary
Cecilia Ye
Chloe Stephenson, MA Student, Philosophy, University of Calgary
Soohyun Ahn, Philosophy, University of Calgary
Kelly Burkinshaw
Gillian Catena, BA English, U of C
Celso Neto, PhD, Philosophy, University of Calgary
Leah Tobin, PhD Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Kyleigh Schraeder, PhD RPsych
Danielle Lefebvre, MSc Counselling Psychology, University of Calgary
Dr. Nima Khodabandeh, PhD, Philosophy, University of Calgary
Zachary McClean, MKin Candidate, University of Calgary
Marc Ereshefsky, Professor, Philosophy Department
Matthew Hill
Gagan Minhas, Undergraduate Student, Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Eric Bohner, PhD Candidate, Philosophy, University of Calgary
Ananya Chattoraj, PhD Candidate, Philosophy, University of Calgary
Catherine Tran, Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Amanda Cha, Philosophy & Psychology student, University of Calgary
Alexandra May, M.Ed, University of Calgary
Husna Farooqui, MA Philosophy, University of Calgary
Daphne Nakhid, Graduate Student, Neuroscience, University of Calgary
BK, M.Sc Counselling Psychology, University of Calgary
Assad Ali Bik - Vice President Student Life at University of Calgary Students Union
Mihnea Nitu, BMus, University of Calgary
Allison George, BA Dance, MSc student, University of Calgary
David Dick, PhD, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Fellow, CCAL, Haskayne School of Business
Chene Redwood,MA,MSC, Sociology, University of Calgary
Carieta Thomas MA, JD, Phd Student Department of Sociology
Pedrom Nasiri M.A., MStJ, Doctoral Student, Sociology, University of Calgary
Pallavi Banerjee, (Faculty, Sociology, University of Calgary)
Erik Mohns, M.A, Sociology, University of Calgary
Joe Kadi, Women's Studies Program
Nada Sallam, visiting scholar, Cuming School of medicine
Isabel Fandino, MA candidate Sociology
Derritt Mason, Assistant Professor, Department of English
Briana Cassetta, PhD in Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Kaytlyn Vibert, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Elizabeth S., BSc Biology, University of Calgary
Brittany Ngo, BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Ronda Holt, BA Archaeology, University of Calgary
Kati Pasanen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Nadien Taha
Meghan McDonough, PhD, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Kristina Waldmann, MSc Student in Counselling Psychology, University of Calgary
Marissa Sobey, MSc Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Marley Gillies, Students’ Union Vice President External, University of Calgary
Dalal Souraya JD Candidate, University of Calgary
Harrison Boss, M.Sc, Psychology, University of Calgary
Ryan Burns, PhD, Geography
Julia Imanoff, RN, MN, PNC(C), Doctoral Student, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary
Karen Tang, BA Hons. Psychology (2019) University of Calgary; PhD Clinical Psychology Student Dalhousie University
Rebecca Geleyn, PhD candidate, English, University of Calgary
Jess Nicol, PhD English, University of Calgary
Julie Su, University of Calgary Student
Jackie Seidel, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education
Marc Hall, MSc, CCRP
Miwa Takeuchi, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Calgary
Huzaifah A, Haskayne School of Business
Shaezeen Syed, MSc Epidemiology, University of Ottawa (community signatory)
Isra Yu (community signatory)
Casey, BSc. Cellular and Molecular Biology
Kathleen Hyland, BSc MSc Forensic Psychology (community signatory)
Tanner Short, Graduate Student, Sociology, University of Calgary
Stephanie Tipple, B.A. (Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Brandy Callahan, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Megan Delehanty, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Sarah Kabalan, BA Psychology, MSc Speech Language Pathology
Tom Sewel, PhD Candidate, English, U of C
Noorhan Hamad
Bethlehem Tesfay, Law Student, University of Calgary
Ted McCoy, Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Calgary
Amy Xia, BComm, University of Calgary
Georgia East, BEd, Inclusive Education , Werklund School of Education
Manpreet Sahota, SU Faculty of Science Representative, BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Jessica Baraskewich, PhD Candidate School and Applied Child Psychology, University of Calgary
Mahnoor Bilal, BA, University of Calgary
Dana Jacobs, BSc Kinesiology, University of Calgary; MSc in Physical Therapy student, University of Alberta
Angela George, Faculty, School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures, University of Calgary
Kristin Zernicke, PhD (2015)
Jennifer Goodhart, faculty of law, university of Calgary
Hayley Schmidtler, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Benjamin Groh, PhD Student, University of Calgary
Kristin von Ranson, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Sandy Hershcovis, Associate Dean Faculty, Haskayne School of Business
Kerrin Rodrigues, JD Candidate, University of Calgary
Valentina Castro, BA History, University of Calgary
Mint Kitwattana, BA Sociology, University of Calgary
Sue-Shane Tsomondo, BA, ex staff member
Molly Chardon, JD Candidate, University of Calgary
Sophie Chardon, BA, Film Studies, University of Calgary
Taylor Morgan, BSc Ecology
Dominik Buconjic, BA Humanities, University of Victoria (communitu signatory)
Beth Keleher, PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Waterloo (community signatory)
Timothy Angelo Curtis, BA Psychology Student, University of Calgary
Mahum Mirza, Law and Society
Wajeeha Hassan, Student - Physics and Astronomy
Lindsey Fiebig MSc. R. Psych.
Winnifred Lee, BA Sociology & Psychology
Shefali Rai, MSc Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Sabrina Perić, Associate Professor, Anthropology and Archaeology
Jillian Hughes, BA Communications, University of Calgary
Shashini Gunasekera, BSc Anthropology, University of Calgary
Marie Patmore BA Sociology and BEd Elementary Education
Ghadir Ghazi, BA Nursing, University of Calgary Alumni
John Ellard, Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Calgary
Allison Brown, PhD, Cumming School of Medicine
Hebe T. Marin, PhD English, University of Calgary
Isabelle Reynolds, 1L, University of Calgary
Terumi Bongo, BSc Chemistry, University of Calgary
Linda E. Carlson, PhD. BSc Psychology U of C 1991; Current Professor, Oncology and Psychology, University of Calgary
Tanmoy Newaz, BSc Candidate in Cellular, Molecular, Microbial Biology, University of Calgary
Zsanelle Dabu, BID Student, BSME, University of Calgary Alumni
Ganiyat Sadiq, BA student in International Relations & Political Science, University of Calgary
Shuyin Yu, PhD English, University of Calgary
Roberto Guray, BSc CMMB
Rayane Issa, Undergraduate Student BA and BSc, University of Calgary
Lauren Mitchell, BSc Kinesiology Student, University of Calgary
Amy McCarthy- Former Faculty of Nursing Admin Support Staff
Umair Tazeem, BA Political Science, University of Calgary
Rachel Stokes, BKin Hons. (2019) University of Calgary
Alina Cox, BA Communications, University of Calgary
Ermia Rezaei-Afsah, BA History and Anthropology, University of Calgary
Anastasiia Gushchina, PhD student, Communication, Media and Film, University of Calgary
Malika Khakhar, BA Hons. Psychology, University of Calgary; OB/HR MSc candidate, Wilfrid Laurier University
Nicole Langevin
Daniyal Nasiri (community signatory)
Sunny M, BSc Comp Sci, University of Calgary
Kaori Wada, Assistant Professor, Werklund School of Education
Harkamal, JD, University of Calgary
Reha Sandhu, BSc(Hons.) Psychology, University of Calgary
Pooja Sohal, BA (Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Eunice Leah Ricasata, BA Economics, University of Calgary
John Malyk, BSc Psychology, BSc Natural Science, University of Calgary
Daniel Hanson, BA Political Science
K. Bauer, BA Anthropology and Advisor (International), University of Calgary
Leah Hamilton, PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Jenny Godley, PhD Associate Professor, Sociology
Emma Stirling, BA History/Art History, University of Calgary
Colson Buchanan, BA Political Science, University of Calgary
Erin Knight, Loran Scholar, University of Calgary
Tina Nguyen BSc Cell Biology, BA Psychology (Hons), University of Calgary
Anonymous signatory, Bachelor of Education, University of Calgary
Nicolle Tokarek, BA (Hons) Law and Society, University of Calgary
Brenda Luo, BSc (Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Mallory Minerson, MA, RDT, CCC, CDWF, LPN
Chelsea Ford-Sahibzada, BHSc, MSc Community Health Sciences student, University of Calgary
Asalah Alareeki, BHSc, University of Calgary
Maryum Baig, BComm, University of Calgary
Callan Field, BFA Photography, Ryerson University (community signatory)
Raneen Abdul-Rahman, Undergraduate Neuroscience Student, University of Calgary
Carla Vo (community signatory)
Elizabeth Morin-Lessard, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Calgary
Emma Ramos, BA Law and Society, University of Calgary
Byron Miller, Ph.D., Department of Geography, University of Calgary
Kaylee Van Dale, BA Psychology student , University of Calgary
Kennedy French-Toller, MA Communications, University of Calgary
Susana M. Calderon Ajaj, BA student in International Relations, University of Calgary
Jahanara Rajwani, PhD candidate, University of Calgary
Carol Naish (University of Calgary Graduate Student, MA COMs)
Taylor Ford-Sahibzada, BSc student, University of Calgary
Mariana Da Costa, BA International Relations, University of Calgary
Olivia Sawyer, student
Monica Sesma, PhD, RSW
Sarika Haque, BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Erin McFarlane, BA Sociology, MSW, University of Calgary
Mariana Arcila, BA Economics student
Kathy Chieng, BS Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston (community signatory)
Angela Ngo (community signatory)
Stephanie Sargeant, BA Political Science, University is Calgary
Deyana Altahsh, Faculty of Kinesiology Representative, U of C
NS, BHSc Hon. (2020), BEd (2022), University of Calgary
Noa Spivak, Ancient and Medieval History
Arina Kohansal, BA Political Science
Sophia Thraya, BA Sociology, BEd, University of Calgary
Lindsey Cox, University of Calgary
Lara Chalak, BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Cindy Nguyen, BBA, MSW student, University of Calgary
Jenny Wong, BCOMM, Haskayne School of Business
Emily Bernier, BA Psychology, Research Assistant
Alexandra Sheard, BA International Relations
Selina Rattana, BSc Kinesiology
Levente Sarkozi, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Ayisha Khalid, BHSc (Hons) Health & Society, University of Calgary
Stefana Velescu, BA International Relations, University of Calgary
Alison Burk, MA Sociology, University of Calgary
Lucy Chen, BComm Student, Haskayne School of Business
Lobna Al-Wadeiah, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Anonymous, Staff/Alumni
Vivian Nguyen, Undergraduate Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies, University of Calgary
Cale Holmes, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
BB, BKin Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Joëlle CW, Honours Bachelor of International Studies and Modern languages, University of Ottawa (community signatory)
Dr. Sandra Engstrom, BSW, MSW, University of Calgary
Summer Wickson (community signatory)
Branden Cave, Former SU President ‘17/18, Alumni BA Economics ‘17
Michelle Holubisky, BSW, MSW, University of Calgary
Lori DeLuca, BA Development Studies, University of Calgary
Justin Solamillo, MSW, University of Calgary
Laura Henley, MSc, School and Applied Child Psychology
Maryam Sharif-Razi, Ph.D. Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Summer T, BSc Kinesiology, Mn Psychology, University of Calgary
Clinical Psychology, PhD Candidate, University of Calgary
Suzanne Hala, Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Calgary
Dayan Jayasuriya
Alexe Bernier, BSc, MSW, University of Calgary
D. Geoffrey Bell, BMus, BEd, University of Calgary
Caroline C, University of Calgary Student
Sandeep Samrai (community signatory)
Allison Cormier, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Lexi Peart, Kinesiology Student, University of Calgary
David Kim, JD Candidate
Sadia Ahmed, MSc student, Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary
Kenna Kelly-Turner, MA, Manager, University of Calgary
Cari Din, Instructor, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Hannah Rahim, BHSc, University of Calgary
Trish Elgersma, BA International Relations, University of Calgary
Patsy Casselman, BA Child and Youth Care, MSW University.of Calgary
Prabhjot Malhi. BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Patricia Doyle-Baker, Dr. PH/PhD University of Calgary
Naila Jamani, Behavioural neuroscience MSc student, University of Calgary
Karmvir Singh Dhaliwal
Jeremy Blunt PhD student. English literature. University of Calgary.
Erin Leigh Courtice, PhD Candidate, University of Ottawa (community signatory)
Amira Kalifa, MD/MSc Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Marit Rosol, Associate Professor, Geography
Nicholas Randell, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Calgary
Amanda Chau, BA Psychology and Visual Arts/Art History, University of Calgary
Alexandra Twyman, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Nicole Racine, Ph.D., R.Psych, Psychology, University of Calgary
Doreen Rabi, MD MSc, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Calgary
Jenney Zhu, incoming Clinical Psychology MSc candidate, University of Calgary
Sabrina Smith, BA student, University of Calgary
Melanee Thomas, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Zoe Walker, M.Sc Student, Department of Geography
Susan Franceschet, Ph.D. Political Science, University of Calgary
Matthew Shay, PhD candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Amanda Wurz, PhD, University of Calgary
Chloe Devereux, BSc (Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Adden Malik, BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Sundus Khan, BSC, MPH - Indigenous, Local & Global Health Office
Diana Pricop, MA, CSM (DCNS), University of Calgary
LIane Medwick, former student, University of Calgary
Megan Prodanuk
Megan Henkelman, BA (Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Kylee Rude, BA Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Cathryn Rodrigues, BA Health Sciences (Hons), University of Calgary
Charlie Spring, Postdoc in Geography, University of Calgary
Roy Devore (community signatory)
Rafal Ameen, graduate student
Mairi McDermott, Assistant Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Erika Lieu, BA, BComm, University of Calgary
Karen Anderson, Staff, University of Calgary
Hannah O'Riain BHSc (Hons), University of Calgary
Seok-Woo Kwon, Associate Professor, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Danielle Perris, MBA'19, University of Calgary
Steven Paget, CFA, Haskayne School of Business
Mehdi Mourali, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Helen Dunlop, Donor Engagement Advisor, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Alex Titov, BComm Operations Management, University of Calgary
Kallie Lavoie, former students, BA, MSW, RSW
Duy Dao, Assistant Professor, Haskayne School of Business
Sylvia M. Fuchek, BFA, University of Calgary
Mohammad Keyhani, Associate Professor, Haskayne School of Business
Tanja Bosnjak, BComm, University of Calgary
Justin Weinhardt, PhD, Haskayne School of Business
Naomi Shaw, BEd in Elementary Social Studies Education, Werklund School of Education Representative
Erica Makarenko, PsyD, R.Psych School & Applied Child Psychology
Beaumie Kim (Faculty, Education, University of Calgary)
Ariel Ducey, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Calgary
Richard Anderson, B.Comm, MBAN
Yvonne Poitras Pratt (Metis), PhD, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Jonn Henke, Msc. I/O Psychology, University of Calgary
Rahat Zaidi, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education
Alan Truong, BComm, University of Calgary
Lina Jervis, Bsc Kinesiology (Honours), University of Calgary
Tabitha Pratt, Graduate Career & Engagement Consultant
Jenelle Morgan, Industrial-Organizational Psychology MSc Student, University of Calgary
Julianna Park, BSc (Hons) Psychology Student, University of Calgary
Jessy Bokvist, BSc (Hon), MSc candidate, University of Calgary
Tyler Warnock, BHSc (Hons.), University of Calgary
Rochelle Lamoureux
James Graham, BA Sociology student, University of Calgary
Chloe Bellavance, BA international relations, university of calgary
Giovani da Silveira, Professor, Haskayne School of Business
Shannon MacGillivray, Staff/Alumni, University of Calgary
Kimberley Dart, Haskayne Career Development Centre
Leslie Holmes. Area Administrator, Haskayne School of Business
Tunde Ogunfowora, Associate Professor, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
William Bridel, PhD, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Rebecca Fung, BSc Kinesiology Student, University of Calgary
Charlie Kwok, PhD, Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Larissa Wiseman, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Alisha Gordon, Student, University of Calgary
Sherry Weaver, Alumni/Faculty, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Riley Steinbach
Marisa Van Bavel, PhD student, school and applied child psychology, UofC
Wilian Gatti Jr, PhD Candidate Werklund School of Education
Jewel Spangler, Associate Professor, Department of History, U of Calgary
Catherine Burwell, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education
Arsenije Subotic, MSc, University of Calgary
Mariam Tariq, BComm Accounting, University of Calgary
Rita Henderson, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, University of Calgary
Mélanie Paulin, PhD Candidate, University of Calgary
Reiner Schaefer, PhD, Haskayne School of Business
Brent Snider, Teaching Professor & Executive MBA Academic Director, Haskayne School of Business
Anonymous, Staff, University of Calgary
Matthew Korman, BA Communications and Media Studies, University of Calgary
Andy Benoit, MEd, University of Calgary
Jane brown
Kassidy Silbernagel, BA English, University of Calgary
Project Specialist and Alumni, Haskayne School of Business
Fiona Schulte, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine
MSW, University of Calgary
Kwangyul Choi, Ph.D., University of Calgary
Ellie Stewart, BA Communications and Media Studies, University of Calgary
Andreea Danasel, BSc Ecology, University of Calgary
Danielle Wolf
Tina Johnson-Adams, BSc'07, University of Calgary
Doug Clark, Professor, Werklund School of Education
Noah Boakye-Yiadom, MPH (PhD student Community Health Sciences)
Thomas Lijnse, MSc Candidate Biomedical Engineering, University of Calgary
Temi Famuyide, PhD Student,Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary.
Aidan Dumaisnil, PhD Candidate, Haskayne School of Business
Ruth Pogacar, Assistant Professor, Haskayne School of Business, U of C
Caitlin Hornbeck, SU Faculty of Arts Representative, BA Sociology, University of Calgary
Sherry West, Events Advisor, HSB
Naomie Lang, BCOMM, University of Calgary
Rasha Tawfik, Team Lead Undergraduate Programs - Haskayne School of Business
Tyara Marchand, Psyc Research Assistant, BSc Honours Anthropology Student, University of Calgary
Amelia Kiddle, History, University of Calgary
Emily Adams, BFA ‘20
Lindsay McLaren, Dept Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary
Rita Yembilah, PhD, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
Tatiana Lund, MSc Student, Clinical Psychology
Viet Quan Nguyen, PhD Student, Haskayne School of Business
Sylvie Roy
Ayesha Malhotra, Haskyane School of Business, University of Calgary
Paolo Pador, BSc Psychology Student, University of Calgary
Houston Peschl Instructor at the Haskayne School of Business
Diversity & Anti-Oppression Education
Steve Granger, PhD Student, Haskayne School of Business
Diksha Kai, BSc Candidate, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Jacie Alook, BA Int'l Indigenous Studies
Zhanna Lyubykh (Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary)
Chloe Fichter
Makayla Freeman, BA (Hons.) Psychology Student and Research Assistant, University of Calgary
Colleen Bishop, Staff, University of Calgary
Lisa Anderson, BA hons, BEd, University of Calgary
Julian Norris, PhD, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Laura Conrad, Masters Student Political Science, University of Calgary
Lily R
Ariane Wilson, BA Political Science
Tyler Pollard, BA Philosophy, University of Calgary
Tareq Ismael, Ph.D. Political Science, University of Calgary
Susan Judd, BEd, Haskyane School of Business, University of Calgary
Mark Baron, Instructor, Political Science, University of Calgary
Victoria Truong, Student, University of Calgary
Stephen Wu, University of Calgary No
Mavra Hussain, BCOM, University of Calgary
Daniel Grande, B.Comm & B.Sci (CompSci), University of Calgary
Dorit Gerov, BComm, University of Calgary
Jeremiah Nudd, Bcomm Accounting, Haskayne School of Business
Phuong Trinh, BCom Haskayne, University of Calgary
Susu Azzam, Bcomm, Haskayne School of Business
David La, Haskayne School of Business Student, University of Calgary
Connor Ward, BA Sociology
Christopher Landry, Bcom, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Neezay Abu, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Adam Davis, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Connor Laporta
Christopher Hoang, BComm Student, University of Calgary
Shayla Seinen, BComm'20, BA'20, University of Calgary
Aissatou Balde
Tanya chaudhry, Haskayne school of Business, University of Calgary
Said M'Dahoma, PhD Neurosciences, University of Calgary
Nripesh Malla, Student, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Roberta Rice, Political Science, University of Calgary
Aleksa Stanic
Justin Dang, BComm Accounting, University of Calgary
Breana Menzel, BComm Finance, University of Calgary
Luciana Silva, BComm Human Resources, University of Calgary
Serena Sajan, BComm, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Jade Leong, BA Commerce, University of Calgary
Maria Paula Calvo Franco, BComm International Business and BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Aly Samji, BComm Candidate, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Brett Bolin, B.Sc CPM, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Abigail Diwa, Haskayne School of Business
Dominik M Pula, BComm Student, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Atinder Shoker, Haskayne School of Business
Mohit Parmar, BSc Computer Science & BComm Business, University of Calgary
Danielle Arienzale, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Aleida Broenink
Muhammad Nadeem, BComm Finance, University of Calgary
Kaitlyn Chuong, BComm OBHR & BArts Communications + Media, University of Calgary
Tony Zhu
Rachael Dien, BN RN
Christian Yee, BComm Operations Management, University of Calgary
Emily Jung, B.Comm, University of Calgary
Hayley Cleveland, BComm and BA Sociology
Jayna Lemire, BComm Accounting, University of Calgary
Reed Merrill (MA Student, Political Science, University of Calgary)
Adielleen Saddi, Accounting Student, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Nian He, BSc Chemical Engineering, University of Calgary
Samuel Geisterfer, BSc (Hon) BA, University of Calgary
Jennifer Jang, B.Com, University of Calgary
Catherine Stone
Leslie Lam, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Alireza Sabouri, Haskayne School of Business
Melanie Zimmer
Dea Godeni, Accounting, University of Calgary
Elise Kalmar, BCom, University of Calgary
Jayda Mansour, BComm, University of Calgary
Mohammed Souci, BComm, University of Calgary
Faria Khan, BSc Biology, University of Calgary
Hayden King, BComm 2021, University of Calgary
Kaitlyn Chrun
Etta Liu, B. Comm Accounting, University of Calgary
Keila Banza, BComm, University of Calgary
Angela Nguyen, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Najoi Howell, BCom Haskayne, University of Calgary
Christian Belayneh
Haskayne School of Business
Anonymous, University of Calgary
Disha Kataria, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
David Paskevich, PhD, University of Calgary
Mitch Cobbett, Bachelor of Commerce
Kareen Hallak, BComm. Finance and Staff, University of Calgary
Jasmine Der, BA Psychology & BCOM, University of Calgary
Umair Abbasi, University of Calgary
Moujan Gilanmorad, BComm., University of Calgary
Arjie Arcos, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Sharon C, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Aiman Fatima, Bachelor of Commerce Accounting, University of Calgary
Eeshwar Dutt, Student, University of Calgary
Eli Cornejo, BComm, University of Calgary
Suzette Mayr, Professor, Dept. of English, University of Calgary
Mohammad Alamatsaz , BA science
Sloane Dugan, Haskayne School of Business
Nilam Premji, B.Comm Student, Haskayne School of Business
Alicia Seibert, BComm, University of Calgary
Lauren Drogos, PhD, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary
Gabriela Gueco BA Commerce, University of Calgary
Jessica Chu, BComm, University of Calgary
Toria Litvinchuk, BComm, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Isabelle Pozas, BComm, University of Calgary
Victoria Nguyen, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Nick Boettcher, PhD Candidate, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Noor Hadad, BA (Honours) Psychology, University of Calgary
Amy Ducharme, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Emily Chen, BComm Accounting, University of Calgary
Sarah Gibbons, Student, University of Calgary
Isabella Barone, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Miranda Hull-Dalik, BComm BSci Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Russ Jasper, BSc (Hon), MSc candidate, University of Calgary
Matt Patterson, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology, University of Calgary
Emerald Kains, BA History, University of Calgary
Brian Mutuku, BComm, Haskayne
Joshua Mills, BComm Accounting, University of Calgary
Bailey Filkohazy, Bcomm , University of Calgary
Joseph Sparling
Greg Gafiuk, BCom, University of Calgary
Dylan Pare, PhD Candidate Educational Research
Christine Sapad, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Caitlin Botros, University of Calgary
Gillian Robertson, Haskayne Career Development Centre
Talia Wells, MA Student Political Science, University of CALGARY
Kyra Mills, BA of Commerce, University of Calgary
Mackenzie Goulding, BComm, University of Calgary
Reyhaneh Bastani, PhD candidate, Werklund School of Education
Sarah (community signatory)
Angela Wang, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Alex E, BA Psychology and Urban Studies, University of Calgary
Jean Malveda, University of Calgary
B.Comm International Business Strategy, BA Philosophy, University of Calgary
Anastasia Khoriakova, BKin, University of Calgary
Dexter Tangonan, Bcomm, Haskayne School of Business
Tengis Batbayar, haskayne, university of calgary
Natasha Vandenbrink, BComm, University of Calgary
Ron Wilburn, Ph.D., Philosophy
Georgy Busov
Trevor Stark, Assistant Professor of Art History, Art Department, University of Calgary
Oludeji Erinle (community signatory)
Ben Walsh, B.Sc Mechanical Engineering
Carly Sugden, BComm, Haskayne school of business, University of Calgary
Nicole Sparling, BA Commerce, University of Calgary
Gulia Nur
Amy Leedham, BA, BSc 2016), MEd student, Werklund School of Education
Rachel Braaten
Esther Lam
Jennifer Chow, BHSc (Hons), University of Calgary
Samantha Lamb, Student, University of Calgary
Ite Adejuwon, BComm Accounting, Haskayne School of Business
C Engelman, Former Student
Aaron Chau, BSc, Schulich School of Engineering
Sumaiyyah Khan, B.Comm, Second Year
Justine Keefer, BA International Indigenous Studies, UofC
Taylor Dowling, Haskayne School of Business
Piper Hughes, BA Commerce, University of Calgary
Stacey McGregor, alumna & current staff, Haskayne School of Business
Kalista Sherbaniuk, BSc (Hon) Archaeology, MSW, University of Calgary
Allison Prystai
Emma Brown, BComm 2021, Haskayne School of Business
Nicole Livingston, BComm Finance, University of Calgary; MSc Student Markets & Quantitative Finance, Emlyon University France
Madeline O'Neill, Undergraduate, University of Calgary
Scott Lucas, BKin/BEd, University of Calgary
Tyler Powell, BCOMM Business Technology Management, University of Calgary
Daniel Fine, BComm Haskayne School of Business, BA Philosophy, University of Calgary
Jericho Pantony, BCOMM, University of Calgary
Bonnie Meatherall MD, MSc, Associate Clinical Professor Cumming School of Medicine
Chaten Jessel, BSc Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Haley Vecchiarelli, MSc '14 & PhD '20 Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Susan Fraser, BA Political Science, University of Calgary
Zahra Goodarzi MD MSc FRCPC, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary
Segen Solomon, BComm, University of Calgary
Catherine Cheung, BA Psychology and International Indigenous Studies, University of Calgary
Kathryn Poon, BComm, University of Calgary
Derek Dawkins. BComm, Haskayne School of Business. Student IT Analyst, Information Technologies.
Nancy Janovicek, History Department, Universisty of Calgary
Aidan Donald, BComm
Yufang Hu, BComm Energy Management, University of Calgary
Nicole Crozon, B.Sc Chemical Engineering
Julia Traicu, BComm Candidate at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Susan Kuhn, Associate Professor, Cumming School of Medicine
Kerri Johannson MD MPH, University of Calgary
Noreen Sanosa, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Dasuni Wickramarachchi, BA Commerce
Alexander van Olm, BA, Graduate Student Sociology, University of Calgary
Syed Hammad Ali, MPhil, MSc, PhD Candidate, Sociology, University of Calgary
Zahra Premji, PhD, Business Library, University of Calgary
John Ibiyemi, University of Calgary
Michael Adorjan, Associate Professor, Sociology
Martha Alfonso, Member of the community (community signatory)
Courtney R. Petruik, PhD(c)
Kyle Lutes, Mechanical Engineering & Business Student, University of Calgary
Katie Tu, BComm Finance, University of Calgary
Martin Halek, Associate Professor, Haskayne School of Business
Seham Mohamoud, BComm
Gladys Loo
Tosin Adeyinka, Area Administrator, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Catherine Heggerud, MBA, CHRP, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Duygu Gulseren, CCAL, Haskayne School of Business
Megan Barth, BA Science, University of Calgary
Brianna Cudmore, University of Calgary
Omid Asayesh, Ph.D. Student, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary
Jennifer D. Adams, Faculty of Science, University of Calgary
Haritesh Makwana, BComm, University of Calgary
David Klassen, MD/MSc, Public Health and Preventive Medicine + Family Medicine
Mohammed Amine Messouar, BSc Schulich School of Engineering
Mitchell Rath, BSc, Research Assistant Dept. of Pediatrics, Cumming School of Medicine
Rose Lokiru, BA Sociology, University of Calgary
Carmine Lombardo, BComm, University of Calgary
Kristy Wong, BComm '22, University of Calgary
Eric Donovan, Professor, UCalgary Department of Physics and Astronomy
Monica Uppal, BComm., Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Dave Rudanec, Haskayne Career Development Centre
Tanya Mudry, PhD, Werklund School of Education
Shirley Liang, BSc in Zoology, University of Calgary
Natasha Darc, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Hasmik Tovmasyan, PhD, Sociology, University of Calgary
Marie-André Bergeron, ED committee Faculty of Arts, Associate Prof. SLLLC
Lucas Ocampo, BComm, Haskayne school of business, University of Calgary
Sadiya Nazir, 4th year Political Science Student, UofC
Lauren Campeau, BSc kinesiology (hons), MMgmt(c), University of Calgary
Iris Chen, BComm, University of Calgary
Kevin Young, Professor, Sociology, University of Calgary
Samar Mahmood, BComm, University of Calgary
Erin Shumlich, BSc Psychology BA English, university of Calgary
Mahnoor Khan, MSc Counselling Psychology Student
Richard Dyck, Professor, University of Calgary
Birdie J Bezanson, PhD, Director of Practica, Counselling Psychology/Instructor, Werklund School of
David Keegan, MD, Associate Professor, Family Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine
Marlon Simmons, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
A.House, PhD Candidate
Taylor Kuhn, Bcomm, Haskayne School of Business
Jena Kieren, BComm International Business, Haskayne School of Business
Gina Dimitropoulos, Social Work, University of Calgary
Rayff McMahon, BComm, University of Calgary
Rachel Grigg, BA (Hons.), Political Science MA Candidate, University of Calgary
Natalia Raczka, BA Business, University of Calgary
Brianna Adamson, BKin, University of Calgary
Sumeet Dhillon, University of Calgary
Adele Hamilton, University of Calgary
Rachel Crooks, MSc Student, Department of Community Health Sciences
Holly Walls
Bhvin Grover, BA Hons. Political Science, University of Calgary
Kim Lenters, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education
Robyn Walker, Bachelor of Commerce, University of Calgary
Max Tosic, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Andrew Kenna, BComm, University of Calgary
Ashley Cameron, BA archaeology, Bsc Anthropology, University of Calgary alumna
Rochelle Hentges, PhD, Psychology, University of Calgary
Claire Babcock, Haskayne School of Business
Kaithlyn M., Haskayne Student, U of C
Claire Paton, BEd, BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences, University of Calgary
Camille Paton, BSc Computer Science, University of Calgary
Amanda Deacon, Industrial-Organizational Psychology PhD student, University of Calgary
Cassidy Perry, BComm, University of Calgary
Antonio Franceschet, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary
Moty HSB
Anne Kleffner, PhD, University of Calgary
Saaka Sulemana, PhD Student, University of Calgary
Alex Paolozzi, BComm, University of Calgary
Shaun Ali, BSc Physics, BSc Mathematics, BSc Geophysics, MPlan Candidate, University of Calgary
Chris Quiring (community signatory)
Arby Seño, B.Sc. Chemical Engineering (2021), President, Chemical and Oil & Gas Engineering Students’ Society, University of Calgary
Danica Power, BA French Language and Literature, University of Calgary
Antonio Ma, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Emily Lundy, Combined BA in Political Science and Communications
Robyn F. Madden, PhD Candidate, Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Fourth year Kinesiology Undergraduate
Maryam Ahmed, BCOMM, University of Calgary
Stefania Mic, BCOMM Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Victoria Olijnyk, Haskayne School of Business
Reem Said, BComm, University of Calgary
Gennice Spanier, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Amanda Roze des Ordons, MD, MMEd, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Oliver Buchner, Civil Engineering, University of Calgary
Hanya Rizvi, Haskayne School of Business
Daniel Kovalko, BComm, University of Calgary
Kennedy Heaton, BComm Student, University of Calgary
Noah Drover, BComm, University of Calgary
Karen Ngo, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Lilianna Coyes-Loiselle
Karim Rahman, BSc in Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Rachel Galandy, BA Psychology & BComm General-Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Delesha Evelyn
Janet de Groot, MD, FRCPC, Psychiatry, Cumming School of Medicine
Nicholas Lightburn
Kelsey Stephen, Student BSc Engineering, University of Calgary
Alexander Roth, BA student, University of Calgary
Karen Huang, Haskayne Student, University of Calgary
Nick Turner, Professor, Haskayne School of Business
Jackie L., BSc in Computer Science, University of Calgary
Sydney Eyre, BComm 2021, University of Calgary
Laura, BKin, University of Calgary
Timothy Braaten, Esq.
Umbreen Mazhar, Haskayne School of Business
Aleksandra Samarina, BA International Relations, University of Calgary
Huynh, Associate Professor
Valery Anderson, BA Political Science, University of Calgary
Kelly Huang, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Grace Hedberg, Haskayne, Bachelor of Commerce
Courtney Baay, MA Sociology , University of Calgary
Jillian Schaffner, BComm, Operations Management, University of Calgary
Professor, Faculty of Social Work
Folasayo Ogunfowora, BSc Biology Student, University of Calgary
Regina Cochrane, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary
Amrit Parmar, BKin, University of Calgary
Diego Guimet, BSCE, University of Calgary
Nestar Russell, Instructor, University of Calgary
Jane Dang, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Kayla Nguyen, BA French, University of Calgary
Alberto Jimenez Ponce, BA, Law and Society and BComm, International Business Strategy, Haskayne School of Business
Bushra Matalgah, BComm Energy Management & BA Communication and Media Studies, University of Calgary
Dustin King, BA Commerce, University of Calgary)
Michael Tom, BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Jamie Anderson, MA Educational Research, University of Calgary
William S MacAllister, PhD, University of Calgary
Jose F. Domene, Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Jewel Montilla, BA International Relations Student
Morgan Vanek, Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Calgary
Nicole Meyerhoffer, BA East Asian Language Studies, University of Calgary
Sankait Rattu, Student BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Vivian Ton, BA Urban Studies, University of Calgary
Anonymous, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary
Zachary Cugnet, BA Commerce, University of Calgary
Rebecca Stockton, MA Student Sociology, University of Calgary
Anonymous (community signatory)
Gayathri Peringod, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Jessica Jia Bao Hsieh, BSc Hon. Psychology, University of Calgary
Kristal Turner, MA Student EDER
Jessica Jia Bao Hsieh, BSc Hon. Psychology, University of Calgary
Kristal Turner, MA Student EDER
Carolina Contreras Issa, BComm 2019, University of Calgary
Dana J Hunter, BA in Psychology/RA with Sport Medicine Centre, University of Calgary
Brian Gilbert, BSc BEd MA, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Cong Luo, MA Language and Literacy, University of Calgary
Amanda Tran, BComm, University of Calgary
Helen Pethrick, MA Student
Danielle Felices (community signatory)
Whitney Ereyi-Osas, MD Student, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Cassandra Williams
William Forero (community signatory)
Naveed Aria, BComm Finance, and BSc Computer Science, University of Calgary
Claire V. David, BCR
Annette Timm, Professor, History, University of Calgary
Catherine Fisher, MA Anthropology 2002 and former employee
Summer Abdalla, BA Linguistics, University of Calgary
Ashley Weleschuk, BSc, JD Candidate
Shauna Schechtel
Lori Stephen, RN, BN, University of Calgary, 1991
Courtney Kruschel, MSc Student, University of Calgary
Viviana Reinberg, MSW, faculty of Social Work alumna, University of Calgary
Omer Mansoor, BSc in Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Candace Rissley, Juris Doctor Candidate, University of Calgary
Megan Stack, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Harjivan Minhas, University of Calgary
Daria Merrikh, BHSc, University of Calgary
Aliya Kassam, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Sidra Tirmizi, BS Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Charmagne Sia Lu
Laidan Besler, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Keshia Holloman-Dawson, JD/MPP Student, University of Calgary
Amanda L.
Mariam Halabi, BCRDS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary
Hannah Mathew, B.Sc. Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Noopur Swadas, BN Student, University of Calgary
Suhaib Tariq, University of Calgary.
Karishma Akbari, University of Calgary
Jeong Joon Lee BComm UCalgary
Nafisa Abdul Razak, Juris Doctor Candidate, University of Calgary
Elaine Cagulada, BA, BEd, University of Calgary
Cal Marricks, BComm Finance, University of Calgary
Nicole Maseja, BA French Literature
Alyson MacDougall, University of Calgary
Camila Maturana, MPH, BA (Hons), BA
J. Sokalski, BSc Civil Engineering '17, University of Calgary
Hannah Hart, BA English student, University of Calgary
Osob Ainanshe, BComm, University of Calgary
Farana Anam, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Sarah Thomas, BSW
BKin, University of Calgary
Jordan Bolay, PhD English, University of Calgary, 2019
Patricia de Guzman, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Jessica Tran, BKin, University of Calgary
Eden Middleton, BA Honours English, BFA Drama, University of Calgary
Turin Chowdhury, Family Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Jenny Zhang, BHSc (Hons), University of Calgary
Avanya Sihota, BComm, University of Calgary
Katie Gurel, BA English BA Ancient and Medieval History, UofC
Niha Ather, JD Candidate, University of Calgary
Naomi-Rose Dutta, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Sam Ines
Michelle Cecilia Joo, BA English, University of Calgary alumnus
Carmen Matrangolo, BCOMM
Andrew Kemle, MA Political Science, University of Calgary
Kyaradane Reynoso, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Greyson Mannella, BSc Computer Science, University of Calgary
Nicole Larson, PhD Psychology, University of Calgary
Emmery Poppleton, Psychology student, University of Calgary
William Murphy, MSc, University of Calgary
Adil Bajwa, BComm, University of Calgary
Maria Felisa Palacios, Ph.D, University of Calgary
Afsah Dawood, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
C. Tenszen
Katie Birnie, PhD RPsych, Anesthesiology, University of Calgary
Zachary Scalzo, MFA Student, Drama, University of Calgary
Zara Crasto, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Tonya Callaghan, Diversity and Anti-Oppression Education
Paul Marcells, JD Law, University of Calgary
Jessica Garibsingh, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Brittany, MFA Directing, University of Calgary
Rachel Semenuk, BHSc Health and Society, University of Calgary
Marie-Claire Shanahan, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education
Alissa Webster, undergraduate student - BSc biochemistry, University of Calgary
Primrose Matembo, BComm in Accounting Student, University of Calgary
Ginamaria Vetro, MA Candidate Political Science, University of Calgary
Nazer Khan-Smith, BA, Department of English; AHT, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Caitlin Main, MFA Drama, University of Calgary
Heather Cant, MFA Candidate, Drama
Krysthel Bagshaw, Bcomm, The University of Calgary
Hernan Maturana, Past Student
Ishtiyaque Haji, Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Calgary
Alyna Campbell (BA’17, JD Candidate, University of Calgary)
Dylan McCarthy, BComm Finance, University of Calgary
Mabel Teye-Kau, PhD candidate, Sociology, University of Calgary
Megan Thomas, MSc Student Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary
Brendan Holden, Bcomm, University of Calgary
Monique Fry, MA Communication and Culture, University of Calgary
Apoorve Chokshi, PhD Student, Werklund School of Education
Aaron Levitin, JD, University of Calgary Faculty of Law
Lana Wells, MSW, RSW, University of Calgary
Jaimie Beveridge, Graduate Student, Clinical Psychology, University of Calgary
Naomi Lightman, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Calgary
Ryann Tansey, M.Sc. Student, Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Mina Tahmouresie, Bcomm, Haskayne School of Business
Aneet Kahlon, BSc Biological Sciences
Yahya El-Lahib, Faculty of Social Work
Julia Russell, BSc Kinesiology, UofC
Elaine Galliott, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Susan Basudde, RSW, Academic Development Specialist, Haskayne School of Business
Miho Lowan-Trudeau, PhD candidate, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Emily-Ann Butler, MSc, University of Calgary
Aviaah Randhawa, JD Candidate, University of Calgary Faculty of Law
Rick Enns, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work
Ivana Skendrovic, The School of Public Policy
John Knight, MFA Drama, University of Calgary
Regine King, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary
Barbara Pickering, PhD Counselling Psychology
Charlene Garibsingh, community signatory
Arthur Franca, BSc Eng
Will Woodford, JD Candidate, University of Calgary
Amy, BA Anthropology/Sociology, University of Calgary
Jeff Caird, Professor, University of Calgary
Sana Jawad, MD Candidate, University of Calgary
Kerry Mothersill, PhD Psychology University of Calgary
David Este , Social Work University of Calgary
Megan MacKay, RSW, Student Support Advisor, University of Calgary
Dave Este Social Work
Don McSwiney, MA, Comms Mgr, Social Work
Simone Noronha, BComm, University of Calgary
Selwynne Hawkins, JD Candidate, University of Calgary Faculty of Law
Analisa Lazaro-Côté, PhD candidate, Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Cyrus Mackie, M.Sc. Student, Chemistry, University of Calgary
Dana Poscente, JD Candidate 2021 UCalgary Law, BSc Ecology 2016 UCalgary
Anna Cameron, School of Public Policy
William Andrew Thompson, PhD Candidate, University of Calgary
Corbin Zoeteman, JD Candidate, University of Calgary
Alexander Howard, staff member, University of Calgary
Sara Apostoaei, BA Arts, Political Science, University of Calgary
Hilary Jahelka, BA Women's Studies, MSW Student, University of Calgary
Chrissy Wiley, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Brad Hallam, Ph.D.
Jessica Shaw, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary
Rasoul Sheikhmali, PhD student, Civil Engineering, University of Calgary
Rita Diaz, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Current Student, BSc psychology, University of Calgary
Michael McKeon, BComm Alumni, University of Calgary
Bridget, UofC BA, MA, UofEdinburgh PhD
Burak Kodaz, BCOM SCM, University of Calgary
Derek Baker, BSc Ecology, BA Political Science, University of Calgary; JD Candidate, UVic
Shannon Hawthorne, BA Law and Society, University of Calgary
Nisha Vashi, MSc Psychology Student, University of Calgary
Sara Sicherman, JD, University of Calgary
Jessica DAIGLE, Support Staff
Melanie Kloetzel, Professor, School of Creative and Performing Arts, Dance
Antoine Eche, Adjunct Associate Professor in SLLLC, University of Calgary
Rachel Malone, BSc, MSc Chemical Engineering
Anonymous signatory, Student, University of Calgary
Victoria Stephenson, BA Law & Society, BA Women’s Studies, University of Calgary
Gwendolyn Blue, Associate Professor, Geography, University of Calgary
Brenna Stanford, MSc, PhD Student, University of Calgary
Ilyan Ferrer, PhD, Social Work, University of Social Work
Caron Currie, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Tina Belay, BSc, MBT, University of Calgary
Angelique Jenney, Faculty of Social Work
Kai Ferrer, University of Calgary
Deborah Jin, BComm, Haskayne, University of Calgary
Hanna Johnson, BComm/BKin Student, University of Calgary
Kelsey Gordon, MA Political Science
Marie-Michelle Melotte, BA Humanities, University of Calgary
Ruth Legese, BHSc, University of Calgary
Suhail Zantout, BComm Finance, University of Calgary
Jordan Kadach, JD Candidate 2021 UCalgary Law
Gabriella Wong Ken RN, BN
Jason Wiens, Senior Instructor, English
Felicity Hik, Education, University of Calgary
Amal Madibbo, Associate Professor, Sociology, U Calgary, University of Calgary
Megan Wake (community signatory)
Lindsey Kokaritis, MA Sociology, University of Calgary
Natinael Ayalew, BComm, University of Calgary
Meaghan Halkyard, BA, BEd, Werklund School of Education
Simarn Gill, BComm, University of Calgary
Eden-Raye Lukacik, MSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Jessica Clements, MSW, University of Calgary
Riana Dymond, Haskayne, University of Calgary
Aruna Srivastava, University of Calgary
Ashley Cornect-Benoit, PhD student, Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Aizhan Zhumasheva, MSW , RSW
Aruna Mahadeo, BMath Actuarial Science and Statistics, University of Waterloo (community signatory)
Jacqueline Jenkins, Professor, Dept of English, University of Calgary
Hannah Brunsdon, MSW (2019), Cybermentor Coordinator, Schulich School of Engineering
Samantha Thrift, Instructor, Dep't. of Communication, Media and Film, Univ. of Calgary
Julie Drolet, Professor, Faculty of Social Work
Fayo Abdi, Undergraduate Student BA Sociology, University of Calgary
Freya Szmidt, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Amber Young PhD student, Faculty of Social Work
Alana Bobra, BComm Business Technology Management
Sethu Nair, BSc Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Briana Truong, BComm, University of Calgary
Kimberly Manalili, PhD Candidate, Department of Community Health Sciences
Lauren McMillan, MSc Candidate Developmental Biology, University of Calgary
Qianyun Wang, MSW, University of Calgary
Brian Steele, Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary
Konstantinos Chondros, MSc, Doctoral Candidate in Counselling Psychology
Haniyyah Khan, BSC
Aimee Bontje, BA Development Studies 2011, MSW 2019, University of Calgary
Chialing Lo, Bcomm, Haskayne, University of Calgary
Patrick Powers
Sarah Simmons, MSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Mél Hogan, Assistant Prof., CMF, University of Calgary
David Hodgins, University of Calgary
Dania Idriss, PhD English, University of Calgary
Doreen Ezeife, Medical Oncologist, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Benjamin Blyth, PhD Candidate, Dept of English, University of Calgary
Kessa Den Hoed, BEd Secondary Math, BSc, University of Calgary
Taruneek Kapoor, MA Political Science, University of Calgary
JJ Nelson, BA in film studies, University of Calgary
Erin Leveque, BA, BSW, University of Calgary
Tyra Kenney, BSc (Honours) Zoology Student, University of Calgary
Debra Mackinnon PhD, Geography
Angela Ambrose, BSc Geography, University of Calgary
Petra Dolata, Department of History, University of Calgary
Ellen Forsyth, JD, University of Calgary
Meghan Ingstrup, MSc Counselling Psychology Student
Julie Weatherhead, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
MA Geography Student, University of Calgary
T. Som, PhD student, English, University of Calgary
Michaela Summers, JD Candidate, University of Calgary
Jasmine Naidu, BBA, BSW, RSW
Jenny Kelly, MA, Sociology, University of Calgary
Andrea Christensen, MSW, University of Calgary
Ryley Demchuk, BA (Hons.) History/Art History, University of Calgary
Russell Copley, MSc Student, University of Calgary
Amanda Ho, BSW, University of Calgary
Marsha Vasserman, Psy.D., Alberta Children's Hospital (community signatory)
Stephanie Warner, Career Development Specialist and Sessional Instructor
Mary Mackie, BA Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Christina Marie Ramos, Bachelor of Music alumni, University of Calgary
Hala Said, BN (2019), BSc (2015), University of Calgary
Stephen Bauhart, PhD student. English. University of Calgary.
Amanda Rose. BSc, Natural Science.
Solafa Ahmed, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Kathleen Ahenda, BEd, BMus
Neelinder Sarao, BComm, University of Calgary
Ashley Seward, BMUS ‘20
Ricardo Barbosa Jr., MA Student, Geography, University of Calgary
Brianne Collins, PhD Psychology, University of Calgary
Haley Jacques, BA Dance, University of Calgary
Cole McCracken, BFS, University of Calgary
Ava Danyluk, BHSc (Hon.), J.D./MPP Candidate 2022
Ela Maciejowski, BA Education & International Relations, University of Calgary
Anastasia Blomgren, BA (Hons) Sociology, University of Calgary
Elizabeth Collins, BA Development Studies, University of Calgary
Liza McCoy, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Bontu Galataa, MBA, Haskayne School of Business
Genevieve Dryden, MA student, Geography Department, University of Calgary
Ramya Singh, PhD Developmental Biology, University of Calgary
Gloria Sesay, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Laura Somers, BA International Relations, University of Calgary
Shanique Chisholm, BCOMM undergraduate, University of Calgary
Devonn Drossel, BA Int'l Indigenous Studies, BA Linguistics & Language, University of Calgary
Matthew Steele, BA Education and Mathematics, University of Calgary
Alexandra Curry, BSc, MD, University of Calgary
Emily Au, Undergraduate BHSc Biomedical Sciences
Idil Shirdon, MSW, University of Calgary
Preshanth Jagannathan, MSc Astrophysics, University of Calgary
Pamela Tzeng, BSc Biology, University of Calgary
Huda Azeem, BSc Eng, University of Calgary
Lauren Buote, PhD Student, Counselling Psychology, University of Calgary
Gabby Mackinnon, BSc Geology, University of Calgary
S. Hamid Akbary, MA
Claudia Wendrich, Haskayne School of Business
Elizabeth Drewnik, MSc Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Calgary
Kaitlin Belcher, BA Linguistics, University of Calgary
Bryanne Kennedy
Hannah Toews
Robert Clifton, M.A. Student, Political Science
Emily Tower, MSc Ecology, University of Calgary
Saba Siddique, BA Law & Society, University Of Calgary
Aya Ebdalla, MD Student, University of Calgary
Cindé Adegbesan, MEd, University of Calgary
Mackenzie Bosch, BKin , University of Calgary
McNiel-Inyani Keri, Medical Student
Kathleen Ballangan, BFA Drama and BEd, University of Calgary
Sonia Pave, BA Translation, University of Ottawa (community signatory)
Zeel Patel, BSW, University of Calgary
Nicole Dodd, MBA, Haskayne School of Business 2020
Katherine Lyons, PhD, University of Calgary
Joyce Percel, PhD student, Geography, University of Calgary
Ian Percel, Data Scientist, Research Computing Services, University of Calgary
Sesha Gopal Gopinathan, MSc. Cell Biology, University of Calgary
Kibeom Lee, Psychology, University of Calgary
Nusrat Hasan, BSc Actuarial Science, University of Calgary
Jason Kerswill, Dinos Athletics, University of Calgary
Hannah Mercader, Research Coordinator, Cumming School of Medicine
Sanobar Anjum, EdD, University of Calgary
Zaami Mariama, PhD, University of Calgary
Alvi Tabriz, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Janelle Syring, MD
Ansbert Abobo, MEDes '14, University of Calgary
Adam Coderre, MSc Geology, University of Calgary
Jasmeen Gill, BComm, University of Calgary)
Elicia Suska
Mindi Summers, Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Leah Van Dyk, Doctoral Student, Department of English
Sarah Jacknife, MPP Candidate, Public Policy
Vincent Yong, MEDes Student, University of Calgary
Ravi Darwin Sankar, PhD, University of Calgary
Joy Camarao, BKin, University of Calgary
Mohsen Zirrahi, PhD, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Carrie Blaug, MSW, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary
Kaela Jubas, Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Thea Wolsey, BA Anthropology, University of Calgary
Jessica Theodor, Professor, Biological Sciences
I. Roulson, MSW, Faculty of Social Work
Brigitte Clarke, Department of English
Charles Martin MSW Student, University of Calgary
Ingunn Benediktsson MD, Department of Family Medicine
Asst. Prof., Schulich School of Engineering, Universiy of Calgary
Sydney Toutant, MBT Candidate, BSc '17, University of Calgary
Danielle Smith, BA, University of Calgary
Katie Flynn, Support Staff, University of Calgary
Nathalie Bouchard, Hons. BA
Mayda Ali, BA International Relations '18
Sarah Kenny PhD, Faculties of Kinesiology and Arts
Madison Heintz, M.A. Candidate, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary
Leanne Wong, BA (Hons.), MSW Candidate 2021, University of Calgary
Melanie Jong, MA, Sociology, University of Calgary
William Yimbo, PhD Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
Darren Lund, Professor, Werklund School of Education
Tristan McCallum
Laura Wan, BComm, University of Calgary
Kristen van de Biezenbos, Law/Business, University of Calgary
Rosario Villalobos Med Grad, Staff, University of Calgary
Michael Frisby
Christie Mellan, University of Calgary
Genevieve Tevlin MSW Candidate
Yusra Said, BA Psychology, MSW Student
Kaitlyn Dionne
Shannon Stucky, BComm, BA, University of Calgary
Hussein Warsame, PhD, Professor, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Aimée Bouka, MD, M.Sc (Family medicine PGY1, U of C)
Amber Skoczek, MSW Student, Registered CYCC
Ella Zeaiter, BA, Law & Sociology, MSW Candidate 2021
Sasha Lavoie, BA Communications Studies (2012), BA Psychology (2022), Communications Coordinator, Campus Mental Health Strategy
Crystal Chokshi, PhD Candidate, Department of Communication, Media and Film
DIana Adamo MSW Student
Alicia Cattermole, MSW Candidate
Karla Krewulak
Allison Iriye, BA (Hons.), BSc (Hons.), MSW student, University of Calgary
Charis Falardeau
Katie Tompkins, MSW student
Sarah Sparks, BComm, University of Calgary
Ashley DeBernardo, BComm, University of Calgary
Brent Hagel, PhD, Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Homa Heydarimanesh, BSc Mechanical Engineering ‘17, University of Calgary
Loleini Williams, BA Linguistics, University of Calgary
Amy Paul, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Gladys Teske, supporter (community signatory)
Samantha Johnson, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Aleena Tahir, BSc, Psychology, University of Calgary
Cynthia Gan, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Aishwarya Harish, Student, BSc Psychology and BComm Haskayne School of Business
Naomi Austin, BA Psychology, Incoming JD candidate
Sarah Dueck, BSc Kinesiology
Jamie Sanson, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Priyanka Minhas
Nathan Van Decker, BSc Kinesiology ‘19, University of Calgary
Sean Lindsay, BA English (1997), Psychology student, Coordinator, Calgary Institute for the Humanities
Bhakti Jani, BA Psychology, BSW, University of Calgary
Muskan Virk, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Bridgette Frischholz, BA Psychology, university of Calgary
Olivia Gunther, BA Psychology (Hons.), University of Calgary
Emily Harris, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Sara Mallett, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Hailey Shaw, Bsc Psychology/BA Law & Society, University of Calgary
Jeremy Morris, PhD Biochemistry, University of Calgary
Anna Tran, BFA Visual Studies, University of Calgary
Arianna Lehmann, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Ali Hassan, BSc Psychology
Lanea Jackson, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Rafa Abbas, BSc Psychology and Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Kemi Akinsanya, BComm, University of Calgary
Alexandria Lozowchuk, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Farah Refaey, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Hangsel Sanguino, BA Psychology, University of Calgar
Bianca D, BA East Asian Language Studies, University of Calgary
Grayson Brooks BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Lauren Wan-Sai-Cheong, BSc Psychology (‘22), University of Calgary
Dana Cramer, MA Student, Department of Communication, Media and Film, BA (Hons) Alumni, Certificate in Sustainability Studies Alumni
Sydney Seidel, BA (Hons) Psychology, University of Calgary
Morgan Wallace, BA Psychology (Honours)
Oliver Elliott
Lauren Kepkiewicz, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Geography, University of Calgary
Madison Bridal, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Aliya Kucek BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Yasmeen Nosshi RSW, University of Calgary
Noel Keough, Associate Professor, SAPL
Adrian Woo, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Beatrice Saluya, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Bree Austen, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Francisco Correa, BA International Relations, University of Calgary
Hanying Zhu, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Sunny Guo, BSc (Hons) Neuroscience, University of Calgary
Brendan Moran, Professor, Department of Philosophy
Laine Kelly, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Darlington Christopher, BSc. Mathematics and Statistics, Economics
Omar Abdelwahhab, BComm Candidate, University of Calgary
Fasakin Temitope, MEDes, University of Calgary
Tyrah Fiedler, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Sasha Reid, PhD, Instructor, University of Calgary
Paul Bryan MD, BSc, University of Calgary
Swellan Pinto, BHSc, MA Anthropology Student, University of Calgary
Jena Hemraj, BA (2017), MSW (2022)
Camielle Adams, BA, Political Science, Tuskegee University
Emma Grove, BKin, University of Calgary
Dawn De Vera, BComm, University of Calgary
Karen A. Barron, Biological Sciences
Malak Ali (community signatory)
Willow David, BA, Sociology and Law & Society, University of Calgary
Rachel Kasserra, BCR Student, University of Calgary
Emma De Vynck, MSW student, University of Calgary
Kelsey Guidinger, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Preet Sahota, University of Calgary
Courtland Mack
Amrit Kaur Matharoo (MSW, University of Toronto; BSW, University of Calgary)
Sam Miller, BHSc, University of Calgary
Alexandra Argenal, BSc Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary
Laura Moore (community signatory)
Rabita Islam
Shannon Giorgini, BSC Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Laura Brooks, Master's Student, University of Calgary
Taylor Pigott, BSc Psychology, BSc Biological Sciences, University of Calgary
Kristen Soley, BA psychology
Heather Lee, Student Life Coordinator
Jessica Elmazi
Ebenezer Belayneh, BA Economics & Global Development Studies, University of Calgary)
Alysha Chan Kent, MSc, PhD Counselling Psychology Student, University of Calgary
Leandro Sedayon, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Riel Allward BSc Psychology (Honours), University of Calgary
Burak Saglam, BA, Psychology, University of Calgary
Katie Mitchell, MSW, University of Calgary
Katie Tu, BComm Finance, University of Calgary
Alhan Yazdani, MA Sociology, University of Calgary
Kurtis Herrington
Kemi Akinsanya, BComm, University of Calgary
Jenna Shaw, Alumni, Staff
John Plenos, BA Anthropology and Psychology, University of Calgary
Manu Sharma, clinical psychology, university of Calgary
Negin Saheb Javaher, University of Calgary
Aaron Drake, MSc Psychology Student, University of Calgary
Amanda Guzman Ramirez, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Rosie Twomey, Postdoc, University of Calgary
Mikka Jacobsen, PhD Candidate English, University of Calgary
Mary Cole, M. Couns., CCC
Heather Resendes, BComm, University of Calgary
Isabella Franco, BA History, University of Calgary
Shannon Moore, MSW Student
Chuck (Chukwufumnanya) Chukwujindu, MBA Candidate, University of Calgary
Rahwa Asrat, BA Commerce, University of Calgary
Navreet Dhillon, BSc Psychology, University of Calgary
Ray Yeung, PhD Geography, University of Calgary
Prakash Gautam, MGIS, University of Calgary
Dakota Rickman, BSW, University of Calgary
Michael Dodzi Kudi, PhD French, University of Calgary
Danial Khan, BScPharm, University of Alberta (community signatory)
Lorraine Markotic, Professor, Department of Philosophy
Kate Lee, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Rebecca Lang, law student, University of Calgary
Miranda Harbourne, BA Psychology, University of Calgary
Bruce Dunn, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Amanda Khan, MD/PhD, University of Calgary
Elisa Lacerda-Vandenborn, PhD(c), Werklund School of Education
Nicole Gapero, BA English & BEd, University of Calgary
Laura Caraballo
MacKenzie Williams, BA English and BEd
David Barrios
Francoise Marmillot (community signatory)
Donghyun Woo (Ben), BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Jeanie Au, BSc in Chemical Engineering, University of Calgary
Sophia Shah, MSc student in Biomedical Engineering
Susana Kimura, Faculty of Science, University of Calgary
Andrea Protzner, PhD, University of Calgary
Massimo Plava, BComm, University of Calgary
Amanda Mosca, Staff, Facilities Management
Aviva Fialkow, BA Communications Studies, University of Calgary
ZheXian Zhang, BA Accounting, University of Calgary
Jassleen Parmar, MSc Experimental Psychology, University of Calgary
Nathaniel Githumbi, BA Urban Studies, University of Calgary
Karen Huggins
Azalya Forstbauer
Meagan J. Podilchak, BA And Staff, UCalgary
Stephanie Isilebo, BSc Civil Engineering, University of Calgary
Monisha Deol, BComm Student, Haskayne School of Business
Maimuna Khan, MSW Student, University of Calgary
Christina Jal, Student
Amanda Nielsen, MEd student, University of Calgary
Angela Judge-Stasiak, BA, BSW, M.Ed, RSW, CCDP, University of Calgary
Ha Do, BA Sciences, University of Calgary
Jeff Halvorsen, PhD(c), CE, Social Work, University of Calgary
Nabeela Komal, BSc Natural Sciences and BEd Secondary, University of Calgary
Dongwook Son, BA Accounting, University of Calgary
Nicole Wheeler, Human Resources
Rahel Kiflemariam, MD (Family Medicine, PGY1, UofC)
Brady Engen, BComm, Haskayne School of Business
Ayah Abdalla
Yanetzy Correa
Calandra Speirs, Ph.D.
Caitlin Karpetz, BMUS, BFA, University of Calgary
Muhammad Wajid, BSc Geomatics Engineering
Ariel Lau, BComm in Business Analytics, University of Calgary
Ciana Anhorn, BSc Psychology
Emily Matejko M.A, Project Manager, University of Calgary
Elizabeth (Liz) Baker (Department of Psychology, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Calgary)
Elleine Allapitan, BSc Psychology
Clay Sollid, BComm Accounting, University of Calgary
Samira Ayache, MA Economics, University of Calgary
Liza Lorenzetti, PhD, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary