How the University of Calgary’s endowment works
2023-24 Endowment Report
For the year ending in March 31, 2024
Individual funds make up the University of Calgary Endowment. Each fund is established by a dedicated and generous donor, or group of donors, for a specific purpose.
The University of Calgary Board of Governors, under the guidance of its Investment Committee, carefully and continuously monitors the impact of current market conditions and the performance of the endowment.
The endowment fund exists to generate enough income to support the programs tied to it and to maintain the fund’s real value, after inflation, in perpetuity. The Investment Committee has currently set the annual spending allocation rate at 3.5%.
The annual investment rate of return of the University of Calgary’s endowment funds for the year ending March 31, 2024 was 13.2%. On a relative basis, the fund had comparable returns but did not outperform the benchmark annual return of 15.4%. The endowment fund continues to increase in value through a conservative, risk-adjusted investment approach.
The overall market value of the endowment as of March 31, 2024 is $1,328,423,000.
If you have any questions about your endowment fund, please email donorrelations@ucalgary.ca.