Environmental Policy & Governance Group

We are a research group in the Geography Department of the University of Calgary, led by Dr. Conny Davidsen, focusing on environmental governance dynamics and changing policies at the human-environment interface, often from political ecology or related perspectives. This particularly addresses local to global interests at the policy nexus between forests, climate, energy, and carbon, including sustainable resource management, local extraction conflicts, indigenous land and resource rights. Geographical focus is currently on South America, Western Canada, and South Asia. Click for more info on our group members, publications and current events and activities.

Forests, Climate and Energy Governance in Western Canada


Projects: Wildfire governance in Alberta and British Columbia, wildfire preparedness planning in indigenous communities, oilsands politics and energy governance in Alberta, indigenous rights in British Columbia's forest governance, advanced biofuel developments in Western Canada, carbon emissions in forest management regulations and policies in BC and AB


Resource Extraction and Indigenous Rights in Latin America

Amazon livelihoods in Ecuador

Projects: indigenous land rights, oil conflict and conservation in the Upper Amazon, neoliberal conflict and hydrocarbon extraction in Ecuador and Peru, community-based forest management, biodiversity and conservation policy learning in South and Central America, economic narratives and politics vis-a-vis Amazon indigenous movements and extraction politics


Forest Carbon, Livelihoods and Biodiversity in Asia

Forest livelihoods in Nepal

Projects: indigenous rights and rural forest dweller livelihoods in forest governance in Bangladesh, community-based forest management in Nepal and Bangladesh, biodiversity and conservation policy challenges in Mongolia, protected area governance in South Asia, forest carbon trade (REDD+) governance in Bangladesh and Nepal
