Capitalized terms in this Appendix are defined in the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy or Student Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure.

The general categories of prohibited conduct as set out in this appendix include similar conduct occurring in new or novel situations.


1. Protection of Individuals

A Student shall not cause or threaten to cause harm to another individual or endanger the safety of another individual. This includes:

(a) actual, attempted, or threatened physical harm;

(b) stalking, bullying, verbal or non-verbal aggression, intimidation or coercion, or any other pattern of behaviour directed at a specific person or group of persons that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their physical or psychological safety or suffer emotional distress;

(c) recording another individual in a private place, including a lab, classroom, bathroom, shared residence room, or other private place to which access is generally restricted in some fashion, without appropriate consent;

(d) conduct that is, or a reasonable individual would conclude is, intended to humiliate or demean another individual, or inciting others to commit an act that a reasonable individual would conclude is intended to humiliate or demean another individual;

(e) practical jokes that may cause physical or psychological harm to members of the University Community; and

(f) hazing or any act that harms, or could reasonably be expected to harm, the physical or psychological health or safety of another individual, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization.


2. Protection of Property

A Student shall not:

(a) damage, deface, destroy or steal the property of another individual, corporation or other entity, including the University;

(b) create a condition that unnecessarily endangers or threatens destruction of the property of another individual, corporation or other entity, including the University;

(c) use University Facilities, or other property, equipment or materials owned, leased, controlled or used by the University for an unauthorized purpose;

(d) enter or remain in any University Facility without authorization when the University Facility is officially closed or restricted for designated purposes or to designated individuals;

(e) record lectures without appropriate authorization;

(f) use recordings of lectures, presentations, or other intellectual property for anything other than their own learning without the express permission of the owner of the intellectual property.


3. Protection of University Functions, Activities and Services

A Student shall not:

(a) Unreasonably obstruct another individual or group of individuals from carrying on their legitimate activities, including from speaking or associating with others; or

(b) Unreasonably interfere with the business, activities or services of the University or a student group or groups such that the business, activity or service is obstructed or disrupted. Examples of University business, activities and services include:

i. active living services;
ii. campus security;
iii. classes, lectures, seminars, tutorials and labs;
iv. computing services;
v. field trips;
vi. governance meetings and administrative hearings;
vii. library services;
viii. parking services;
ix. registration services;
x. residence and food services; and
xi. social, cultural, athletic events, ceremonial, or spiritual events.


4. False Information and Identification

A Student shall not:

(a) knowingly provide false information to any office or individual acting on behalf of the University or a University student group;

(b) possess, distribute or use false or altered University identification or credentials;

(c) alter or forge any University document or record, including identification materials, issued by the University;

(d) allow any University document or record, including identification materials, issued for the Student’s own use to be used by another individual;

(e) use any University document or record other than for its authorized purpose; or

(f) act for or on behalf of the University unless expressly authorized to do so.


5. Possession or Use of Dangerous Objects, Drugs or Alcohol

A Student shall not:

(a) possess, use, manufacture, sell, exchange or otherwise distribute firearms, explosives, or other weapons in violation of any applicable law;

(b) possess, use, manufacture, produce, sell, exchange or otherwise distribute any drug in violation of any applicable law, or University policy; or

(c) possess, consume, furnish, manufacture, produce, sell, exchange or otherwise distribute any alcoholic beverages except as permitted by applicable law and University policy, including the Alcohol Policy.


6. Aiding in the Commission of an Offence

A Student shall not:

(a) encourage or aid another Student in the commission of Student Non-Academic Misconduct.


7. Contravention of Other Laws and University Policies

A Student shall not:

(a) contravene any provision of the Criminal Code of Canada or any other federal, provincial, or municipal law, regulation, or ministerial order;

(b) contravene any University Policy. Alleged violations of University policy not investigated in accordance with a procedure as set out in the policy will be addressed as Student Non-Academic Misconduct. Relevant policies include the:

i. Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources & Information Policy;
ii. Alcohol Policy;
iii. Cannabis Policy;
iv. Code of Conduct;
v. Copyright Policy;
vi. Harassment Policy;
vii. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy; and
viii. Smoking Policy.


8. Failure to Comply with a Sanction

A Student shall not:

(a) violate or disregard a sanction imposed in accordance with the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy or Student Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure, or any other University policy or procedure.

Last Revision: April 8, 2021