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Faculty of Arts
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Student Advising
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Arts and Science Honours Academy
4.2 African Studies
4.3 Ancient and Medieval History
4.4 Anthropology and Archaeology
4.5 Archaeology
4.6 Applied Energy Economics
4.7 Art
4.8 Art History
4.9 Canadian Studies
4.10 Chinese
4.11 Classics and Religion
4.11.1 BA in Ancient and Medieval History
4.11.2 BA Honours in Ancient and Medieval History
4.11.3 BA in Greek and Roman Studies
4.11.4 BA Honours in Greek and Roman Studies
4.11.5 Minor in Greek and Roman Studies
4.11.6 Minor in Greek
4.11.7 Minor in Latin
4.11.8 BA in Religious Studies
4.11.9 BA Honours in Religious Studies
4.11.10 Minor in Religious Studies
4.11.11 Concentration in Philosophy and Religion
4.11.12 Minor in South Asian Studies
4.12 Communication, Media and Film
4.13 Creative and Performing Arts
4.14 Dance
4.15 Development Studies
4.16 Drama
4.17 Earth Science
4.18 East Asian Language Studies
4.19 East Asian Studies
4.20 Economics
4.21 English
4.22 Film Studies
4.23 French
4.24 Geography
4.25 German
4.26 Greek
4.27 Greek and Roman Studies
4.28 History
4.29 History and Philosophy of Science
4.30 Indigenous Studies
4.31 International Indigenous Studies
4.32 International Relations
4.33 Italian Studies
4.34 Japanese
4.35 Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
4.36 Latin
4.37 Latin American Studies
4.38 Law and Society
4.39 Linguistics
4.40 Linguistics and Language
4.41 Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Studies
4.42 Multidisciplinary Studies
4.43 Museum and Heritage Studies
4.44 Music
4.45 Philosophy
4.46 Political Science
4.47 Psychology
4.48 Religious Studies
4.49 Religious Studies and Applied Ethics
4.50 Russian
4.52 Sociology
4.53 South Asian Studies
4.54 Spanish
4.55 Urban Studies
4.56 Visual Studies
4.57 Women's Studies
5. Administration
Cumming School of Medicine
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Nursing
Qatar Faculty
Schulich School of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Work
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Werklund School of Education
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Summary of Changes for 2020/21 Calendar
University of Calgary Calendar 2020-2021 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.11 Classics and Religion
4.11 Classics and Religion
Overview of Programs and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degrees Offered

Degrees in Ancient and Medieval History

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ancient and Medieval History

BA in Ancient and Medieval History with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Ancient and Medieval History

BA Honours in Ancient and Medieval History with Co-operative Education

Degrees in Greek and Roman Studies

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Greek and Roman Studies

BA in Greek and Roman Studies with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Greek and Roman Studies

BA Honours in Greek and Roman Studies with Co-operative Education

Degrees in Religious Studies

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Religious Studies

BA in Religious Studies with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Religious Studies

BA Honours in Religious Studies with Co-operative Education

Related Interdisciplinary Degrees (See separate listings)

BA in Religious Studies and Applied Ethics*

*Applications to this program are currently suspended. No new admissions will be permitted.


  • Minors are offered in Greek and Roman Studies, Greek, Latin, Religious Studies, and South Asian Studies.
  • A Concentration in Philosophy and Religion is available in the BA and BA Honours Religious Studies.

The Department of Classics and Religion offers instruction in Ancient and Medieval History, Greek and Roman Studies, and Religious Studies.

Ancient and Medieval History

The Ancient and Medieval History program examines pre-modern societies around the globe, from those of the Greeks and Romans of antiquity to the European Middle Ages, from the civilizations of the ancient Near East to those of southern and eastern Asia, Africa, and the Americas. To study Ancient and Medieval History is to discover cultures that, while they are unlike our own in many respects, have nevertheless provided the political, social, religious and intellectual foundations of the modern world.

Greek and Roman Studies

The Greek and Roman Studies program explores the ancient Mediterranean world through its languages (principally ancient Greek and Latin), history, literature, religion, mythology, art and architecture. Students are introduced to methods of textual analysis as well as the careful examination of material remains. Since the traditions of ancient Greece and Rome are foundational to modern western culture, their study is invaluable not only for their own sake, but also because of their continued relevance today.

Religious Studies

Religious Studies seeks to foster an understanding of the wide variety of religions that have influenced the development of human cultures and that continue to be powerful forces in today's world. Courses examine religious worldviews and their associated texts and practices, movements and institutions, as they appear now and as they have developed over time in many cultures of the world. The Field of Religious Studies is multicultural, i.e., religions from all over the world are the subject of study, including the ancient traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as religious movements of more recent origin. Religious Studies is also multidisciplinary, which means that religion is studied with the use of methods and theories from various disciplines, including history, anthropology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, literary theory, and feminist theory.

South Asian Studies

The South Asian Studies minor is a broadly-based interdisciplinary program offered as a collaborative program in the Faculty of Arts. Courses explore the South Asian classical language of Sanskrit, and classical and contemporary South Asian philosophy, religion, art history, and culture. Taken together, this wide diversity of perspective offers a comprehensive understanding of the rich culture and emerging global power of India and Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Contact Information

Department Office: Social Sciences 558

Phone: 403.220.5886

Fax: 403.210.9191



For Program Advice

Students should consult a program advisor in the Arts Students’ Centre for information and advice on their overall program requirements. Advising contact information can be found online:

For more specific advice regarding course selection and requirements in the major field, students should consult the Undergraduate Program Director located in the Department of Classics and Religion (consult Department website for contact information).

Admission to the Major

Prospective students wishing to enter the BA (Ancient and Medieval History), BA (Greek and Roman Studies) or BA (Religious Studies) Program must meet the criteria listed in section A.5 Undergraduate Admission Requirements of this Calendar.

Admission to Honours

The Faculty of Arts procedures for Admission to Honours established in section 3.3.2 Honours Degrees are applicable and provide the overall framework. Students wishing to apply to an Honours program must apply through their Student Centre for a change of program to Honours by February 1.

Overlapping Programs

Programs in Greek and Roman Studies cannot be taken in conjunction with Ancient and Medieval History. This restriction applies to Double Majors, Combined Degrees and Second Baccalaureate Degrees and also to most Major-plus-Minor combinations.

Minors in Greek or Latin may be taken in conjunction with degrees in Ancient and Medieval History.

Minors in Greek or Latin can only be taken in conjunction with the program in Linguistics and Language if the Language Option for that program differs from the language of the Minor.

Programs in Religious Studies cannot be taken in conjunction with programs in Religious Studies and Applied Ethics. This restriction applies to Major-plus-Minor combinations, Double Majors, Combined Degrees and Second Baccalaureate Degrees.

The Concentration in Philosophy and Religion cannot be taken in conjunction with a combined degree or double BA or BA Honours program in Philosophy and Religious Studies or a Major/Minor combination.

Courses Constituting the Field of Ancient and Medieval History
Courses Constituting the Field of Greek and Roman Studies
Courses Constituting the Field of Religious Studies

Courses are divided into the following streams of study:

Western Religions

Nature of Religion

Eastern Religions

Religious Studies 373, 399, 491 and 595 will be designated as Western, Eastern or Nature of Religion depending on the topic covered. Religious Studies 377, 577 and 590 are not counted in any of the three streams.

Courses Constituting the Field of South Asian Studies

*When the content is applicable and with permission of the Program Co-ordinator.