Environmental Design Planning EVDP

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Environmental Design.

Graduate Courses

Environmental Design Planning 601 Q(3-0)

Legal Planning Frameworks

Familiarizes students with the legal basis of planning, from the Constitution and property law to environmental and administrative law. Also considered are the Municipal Government Act and various legal planning tools such as Municipal Development Plans, Land Use By-Laws, Business Revitalization Zones, etc. Addresses the municipal development process related to land use redesignations, development permits, subdivision and appeals.

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Environmental Design Planning 603 Q(3-0)

Spatial Analysis for Urban Planning

GIS and quantitative analysis techniques for evaluating demographic, distribution of jobs, housing, and other economic trends that establish the basis for discussion of appropriate planning policies. Develops an understanding of the historical growth patterns for the City of Calgary.

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Environmental Design Planning 605 H(3-0)

Community Planning

Overall objective is to introduce students to land use planning and development issues in the suburban context. Addresses one of the most important urban challenges related to smart growth management. Provides a step-by-step introduction to community planning processes and essential planning policies to create development that is economically feasible, socially inclusive and environmentally friendly.

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Environmental Design Planning 607 Q(3-0)

Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis

Skill in quantitative analysis is developed in estimating the local impact of project development in terms of economic (income, expenditure, employment), demographic (population, households, housing units), and fiscal (revenue, expenditure, taxation) impacts.

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Environmental Design Planning 609 Q(3-0)

Physical Planning

Execution of a major physical planning and design project. Skills development in drawing and in utilizing graphic conventions to describe and interpret built environment.

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Environmental Design Planning 611 Q(3-0)

The Urban Development Framework

Critical examination of Canadian political, economic and legal institutions as the context of urban development. Exploration of administrative and regulatory alternatives. Financial analysis of private sector urban development.

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Environmental Design Planning 613 Q(3-0)

Public Involvement

Provides students with an understanding of the principles and practice of public participation and community development. Various participation methods/approaches are analyzed in terms of their characteristics, advantages and limitations. How to develop and implement a public involvement plan also discussed.

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Environmental Design Planning 617 H(3-0)

Environmental Planning

Focuses on the professional practice of environmental planning at the municipal and regional level. Basic terrestrial and aquatic ecological and environmental processes operating in regional ecosystem and landscapes will be presented in the context of municipal environmental policy, land use planning and development, performance zoning and standards and urban infrastructure development. Case examples and projects will be used to illustrate both current best practice, current practice and research issues in environmental planning within municipal and multi-jurisdictional frameworks.

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Environmental Design Planning 639 H(3S-0)

Master's Degree Project in Planning: The Process

A seminar course to initiate the process of developing and designing the student's Master's Degree Project in Planning. At the completion of the course, the student is expected to have an approvable MDP proposal and a research plan.

Note: Graded on CR/C/F basis only.

Note: Passing grades on any assignment or on the course does not necessarily imply that the Faculty must accept or approve the student's proposal.

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Environmental Design Planning 641 H(3S-0)

Master's Degree Project Research in Planning

A seminar course to facilitate the timely preparation of the Master's Degree Project in Planning, including its preparation, writing and defense.

Prerequisites: Unconditionally approved Program of Study and successful completion of Environmental Design 683.86 or Environmental Design Planning 639.

Note: Graded on CR/C/F basis only.

Note: Passing grades on any assignment or on the course does not necessarily imply that the MDP Supervisory or Examining Committee must accept or similarly evaluate work submitted to it as part of the MDP.

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Environmental Design Planning 711 Q(0-4T)

Advanced Practicum in Professional Planning Practice

Approved senior student work experience in professional planning practice. Offered in cooperation with practising professionals and the Alberta Association of the Canadian Institute of Planners.

Prerequisites: Conditionally approved Program of Study.

Note: Graded on CR/C/F basis only.


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Environmental Design Planning 713 H(0-4T)

Advanced Practicum in Professional Planning Practice

Approved senior student work experience in professional planning practice. Offered in cooperation with practising professionals and the Alberta Association of the Canadian Institute of Planners.

Prerequisites: Conditionally approved Program of Study.

Note: Graded on CR/C/F basis only.


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