U.T. Sundararaj receives Accelerator Award to advance polymer research

Posted on July 6, 2015 (news courtesy of University of Calgary Press & Lisha Hassanali)

Schulich professor U.T. Sundararaj receives Accelerator Award to advance polymer research. Photo courtesy by James Michael Paul

Creating new and better materials energizes Uttandaraman (U.T.) Sundararaj to pursue research that makes a difference. His fascination to improve polymer materials for multiple uses like electronics and automotive application has been rewarded with additional funding through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Accelerator Supplements program.

Schulich/ Synthesizing multifunctional materials to meet technological demand: In the Schulich School of Engineering, Uttandaraman (U.T.) Sundararaj is working to better understand the structure and properties of polymers to synthesize stronger materials using nano composites and polymer blends. Found nearly everywhere, polymers show up in two-thirds of the objects we touch every day such as the keyboard and mouse of a computer, as well as in natural materials such as rubber. Sundararaj's proposed new polymer materials have commercial potential for a large number of applications such as in electronics, biomedical, automotive, aerospace, and other industries.

 Read the full story here..
 Read also in UTODAY here..

CIC Award for Chemical Education-Professor U.T. Sundararaj

Posted on February 23, 2014

Dr. U.T. Sundararaj, profesor and head of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering in the Schulich School of Engineering, has been awarded the 2014 Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) Award for Chemical Education, The CIC is an umbrella organization for Chemists, Chemical Engineers and Chemical Technologists across Canada.

2012 Killam Annual Professor Awards - Professor Uttandaraman Sundararaj
Posted on November 8, 2012

Dr. U. Sundararaj is one of the 2012 Killam Annual Professorship winners who demonstrate excellence in research, student mentoring and teaching who have also made a significant contribution to their academic discipline and to the community beyond the campus. He has won every major teaching award in engineering and Canada's highest post-secondary teaching honour - the 3M National Teaching Fellowship. He has been recognized for his research in polymer processing and new polymer nanomaterials development and has taught courses on fluid mechanic, advanced drug delivery, thermodynamics, process control and heat transfer. In addition, he has served on several critical university committees, public forums and boards of non-profit organizations.

PPS Americas Conference 2012. May 21-24, 2012
Posted on February 23, 2014

PPG Member at PPS Americas Conference 2012. May 21-24, 2012

PPG members were present at the prestigious Americas Polymer Processing Society Conference 2012. The meeting offered a platform for engineers and scientists in the polymer field to exchange ideas, develop networks, and foster scientific understanding and technical innovation. The thematic range of the conference encompassed all formulation, conversion and shaping operations applied to polymeric systems in the transformation from their monomeric forms to commercial products. PPG members participated with eight oral presentations. The 2012 Americas regional Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society was held in beautiful Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, May 21-24.

WIN Seminar Series Speaker - Professor Uttandaraman Sundararaj
Posted on May 24, 2012

On Thursday, February 2nd 2012, Professor Uttandaraman Sundararaj from the University of Calgary, delivered a lecture titled "Electrically Conductive Polymer-Metal Nanowire Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Shielding Applications".

Uttandaraman Sundararaj received CFI funding
Posted on May 24, 2012

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) announced the latest round of Leader's Opportunity Fund projects on Jan. 24, and two University of Calgary researchers were among those who received funding. Uttandaraman (U.T.) Sundararaj, PhD, Head of chemical and petroleum engineering, Schulich School of Engineering Project name: Viscoelastic Materials Characterization for Novel Highly Conductive Polymer Blends/Nanocomposites and Heavy Oils This award will fund laboratory equipment for research in the areas of polymer nanocomposites and heavy oil production. This could lead to new polymer processing methods to produce more effective encasings for devices such as mobile phones and laptop computers. The goal is to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) for better device functionality and to address health concerns. The World Health Organization recently reported that excessive EMI radiation may contribute to some cancers. The new equipment will also help predict oil flow in reservoirs and lead to the development of new techniques for use in the oil sands. Sundararaj will collaborate with Schulich researchers Ian Gates and Harvey Yarranton to design new methods to make heavy oil production more sustainable by enhancing recovery while using less energy and reducing carbon emissions.

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