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Deadline Dates for Transcripts

Please note the deadline dates for receipt of transcripts as indicated on Applications for Admissions Schedule.

Unofficial and/or official transcripts must be received in adequate time for a decision to be made concerning the admissibility of any applicant.

Failure to submit transcripts by the deadlines will result in the cancellation of the applicant's Application for Admission.

Applicants seeking admission for Fall or Winter Sessions, who have not received notification of their admissibility by August 15 or December 15 (respectively) are asked to contact the Recruitment and Admissions Office.

Applicants may not register in courses until admission has been granted. Applicants who receive their notification of admission prior to mid-June must register by June 30. Applicants who receive their notification of admission after mid-June must register within three weeks of the issuance of the letter of admission.

Students granted tentative admission on the basis of unofficial transcripts and for whom official transcripts have not been received by the following dates, will have a withhold placed on their registration for the following session:
Fall Session - ten lecture days after the start of the session
Winter Session - ten lecture days after the start of the session.