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Summary of Revisions
University of Calgary Calendar 2013-2014 Schulich School of Engineering 3. School Regulations 3.5 Examinations
3.5 Examinations
Supplemental Examinations

At the discretion of the Engineering Faculty Council, supplemental privileges may be granted to fourth-year students. If these privileges are granted, the student will be informed in writing and must then make application to write the examinations prescribed. Supplemental examinations may be granted in Engineering courses required in the final year program to those students who, at the time of the May, October or January meeting of the Engineering Faculty Council, will be eligible to graduate if one or two "D", "D+" or "F" grades are raised by up to one full grade. A grade of at least "C-" is required to obtain credit for a course through a supplemental examination.

Where courses other than Engineering courses are involved, the successful completion of another approved course may be accepted as clearing the deficiency.

A student may be granted supplemental privileges only once and to a maximum of two supplemental examinations in the courses taken since the last review. Supplemental examinations granted at the January or October meeting of the Engineering Faculty Council will be written in the following April, and those granted at the May meeting of the Council will be written in the following August.