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Statement of Intellectual Honesty

Intellectual honesty is the cornerstone of the development and acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge is cumulative and further advances are predicated on the contributions of others. In the normal course of scholarship these contributions are apprehended, critically evaluated, and utilised as a foundation for further inquiry. Intellectual honesty demands that the contribution of others be acknowledged. To do less is to cheat. To pass off contributions and ideas of another as one's own is to deprive oneself of the opportunity and challenge to learn and to participate in the scholarly process of acquisition and development of knowledge. Not only will the cheater or intellectually dishonest individual be ultimately his/her own victim but also the general quality of scholarly activity will be seriously undermined. It is for these reasons that the University insists on intellectual honesty in scholarship. The control of intellectual dishonesty begins with the individual's recognition of standards of honesty expected generally and compliance with those expectations.

With respect to student work in a course, it is the responsibility of the instructor to specify the academic requirements of the course.