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Faculty of Fine Arts

Program Details

Baccalaureate Programs in Art

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Department Regulations


The Department of Art is committed to the study and practice of the visual arts as these relate to

(a) creative art making (studio);

(b) educational practice and theory (Developmental Art); and

(c) to the understanding of art in its diverse historical and cultural settings (Art History).

The Department offers the BFA (Visual Studies) degree and a five-year combined degree program with the Faculty of Education, leading to the BFA (Visual Studies) and Bachelor of Education degrees. The Department also offers the BA degree in the History of Art.

Classification of Department Majors

BA (Art History)

BFA (Visual Studies). Students may choose options that concentrate their programs in Studio or Developmental Art.

BFA (Visual Studies)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program)

Students should also consult the Faculty of Education section of this Calendar for details of teacher certification.

Limitation of Enrolment

New applicants should refer to "Admission Requirements" in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for regulations regarding University admission requirements.

Enrolment in the Department of Art programs in Visual Studies and Art History is limited. Therefore, not all qualified applicants may be admitted.

Applicants will be accepted on the basis of academic standing in high school, a portfolio, and/or previous post-secondary education completed.


1. Students who are accepted must register within three weeks from the date of acceptance. Failure to do so may result in the position being assigned to another candidate.

2. Applicants for a program in Visual Studies or Art History may not subsequently request admission to another such program unless the request is made before the deadline date for application for admission and/or change of program.

3. All Adult Student applicants must present English Language Art 30-1 or evidence of an acceptable background in English.

BFA (Visual Studies)

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Students who elect the four-year BFA (Visual Studies) program do so in order to better realize themselves through study and active involvement in art as related to contemporary society and culture. The courses of study enable the student to develop conceptual understanding in the visual arts, to develop a foundation of knowledge and practice of artistic self-sufficiency, to develop creative processes of planning in order to carry out his or her various studio interests, and to teach art in the elementary or secondary school systems or to work as art specialists in other settings. The program enables the individual student to determine through studio practice the understandings and insights that support his or her own artistic and intellectual development. Students interested in teacher certification may pursue the combined degree program with the Faculty of Education, which offers three years of study in the Visual Studies program and two years in the Bachelor of Education program. The Visual Studies program provides a core of work in the theory and methodology of art education, as well as a foundation in studio art and Art History.


See "Faculty Regulations - Admissions" and "Department Regulations" above.

Submission of a portfolio and a statement of interest are required for admission to the BFA (Visual Studies) program. These must be received by the Art Advisor in the Faculty Office by April 1. No material will be accepted after that date.


Studio Concentration

The designation "Studio Concentration" will appear on the transcripts and parchment of Visual Studies Majors who have completed the following courses in fulfillment of their BFA (Visual Studies) degree:

1st Year

1. English 239/Art 299
2. Non-Art Option/Non-Art Option
3. Art History 201/203
4. Art 231/233
5. Art 241/243

2nd Year

1. Non-Art Option/Non-Art Option
2. Fine Arts Option/ART 399
3. Art 341/Art 343
4. 300-level Art History Option/300-level Art History option
5. 300 level Studio option/300 -level Studio Option

3rd Year

1. 300, 400 or 500-level Non Art option/ 300, 400 or 500-level Non-Art Option (Philosophy 333, Communication Studies 365/367, or English 302 recommended)
2. 300-, 400- or 500-level Fine Arts Option/Art 499
3. 300 o r400 -level Studio Option/300, or 400 -level Studio Option
4. 300 or 400 level Studio Option/ Art 461

5. 300, 400, or 500-level Art History Option/ 300, 400, or 500-level Art History Option (Art History 405/407, 413/415 or 301/303 recommended)
6. Art 103

4th Year

1. 300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option
2. 300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option/Art 599
3. Art301/Art 401
4. Art 561/Art 563
5. Art 560
6. Art 104

Summary of Academic Requirements

Required Art or Art History courses


Required Art or Art History Options


Junior English


Fine Arts Option


Non-Art Options

Open Options

Studio Options





20 full-course equivalents

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Developmental Art concentration.

The designation "Developmental Art Concentration" will appear on the transcripts and parchment of Majors who have completed the following courses in fulfillment of their BFA (Visual Arts) degree.

1st year

1. Engl 239/Art 299
2. Non-Art Option/Non-Art Option
3. Art History 201/Art History 203
4. Art 231/Art 233
5. Art 241//Art 243/

2nd year

1. Non-Art Option/Non-Art Option
2. Art 205//One of Art 305, 307 or 393
3. Open Option/One of Art 305, 307 or 393
4. 300 or 400 level Art History Option/ 300 or 400 level Art History Option
5. 300 or 400 level Art Option/ 300 or 400 level Art Option

3rd year

1. 300, 400, or 500 level Non-Art Option/300, 400 or 500 level Non Art Option
2. 300, 400 or 500 level Fine Arts Option/ART 399
3. Art 491/Art 591
4. 300, 400 or 500 level Art History Option/300, 400 or 500 level Art History Option
5. 300 or 400 level Art Option/300 or 400 level Art Option
6. Art 103

4th year

1. 300, 400 or 500 level Open Option/300, 400 or 500 level Open Option
2. Art 499 or Canadian Studies 433/ 300, 400 or 500 level Open Option
3. Art 509/Art 515
4. 300, 400 or 500 level Art History Option/300, 400 or 500 level Art History Option
5. 300 or 400 level Art Option/300 or 400 level Art Option
6. Art 104

Minor in Visual Studies and Art History

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Successful completion of five full-course equivalents in Art and/or Art History

BA (Art History)

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The BA (Art History) is a four-year degree program requiring a minimum of seven full courses (or equivalents) in Art History. It offers the student a general survey and understanding of the History of Art, and exposure to critical analysis.


See "Faculty Regulations - Admissions" and "Department Regulations" above.


1st Year

1. Junior English/Junior English
2. Non-Art Option (Language recommended)/Non-Art Option
3. Art History 201/203
4. Studio Art or Non-Art Option/Studio Art or Non-Art Option
5. Studio Art or Non-Art Option/Studio Art or Non-Art Option

2nd Year

1. 300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option/300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option
2. 300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option/300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option
3. Non-Art Option/Non-Art Option
4. 300-, 400- or 500-level Studio Art or Non-Art Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Studio Art or Non-Art Option
5. Fine Arts Option/Fine Arts Option

3rd Year

1. 300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option/300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option
2. 300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option/300-, 400-, 500-level Art History Option
3. 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Art Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Art Option
4. 300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option
5. Fine Arts Option/Fine Arts Option

4th Year

1. Art History 501/503
2. Two of Art History 411.01 /411.02 /511
3. 300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option
4. 300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option
5. 300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option

Summary of Academic Requirements

Required Art History courses


Required Art History Options


Required Studio Art or Non-Art Options


Junior English


Fine Arts Options


Non-Art Options


Open Option



20 full-course equivalents

Combined BFA (Visual Studies)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program)

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This combined degree program, administered by the Faculty of Fine Arts, leads to the BFA (Visual Studies) and BEd (Master of Teaching Program) degrees and requires the completion of a minimum of 25 full-course equivalents. Students pursuing this program will enter the Faculty of Fine Arts in year one and then apply to enter the combined degree program after the successful completion of at least five full-course equivalents. After successful completion of all fifteen full-course equivalents specified in the Visual Studies component of the combined degree program, students will complete the two year BEd (Master of Teaching Program) which satisfies the present certificate requirements of the Province of Alberta.


All admission requirements for both Faculties must be satisfied in order to qualify for the combined degree program. Applicants must submit a Faculty of Education Statement form in support of the application (a structured resume which includes the names of three referees). Registration in the Faculty of Education must occur within three years of being admitted into the combined degree program and students must declare their intention to register in the Faculty of Education by the preceding March 15. All students must satisfy the Effective Writing Requirement.

Students choosing to leave the combined degree program before completion of both degrees would be considered to have left the Faculty of Education and would revert to enrolment in the Faculty of Fine Arts with all the degree requirements of that program.


Enrolment in both the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Education is limited by Faculty and program quotas.


1st Year

1. Art History 201/203
2. Art 231/233
3. Art 241/243
4. English 239/Art 299
5. Non-Art Option/Non-Art Option

2nd Year

1. 300 or 400 level Art Option/300 or 400 level Art Option
2. 300, 400 or 500 level Art History Option/300, 400 or 500 level Art History Option
3. Art 205/one of Art 305/ 307 / 393
4. Fine Arts Option/ One of Art 305/ 307 / 393
5. Non Art Option/Non Art Option

3rd Year

1. Art 491/591
2. Art 509/515
3. Art 399 and one of Art 499 or Canadian Studies 433
4. 300- or 400-level Art Option/300 or 400-level Art Option
5. 300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Open Option
6. Art 103

4th and 5th Years

Details of the two-year BEd (Master of Teaching Program) may be found in the Faculty of Education section of this Calendar.

Other Requirements

Students in this program must meet the requirements (10 full-course equivalents) for the two year BEd (Master of Teaching Program) degree.

Summary of Academic Requirements

Required Art or Art History courses


Required Art or Art History Options


Junior English


Fine Arts Options


Non-Art Options


Open Options


BEd courses



25 full courses

Museum and Heritage Studies Minor

Students are encouraged to give consideration to this minor program intended to develop a critical and analytical perspective on the issues and future of museum and heritage resources. These encompass national parks and heritage sites, museums and art galleries, archives and historic buildings.

See "Faculty of Communication and Culture - Program Details - Minor Programs."

Program in Dance

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BA Dance

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The Faculty of Fine Arts provides a four-year BA (Dance) degree intended to give students a basis for understanding dance in a social and cultural context, while also providing in-depth study of dance as an art form in the twenty-first century. The program provides an integrative approach to theory and experience to develop expertise in application.

School of Alberta Ballet

Within the curriculum of the BA (Dance) degree it is possible to pursue an emphasis in ballet by transferring courses from the School of Alberta Ballet (SAB). Students take a total of 7.5 full courses at the SAB and 12.5 full courses at the University of Calgary. Students must be of an intermediate ballet level or higher. Acceptance into the program is by audition and by satisfying basic University of Calgary admission requirements.

Additional information about the BA Dance degree program may be obtained from the Student Advisor BA Dance, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 (403) 220-5382.


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Bachelor of Arts (Dance)

Applicants will be considered for entrance to the BA Dance degree program based on a dance audition, an audition form for the BA Dance, a Statement of Interest and University admission requirements.

Applications for admission to the University and audition forms for the BA (Dance) degree may be obtained online at

Refer to the Applications for Admission Schedule at the front of this Calendar for application and documentation deadlines. Audition forms for the BA (Dance) degree must be received by the Student Advisor BA (Dance) (Contemporary and Ballet) by April 1.

Dance Audition

After submitting the basic University application form, and an audition form for admission to the BA Dance degree, applicants will be eligible to audition.

Auditions are conducted by the BA Dance Committee and are held on the campus of the University of Calgary in April.

At the audition, applicants will be required to participate in two dance classes and an interview.

It is strongly suggested that applicants audition in person. Applicants who are unable to audition in person may apply to the committee no later than February 1 for permission to send a videotaped audition. Please refer to for details and forms.

Limitation of Enrolment

New applicants should refer to "Admission Requirements" in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for regulations regarding University admission requirements.

Enrolment in the BA (Dance) program is limited. Therefore, all qualified applicants may not be admitted.

Applicants will be admitted on the basis of the following criteria:
1. academic standing in high school and/or previous post-secondary education (University admission requirements);
2. written Statement of Interest;
3. dance audition.


First Year

1. Dance 203/209
2. Dance 207/235
3. Dance Education 247/251
4. Dance 345/Arts and Science Option
5. One half Junior English/Arts and Science Option

Second Year

1. Dance 305/307
2. Dance 311/313 or 321/323
3. Kinesiology 261/Dance 463
4. Dance 331/333
5. Dance 341/Open Option

Third Year

1. Dance 405/407
2. Dance 449/Open Option
3. 300-, 400-, 500-level Open Option/300-, 400-, 500-level Open Option
4. Arts and Science Option/Arts and Science Option
5. Fine Arts Option (Non-Dance)/Fine Arts Option (Non-Dance)

Fourth Year

1. Dance 427/481
2. Arts and Science Option/Arts and Science Option

3. Dance 491/300-, 400-, 500-level Open Option
4. Open Option/ Open Option
5. 300-, 400-, 500-level Open Option/300-, 400-, 500-level Open Option

Fine Arts options may be selected from any courses offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts except Dance courses offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts. Open Options may be selected from any courses offered at the University. Senior courses are courses at the 300 level or higher. Arts and Science options may be selected from any courses offered by the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities, Kinesiology, Science and Social Sciences. However, students are required to select at least one-half course from each of three different faculties.


Courses listed as Dance Education cannot be used to satisfy the Arts and Science breadth requirement. Only Kinesiology courses will apply.

Summary of Academic Requirements

Required Dance courses


Required Kinesiology course


Junior English


Fine Arts Options


Arts and Science Options


Open Options


Senior Open Options



20 full courses


BA (Dance) Degree "With Distinction"

The notation "With Distinction" will be entered in the permanent record and on the graduation parchment of a student who completes a major program with a grade point average of 3.50 in his/her final 15 full-course equivalents. In cases in which the "last 15" must include some but not all of a group of courses taken concurrently, the selection will be made in the manner most advantageous to the student. A student who has taken part of his/her course work at another post-secondary institution or who has transferred to the BA (Dance) program at a relatively late stage may be granted a degree "With Distinction" at the discretion of the Dance Committee.

Minor in Dance

A minimum of ten half courses is required to complete the Minor in Dance. A minimum of sixt half courses must be taken from Dance (DNCE) courses offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts. The remaining four half courses may be taken either from Dance courses in Fine Arts, or from Dance Education (DCED) courses in the Faculty of Kinesiology.

Baccalaureate Programs in Drama

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Department Regulations


The Department of Drama offers a BFA (Drama) and a five-year combined degree BFA (Drama Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program) with the Faculty of Education.

Students should also consult the Faculty of Education section of this Calendar for additional programs and details of teacher certification.

Classification of Department Majors

BFA (Drama)

BFA (Drama Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program)

Limitation of Enrolment

New applicants should refer to "Admission Requirements" in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for regulations regarding University admission requirements.

Enrolment in the Department of Drama programs in Drama and Drama Education is limited. Therefore, not all qualified applicants may be admitted.

Applicants will be accepted on the basis of academic standing in high school and/or previous post-secondary education completed.

BFA (Drama)

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The BFA (Drama) program is a four-year degree program which includes both academic and practical training. Course selection can provide emphasis in academic studies, theatre administration, theatre for young audiences and developmental drama, acting and directing, technical production and design, and film. Qualified fourth year students may be placed in an internship course with local professional theatre organizations.


See "Faculty Regulations - Admissions" and "Department Regulations" above.


1st Year

1. Drama 200
2. Drama 222
3. Drama 240
One-half Junior English and one-half Non-Drama Option or one full Junior English
5. Non-Drama Option/Non-Drama Option

2nd Year

1. Drama 340
2. 300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option
3. 300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option
4. Fine Arts Option (Art, Dance, Music, Film, Fine Arts or Senior Drama Option)/Fine Arts Option
5. Non-Drama Option/Non-Drama Option

3rd Year

1. Drama 440 or 342 or 344 or 356
2. 300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option
3. 300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option
4. Fine Arts Option/Fine Arts Option
5. 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Drama Option

4th Year

1. 300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option
2. Open option/Open option
3. Open option/Open option
4. 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Drama Option
5. 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Drama Option

Note: Students intending to pursue graduate studies in Drama are reminded that most Canadian universities require a reading knowledge of at least one modern language other than English; in this respect, students are advised to exercise their options to their best advantage.

Other Requirements


Non-Drama Options are to be selected from courses offered by other departments or faculties. Fine Arts Options may be any courses in Dance, Art, Music, Drama, Fine Arts or Film.

Students are encouraged to develop related programs of study by selecting option courses from each of a few areas rather than isolated courses from many areas.

Summary of Academic Requirements

Required Drama courses


Required Drama Options


Fine Arts Options


Non-Drama Options


Junior English

Open options




20 full courses

Minor in Drama

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See also "Faculty Regulations - Graduation - Minor Field Programs" above for additional information.

A minor in Drama requires the completion of Drama 200, 222, 240 plus at least two full courses (or equivalent) of Drama options at the 300, 400 or 500 level.

Combined BFA (Drama Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program)

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This combined degree program, administered by the Faculty of Fine Arts, leads to the BFA and BEd (Master of Teaching Program) degrees and requires the completion of a minimum of 25 full-course equivalents. Students pursuing this program will enter the Faculty of Fine Arts in year one and then apply to enter the combined degree program after the successful completion of at least five full-course equivalents. After successful completion of all fifteen full-course equivalents specified in the Drama component of the combined degree program, students will complete the two year BEd (Master of Teaching Program) which satisfies the present certificate requirements of the Province of Alberta.

The BFA (Drama Education) program is a specialized three-year program, which exists only in combination with the BEd (Master of Teaching). It is designed for students intending either to teach drama in schools or to work as drama specialists with young people or community groups following certification. It provides extensive course work in performance creation and other aspects of the theatre, which relate directly to the particular needs of theatre with and for youth and communities.

Students who enter the BFA (Drama) program who identify themselves as intending to apply for the combined BFA (Drama Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching) program will be allowed to enrol in Drama 360 in their first year.


All admission requirements for both Faculties must be satisfied in order to qualify for the combined degree program. Applicants must submit a Faculty of Education Statement form in support of the application (a structured resume which includes the names of three referees). Registration in the Faculty of Education must occur within three years of being admitted into the combined degree program and students must declare their intention to register in the Faculty of Education by the preceding March 15. All students must satisfy the Effective Writing Requirement.

Students choosing to leave the combined degree program before completion of both degrees would be considered to have left the Faculty of Education and would have the option of enrolling in the BFA Drama program and completing all the degree requirements of that program.


Enrolment in both the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Education is limited by Faculty and program quotas.


1st Year

1. Drama 200
2. Drama 222
3. Drama 240
Drama 360
5. Non-Drama Option/One-half Junior English

2nd Year

1. Drama 340
2. Drama 362

3. Drama 460
300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option/300-, 400- or 500-level Drama Option
5. Fine Arts or Non-Drama Option/Fine Arts or Non-Drama Option

3rd Year

1. Drama 564
2. Non-Drama Option/Non-Drama Option
3. Senior Drama Option/Senior Drama Option
4. Fine Arts or Non-Drama Option/Fine Arts or Non-Drama Option
5. Fine Arts or Non-Drama Option/Fine Arts or Non-Drama Option

4th and 5th Years

Details of the two-year BEd (Master of Teaching Program) may be found in the Faculty of Education section of this Calendar.

Other Requirements

Students in this program must meet the requirements (ten full-course equivalents) for the two year BEd (Master of Teaching Program) degree.

Non-Drama options are to be selected from courses offered by the Faculties of Humanities, Science, Social Sciences, Education, Kinesiology, Communication and Culture and/or Fine Arts (excluding Drama). Fine Arts options may be any courses offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts. Students are encouraged to select their non-Drama options so as to broaden their discipline-based experiences or to develop a second teaching emphasis (three or more courses) in another academic subject.

Within the Drama Education program, there are three areas of focus:

  • Elementary Drama Education
  • Secondary Drama Education
  • Community Drama

The following senior Drama, non-Drama and Fine Arts options are a sampling of courses offered with and beyond the Faculty of Fine Arts that students might consider when selecting options:

Elementary Drama Education:

  1. Dance Education: Dance Education 243, 247, 251
  2. Developmental Art: Art 209, 211, 307
  3. Children's Literature: English 397, 398

Secondary Drama or Community Drama:

  1. Art 393, 491
  2. Drama 342, 344, 356, 364, 410, 440, 560
  3. Dance Education 481, 493, English 492

Summary of Academic Requirements

Required Drama courses


Required Drama Options


Fine Arts or Non-Drama Options


Junior English


Non-Drama Options


BEd courses



25 full courses

Baccalaureate Programs in Music

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Department Regulations


The Department of Music offers a four-year program leading to the degree of BMus designed for students wishing to enter a professional career in music, either as performers, teachers, composers, theorists, historians or critics. It also offers a four-year program leading to the degree Bachelor of Arts (Music), for the student who wishes to pursue a general education in music. In addition, students wishing to be considered for admission into the Bachelor of Arts Honours (Music) must have completed at least five full-course equivalents and must have achieved a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 over all courses completed..

Students should also consult the Faculty of Education section of this Calendar for details of teacher certification.

Classification of Department Majors

BA (Music)

BA Honours (Music)

BMus - Major specializations:

· Performance

· Composition
· Music History and Theory

§ Combined BMus (Music Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching)


Admission to the BMus program in the Department of Music is by audition and interview; applicants are assessed not only on actual performance, but on talent, potential, and musicality.

Audition Dates

Auditions occur in early May. Applicants should complete the audition forms available on line at http://fasst/ffa/

Live Audition application form deadline: April 1.

Taped Audition application form/tapes deadline: April 1.

Audition Requirements

Applicants should be prepared to perform two pieces (except for piano and voice, who should be prepared to perform three pieces), each from a different style period; singers and instrumentalists should provide their own accompanist; the Department will provide names of accompanists for those who do not have their own (220-5376). Applicants should be prepared to perform for approximately 10 minutes; in addition, they will be asked to sight-read a short piece of music appropriate to their instrument or voice.

Applicants audition on the instrument of their choice or in voice. Those who would like to audition on two instruments may do so. The jury will determine which instrument (or voice) will become the major when the applicant is admitted to a Music program.

Previously accepted students who have not been enrolled in a performance practicum course for a year or more may be required to re-audition in order to determine if the previous level of attainment has been maintained.


As an indication of the level for admission to the Music Department, the following guidelines should be noted:

Pianists and vocalists should be prepared to perform repertoire at the Grade X level.

All others should be prepared to perform repertoire at the Grade VIII level. Students who have not reached the Grade VIII level, but who have a serious interest in a career in music, are encouraged to apply and to audition at the level of performance they have reached. Suggested audition repertoire guidelines are available from the website at:

Entrance Requirements

The Department of Music requires at the time of audition evidence of successful completion of Grade III Royal Conservatory Theory/Harmony or its equivalent. A photocopy of the examination certificate must be submitted with the audition application form. Students who do not have this documentation or have studied privately will be required to do a diagnostic examination at the time of their audition.

Keyboard Proficiency Tests

The Department has a required minimum level of keyboard proficiency which all Bachelor of Music students must achieve in order to graduate. Applicants who have never played a keyboard instrument, or whose proficiency does not meet the required level, will be advised to take remedial work in keyboard, either through the Department or privately.

Applicants Who Live Outside a 150 Km Radius of Calgary

BMus applicants who live further than 150 km from Calgary may submit a video or audio tape. If a tape is submitted, the student may be required to perform a live audition upon arrival. The tape should consist of approximately 10 minutes of music and conform to the requirements for auditions given above. The recording should have been made not more than two months prior to submission, should be of good quality and should be solo or solo with accompaniment. Audition tapes must be received in the Faculty Office by April 1.

Bachelor of Arts (Music)

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The degree Bachelor of Arts (Music) is designed for the student who wishes to pursue the study of music and its place in the context of a liberal arts education As such it is the ideal degree for students who are interested in music but may wish to pursue careers in law, medicine, arts administration, media studies, elementary education, digital arts, and so on. In addition to music courses, Bachelor of Arts (Music) students have the flexibility to take a large number of coursees outside of the department of Music, allowing them to create degree plans that cater to their individual interests and needs. Students are thus encouraged to meet with a Department advisor early in their degree to plan out and create a focus for their program.


See "Faculty Regulations - Admissions" and "Department Regulations" above.


1st Year

Music History and Literature 201/203
Music Theory and Composition 201/203
Music Theory and Composition 221
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104
One full 200-level Non-Music Option
One half Music or Non-Music Option
One-half Junior English Option

2nd Year

Music History and Literature 301/305
Music Theory and Composition 301/303
Music Theory and Composition 321
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104
One full 200-level Non-Music Option
One full 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Music Option

3rd Year

One full 300, 400 or 5000 level Music History and Literature Option
One full 300-, 400- or 500-level Music Theory and Composition Option
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104
Two full 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Music Options
One full-course equivalent Art, Art History, Drama, Dance or Film Option

4th Year

One full 300-, 400- or 500-level Music or Non-Music Option
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104
Four full-course equivalent 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Music Options

Bachelor of Arts Honours (Music)

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The degree Bachelor of Arts (Music) is meant for the student who wishes to pursue the study of music in the context of a liberal arts education and who may wish to pursue a career in an arts-related field.


Admission to the Bachelor of Arts Honours (Music) program requires the completion of a minimum of five full-course equivalents and will require a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher over all courses completed.

See also "Faculty Regulations - Admissions" and "Department Regulations" above.


Years 1 to 3

Same as BA (Music).

4th Year

One full Senior Music or Non-Music Option
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104
Three full courses of 300-, 400- or 500-level Non-Music Options
One of Music History and Literature 596 or Music Theory and Composition 596 (Honours Project)

Other Requirements

Students in the BA Honours (Music) program require a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher over all courses completed.

Minor in Music

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See also "Faculty Regulations - Graduation - Minor Field Programs" above for additional information.

The minor in Music requires the successful completion of at least five full course equivalents in Music of which at least one-half course equivalent must be an ensemble (MUPF 202, 203, 205, 211, 213, 215, 221, 223, 225, 227, 229, etc.)

Enrolment in Music Performance 291.293 is by audition and subject to available resources. Students wishing to include these courses in their program of study should see "Audition Dates" above or contact the Faculty of Fine Arts Student Success Team for more information on when and how to apply for an audition.

In addition, only one full-course equivalent of Music History and Literature 209, 211, 309 and 311 my count toward the Music Minor.

Bachelor of Music

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The four-year program leading to the degree of BMus is designed for students wishing to enter a professional career in music, either as performers, teachers, composers, theorists, historians or critics.

The Bachelor of Music degree provides the opportunity for specialization in one of six areas following a common first year. At the end of the first year of the program the student is required to elect one of the following areas of emphasis.

Area Specializations

1. Performance
2. Composition
3. Music History and Theory
4. Combined BMus (Music Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program)


See "Faculty Regulations - Admissions" and "Department Regulations" above.


Students entering the Performance Route are required to attain a "B-" or better in Music Performance 293 (or 391/393). Students whose progress is unsatisfactory will be required to select another area of study.

Area Requirements

Common First Year for All Areas

Music History and Literature 201/203

Music Theory and Composition 201/203

Music Theory and Composition 221

Music Performance 291/293

One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315

One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

One-half Music or Non-Music Option

One-half Non-Music Option

Pass piano proficiency examination or successfully complete Music Performance 271/]

1. Major in Performance

For students with talent in performance who plan to become professional instrumentalists or singers. Admission as a major in Performance will depend on an audition before a faculty jury at the end of the first or second year. Students entering the Performance Route are required to attain a "B-" or better in Music Performance 293 (or 391/393). Upon admission into this major the student will maintain a "B-" or better for lessons and be examined each Spring to determine continuance or advancement in the program.

Note: Voice majors are required, and other Performance majors are strongly urged, to include within their non-Music options at least two half-course equivalents of French, German, or Italian. Voice majors are strongly encouraged to include Music Performance 517.

2nd Year

Music History and Literature 301/305
One of Music Performance 321, 323, 325, 327 or 341
Music Performance 391/393
Music Theory and Composition 301/303
Music Theory and Composition 321
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104
One-half Non-Music Option

3rd Year

One half 300, 400 or 500 level Option in Music History and Literature
One Half 300, 400, or 500 level Option in Music Theory and Composition
One of Music Performance 321, 323, 325, 327 or 341
Music Performance 469
Music Performance 498
One-half Music or Non-Music Option
One full Non-Music Option (two half courses in French, German or Italian for voice majors)
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

4th Year

One of Music Performance 321. 323. 325. 327 or 341
Music Performance 569
Music Performance 598
One and one-half full Music or Non-Music Options
One full Non-Music Option
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

2. Major in Music History and Theory

For students with interest in the historical, cultural and theoretical aspects of music. Also for students wishing to pursue graduate work in musicology or music theory, with the aim of teaching in a university of a career as a music critic, music librarian, or music editor for publishing houses and recording companies..

2nd Year

Music History and Literature 301/305
Music Performance 391/393
Music Theory and Composition 301/303
Music Theory and Composition 321
One full Non-Music Option
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

3rd Year

One full Music History and Literature Option
Music Theory and Composition 471
One of Music Theory and Composition 473, 475, 477 or 479
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313, 315, 321 or 329
One full course approved non Music option in cultural or political history
One full language other than English
One-half Music or Non-Music option
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

4th Year

Music History and Literature 551
One-Half Music History and Literature Option
One of Music Theory and Composition 473, 475, 477 or 479
One-half Music History and Literature Option or one-Half 500-level Music Theory and Composition Option
Music History and Literature 598 or Music Theory and Composition 598
One full Music or Non-Music Option
One full Non-Music Option Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

3. Major in Composition

For students with a particular interest in composition.

2nd Year

Music History and Literature 301/305
Music Performance 391/393
Music Theory and Composition 301/303
Music Theory and Composition 321
Music Theory and Composition 391/393
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

3rd Year

One Half 300, 400,or 500 level Music History and Literature option
Music Theory and Composition 475, 477, 479
Music Theory and Composition 491/493
One-half Music or Non-Music Option
One full Non-Music Option
Music Performance 327
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104

4th Year

Music Theory and Composition 577
Music Theory and Composition 598
One of Music Theory and Composition 471 or 473
One full Music or Non-Music Option
Two full Non-Music Options
One of Music Performance 101, 102, 103 or 104
Note: Conducting is recommended as one of the Music Options.

4. Combined BMus (Music Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching)


The combined degree program, administered by the Faculty of Fine arts, leads to the BMus and BEd (Master of Teaching Program) degrees and requires the completion of a minimum of 25 full-course equivalents. Students pursuing this program will enter the Faculty of Fine Arts in year one and then apply to enter the combined degree program after the successful completion of at least five full-course equivalents. After successful completion of all fifteen full-course equivalents specified in the Music education component of the combined degree program, students will complete the two-year BEd (Master of Teaching program) which satisfies the present certification requirements of the Province of Alberta

The BMus (Music Education) program is a specialized three-year program, which exists only in combination with the BEd (Master of Teaching) program. It is designed for students intending to teach music (both instrumental and choral) in the schools and students have a choice of two streams - elementary or secondary. Besides the core areas of performance, theory, history and musicianship, the program provides course work in conducting, choral and instrumental techniques and appropriate pedagogy for different age groups.


All admission requirements for both Faculties must be satisfied in order to qualify for the combined degree program. Applicants must submit a Faculty of Education Statement form in support of the application (a structured resume which includes the names of three referees). Registration in the Faculty of Education must occur within three years of being admitted into the combined degree program and students must declare their intention to register in the Faculty of Education by the preceding March 15.

All students must satisfy the effective Writing Requirement.

Students choosing to leave the combined degree program before completion of both degrees would be considered to have left the Faculty of Education and would revert to enrolment in the Faculty of Fine Arts with the option of finishing their degree in some other route.

Note: Enrolment in both the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Education is limited by Faculty and program quotas.

Course Requirements


1st year

Music Theory and Composition 201/203
Music Theory and Composition 221
Music History and Literature 201/203
Music Performance 291/293
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
Two half-course non music options

2nd year

Music Theory and Composition 301/303
Music Theory and Composition 321
Music History and Literature 301/305
Music Performance 391/393
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
Music Education 331/333

3rd year

Music Education 405/407
Music Education 315/317
Music Performance 491/493
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
Three half courses music or non-music options

In addition, students must complete three of the following MUPF 101, 102, 103, 104, (Recital Hour/Community Service). Students are also required to successfully complete MUPF 271 (Class Keyboard) if piano skills are not up to the required level.

Course Requirements


1st year

Music Theory and Composition 201/203
Music Theory and Composition 221
Music History and Literature 201/203
Music Performance 291/293
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
Two half courses non-music options

2nd year

Music Theory and Composition 301/303
Music Theory and Composition 321
Music History and Literature 301/305
Music Performance 391/393
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
Music Education 331/333

3rd year

Music Education 405/407
Music Education 409/411
Two of Music Education 391,393, 397
Music Performance 491/493
One of Music Performance 301, 303, 305, 311, 313 or 315
One half course music or non-music option

In addition, students must complete three of the following: MUPF 101, 102, 103, 104 (Recital Hour/Community Service). Students are also require to successfully complete MUPF 271 (Class Keyboard) if piano skills are not up to the required level.

Multidisciplinary Programs

(Return to Top)

Combined BA or BFA (Fine Arts) / BA (Humanities) Program


The program, sponsored jointly by the Faculties of Fine Arts and Humanities, leads to the BFA and BA degrees, or two BA degrees, and requires the completion of a minimum of 25 full-course equivalents. Students pursuing this program will normally enter the Faculty of Fine Arts in year one and then apply to enter the combined degree program after the successful completion of at least four full-course equivalents. At that time, the student will declare a Major Field within the Faculty of Humanities in addition to the Major within the Faculty of Fine Arts.


All admission requirements for both Faculties must be satisfied in order to qualify for the combined degree program.


Successful completion of the requirements for the major in the Humanities (at least seven or eight full-course equivalents, depending on the major selected) with no more than one full "D" or "D+" grade is required. Students must complete a minimum of nine full-course equivalents from the offerings of the Faculty of Humanities. One full-course equivalent from each of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science is also required.

The degree requirements of each major within the Faculty of Fine Arts must be completed as stipulated in this Calendar. The courses completed in the Faculty of Humanities will fulfill the requirements for the non-Fine Arts options in the Fine Arts degree programs including the Junior English requirement. Students should be aware, however, that should they not complete the combined degree and complete only the degree in Fine Arts, they must take whatever Junior English may be required by the major program in Fine Arts.

In order to maintain good standing in the combined degree program, the grade point average requirements of both Faculties for progress through the degree and for graduation must be met.

A maximum of eight full-course equivalents at the junior level are permitted in the combined degree program.

At least one half of the 25 full-course equivalents must be taken at the University of Calgary. A maximum of ten full-course equivalents may be transferred to a single Faculty. At least half the courses counting towards each of the Majors must be taken at the University of Calgary.

The program requires careful selection of courses to complete all the requirements of the two faculties within the minimum number of courses. Interested students are urged to contact the Student Affairs offices of the two Faculties for advice in choosing their courses.

It will be possible for students to opt out of the combined program until the end of the second year and complete either the Fine Arts or Humanities degree program within four years. However, if courses have been unevenly distributed in the first two years, or if more than two years have been completed in the combined program, more than four years may be required to complete a single degree.

Summary of Academic Requirements

Fine Arts




Social Sciences





25 full courses


For Fine Arts programs requiring fewer than 14 full-course equivalents in Fine Arts, the combined degree will require open options to make up the total of 25 full-course equivalents.

It should be noted that the Bachelor of Music degree is excluded from this combined degree program. Only the BA (Music) and BA Honours (Music) can be obtained jointly with a Humanities degree.