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Astrophysics ASPH

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the Faculty of Science.

Department Head - A.R. Taylor

Note: For listings of related courses, see Astronomy, Physics, Medical Physics, and Space Physics.

Junior Course

Astrophysics 213 H(3-1T-1)

Introduction to Astrophysics

Observations and physical interpretation of stars, galaxies, and the interstellar medium; distances and motions in the universe; radiation and telescopes; celestial mechanics. Laboratory exercises including one at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory as circumstances permit.

Prerequisites: Physics 211 or 221.

Note: Credit for both Astrophysics 213 and Astronomy 213 will not be allowed.

Note: Recommended for science majors.

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Senior Courses

Astrophysics 309 H(3-1)

(formerly Astrophysics 409)

Solar System Astrophysics

Orbital mechanics. Planetary interiors, surfaces, atmosphere, ionospheres and magnetospheres. Solar magnetism and activity cycles. Comets, asteroids, meteorites. Origin of the solar system. Laboratory exercises at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory and/or the main campus.

Corequisites: Prerequisites or Corequisites: Physics 323 or 355.

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Astrophysics 401 H(3-0)

Galactic Astrophysics

The galaxy: space distribution of stars and interstellar material; kinematics and dynamics of stellar systems; rotation and spiral structure; classification and global properties of galaxies; active galaxies.

Prerequisites: Astronomy 213 or Astrophysics 213, Physics 325, and Mathematics 349 or 351 or Applied Mathematics 311.

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Astrophysics 403 H(3-0)

Stellar Structure and Evolution

Observational properties of stars; equations of stellar structure; physics of stellar interiors; structure and evolution of stars; white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes; observational aspects of stellar atmospheres; radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres; opacity; spectral line formation.

Prerequisites: Astronomy 213 or Astrophysics 213, and Physics 325.

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Astrophysics 503 H(3-0)

The Interstellar Medium

Multiwavelength observations of gas and dust in our Galaxy; distribution and physics of neutral atomic hydrogen and molecules; interstellar chemistry; physics of dust grains; HII regions; interstellar shocks; gas dynamics; star formation.

Prerequisites: Astrophysics 403.

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Astrophysics 507 H(1-6)

Senior Astrophysics Laboratory

Lectures and laboratory sessions in observational astronomy. Modern methods of observation, data reduction, and analysis. Observations will be carried out at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory and/or the main campus.

Prerequisites: Astronomy 213 or Astrophysics 213.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: Any 400-level Astrophysics course.

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Astrophysics 509 H(3-0)

High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology

Clusters of galaxies; microwave and X-ray background radiation; dark matter and dark energy; overview of cosmology; general relativistic considerations; large-scale structure and expansion of the universe; nucleosynthesis; gamma ray bursts and cosmic rays.

Prerequisites: Astrophysics 503.

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Graduate Courses

Astrophysics 607 H(3-3)

Advanced Observational Astrophysics

Principles and tools of modern ground-based and space astronomy emphasising ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio radiation. Data acquisition and reduction techniques for astrometry, photometry, spectroscopy, imaging, and interferometry. Use of astronomical data analysis software.

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Astrophysics 611 H(3-0)

Radio Astronomy

Wave propagation, antennas, interferometry, aperture synthesis, radio receivers, and spectrometers. Applications to continuum and line radiation in stars, interstellar medium and extragalactic objects.

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Astrophysics 621 H(3-0)

High Energy Astrophysics

Interaction of high energy particles with matter, propagation and origin of cosmic rays; structure of white dwarfs and neutron stars; the physics of jets and the accretion process onto compact objects; supernovae and supernova remnants; active galactic nuclei.

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Astrophysics 699 H(0-9)

Projects in Astrophysics

Each student will select a project in consultation with a staff member. The project may be experimental or theoretical in nature. A written report and an oral presentation are required.

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