ASRL and Marriott Group Research Team

Dr. Robert A. Marriott
Professor of Chemistry, ASRL Director of Research, and ASRL Research Chair in Applied Sulfur Chemistry
Dr. Marriott is currently the Director of Research and Professor at the University of Calgary. His academic research is performed through the ASRL Research Chair in Applied Sulfur Chemistry which works in full collaboration with ASRL researchers. His interests include high-pressure reservoir chemistry, high-pressure adsorption, sour/acid gas phase behavior, sulfur recovery, corrosion, sulfur product handling and process chemistry. He has published more than 80 manuscripts and given over 50 talks at international venues.
Phone: +1 403-220-3144, e-mail: rob.marriott@ucalgary.ca. Website: University of Calgary, Marriott Research Group

Mr. Francis Bernard
Director of Operations, Senior Research Chemist
Mr. Bernard has been involved in several projects with ASRL since 1999, including sulfur corrosion, storage, forming, transportation, new uses and emissions. Recent projects include sulfur deposition studies, H2S scavengers, sulfur solvents and high pressure water content measurements. Mr. Bernard is Director of Operations and is responsible for business and operations matters of the company. He remains actively involved in a variety of technical projects. Prior to joining ASRL, Francis specialized in analytical chemistry and developed acidizing and fracking formulations for the oil and gas service industry.
Phone: +1 403-220-5431, e-mail: fbernard@ucalgary.ca

Mr. Paul M. Davis
General Manager and Senior Research Scientist
Mr. Paul Davis has over 35 years of experience in sour gas production chemistry at ASRL, including phase behaviour, phase equilibria and physical property determinations at elevated temperatures and pressures, primarily in the sulfur-sour gas system. He is responsible for business and operations matters of the company and continues to participate in various technical projects.
Phone: +1 403-220-3145, e-mail: pdavis@ucalgary.ca

Dr. Melerin Madekufamba
Research Scientist and Project Manager
Dr. Madekufamba is an experimental physical scientist with research interest in thermodynamics, PVT properties at high temperature and pressure and sulfur chemistry. She also works in amine degradation chemistry and selective absorption of gases in special solvents. Her background includes aqueous solution chemistry and corrosion.
Phone: +1 403-220-7936, e-mail: mmadekuf@ucalgary.ca

Dr. Christopher B. Lavery
Research Scientist and Project Manager
ASRL offers a dynamic and broad ranging research program. As a result of this, since joining the research team in 2013, Dr. Lavery has quickly become immersed in various areas of process chemistry that relate to sulfur recovery in the oil and natural gas industry. In his first few years at ASRL, most of Dr. Lavery’s research efforts were focused on the thermal and catalytic stages of the modified Claus process. However, more recently, he has been expanding his research portfolio to encompass studies in corrosion, adsorption, and sulfur-assisted olefin production.
Phone: +1 403-220-3143, cblavery@ucalgary.ca
ASRL Group:
Nancy Chou, Research Chemist, phone: +1 403-220-3224, e-mail: nhhchou@ucalgary.ca
Kevin Lesage, Senior Research Chemist, phone: +1 403-220-3146, e-mail: lesage@ucalgary.ca
Dao Li, Ph.D., Research Scientist, phone: +1 403-220-3224, e-mail: daoli@ucalgary.ca
Donna Pearson, Business Administrator and Acting Corporate Secretary, phone: +1 403-220-5372, e-mail: donna.pearson@ucalgary.ca
Rohen Prinsloo, Research Chemist, phone: +1 403-220-3143, e-mail: rprinslo@ucalgary.ca
Kyle Schooley, Research Chemist, phone: +1 403-220-3146, e-mail: kyle.schooley@ucalgary.ca
Nicholas Simms, Research Chemist, phone: +1 403-220-3146, e-mail: nicholas.simms1@ucalgary.ca
Ruohong Sui, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, phone: +1 403-220-3224, e-mail: rsui@ucalgary.ca
Herman Wan, Safety & Infrastructure Coordinator, Research Chemist, phone: +1 403-220-5346, e-mail: hhmwan@ucalgary.ca
Bryan Zanca, Ph.D., Research Scientist, phone: +1 403-220-3224, e-mail: bryan.zanca1@ucalgary.ca
ASRL Research Chair in Applied Sulfur Chemistry (Rob Marriott) Group:
Mahboubeh Abolhassanzadehparizi, Graduate Student, phone: +1 403-220-3224, e-mail: mahboubeh.abolhassan@ucalgary.ca
Adam Bass, Graduate Student, e-mail: adam.bass2@ucalgary.ca
Dhammika Gunarathna, Graduate Student, phone: +1 403-210-7235, e-mail: madushan.gunarathna@ucalgary.ca
Shihab Majid, Graduate Student, phone: +1 403-220-3224, e-mail: shihab.majid@ucalgary.ca
Fergus May, Undergraduate Student, phone: +1 403-210-7235, e-mail: fergus.m.may05@gmail.com
Keegan Nagy, Undergraduate Student, e-mail: keegan.nagy1@gmail.com
Safeer Nanji, Graduate Student, phone: +1 403-210-7249, e-mail: snan@ucalgary.ca
Aaron Odedra, Undergraduate Student, phone: +1 403-210-7235, e-mail: aaron.odedra@ucalgary.ca
ASRL Former Directors of Research

Dr. Peter D. Clark
Former ASRL Director of Research and Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of Calgary
Dr. Clark acted as the Director of Research for Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd. from 1995 to 2016. Professor Clark was born in London, England and received Ph.D. and B.Sc. degrees in chemistry from the University of Hull, East Yorkshire. After an initial period in the pharmaceutical industry in the UK, during which time he worked in migraine therapy synthesizing drugs now used in treatment of severe migraine, Dr. Clark migrated to Western Canada taking up the challenge of R and D in the energy field with an emphasis on the chemistry of sulphur pertaining to natural gas production, heavy oil development and the liquefaction of coal.
Professor Clark was appointed as a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Professor in 1986 in association with Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd. at the University of Calgary. From 1995 to 2005, Professor Clark directed the activities of ASRL building the company into an internationally-based organization recognized for its expertise in a wide array of sulphur chemistry and technology.
Professor Clark published extensively in both the academic and applied literature and has been recognized by the Society for Chemical Industry (Kalev Pugi prize for applied research), the Canadian Catalysis Society (Lectureship tour for mechanistic investigations into Claus catalysis) and the Gas Processors Association of the United States of America (Katz award for R and D in gas processing and teaching).
E-mail address: pdclark@ucalgary.ca

Dr. James B. Hyne
Former ASRL Director of Research and Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of Calgary
Dr. Hyne acted as the Director of Research for Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd. from 1964 to 1995. Professor Hyne was born in Dundee, Scotland. He received his honors B.Sc. in 1951 and his Ph.D in 1954 from the University of St. Andrews. Dr. Hyne held the position of Instructor, Chemistry at Yale University, and Associate Professor Dartmouth College. In 1960 he joined the faculty of the University of Alberta in Calgary and served as Associate Professor and Administrative Officer.
Immediately after arriving in Calgary (1960), Dr. Hyne saw the importance of the oil and gas industry and realized that fundamental research would be needed to assist in the production, storage, and transportation of sulfur, which at that time was becoming a very important by-product. In 1962, discussions with representatives of the oil and gas industries were started by the Department and the Principal's Office. The objective was to determine the feasibility of establishing a co-operative research institute. The same year, a representative from the International Sulfur Institute in Washington DC visited the University. The result of these meetings was the formation of Alberta Sulfur Research Ltd. (ASRL), which was incorporated as a non-profit sulfur research organization limited by guarantee in 1964.
From 1964-1966 he was the first head of the Chemistry department. He held the position of Professor of Chemistry, University of Calgary from 1964-1990. He became Dean of the Faculty of Graduate studies in 1966 and served as President, Canadian Association of Graduate Schools. Other positions of note that Dr. Hyne has held are Director, Petrofina Canada, and Principal Researcher AOSTRA Heavy Oils Aquathermolysis Research Group.
Dr. Hyne passed away on 11th December, 2023.