Music History and Literature MUHL

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Music in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Department Head - J. Brown

General interest courses in music history, which may be taken by non-music majors:







Junior Courses

Music History and Literature 201 H(3-2)

Introduction to Music History

Music from antiquity to 1700.

Note: Open to students accepted as music majors and minors on the basis of the entrance audition and to qualified students from other areas with consent of the Department.

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Music History and Literature 203 H(3-0)

Music from 1700 to 1850

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 201 or consent of the Department.

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Music History and Literature 209 H(3-0)

Music Past and Present

Directed listening to and study of important music of the past and present. Content may vary from year to year. Intended for non-majors.

Note: Attendance at off-campus performances may be required.

Note: Credit for this course not applicable to majors or minors in music.

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Music History and Literature 211 H(3-0)

Music and the Humanities

Study of the interrelationship of music and the humanities in a broad cultural and historical framework. Content may vary from year to year. Intended for non-majors.

Note: Attendance at off-campus performances may be required.

Note: Credit for this course not applicable to majors or minors in music.

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Music History and Literature 281 H(3-0)

Jazz History

Directed listening and analysis of jazz forms from the early beginnings of jazz to the present. Styles examined range from Early Jazz to Jazz-Rock Fusion. Major figures considered include: Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Lester Young, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis and John Coltrane.

Note: Music majors and minors may use this course for credit towards their programs.

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Senior Courses

Music History and Literature 301 H(3-0)

Music from 1850 to Present

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 203 or consent of the Department.

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Music History and Literature 303 H(3-0)

(formerly Music History and Literature 351)

Musical Cultures of the World/Ethno-musicological Perspectives on Music

Focuses on a detailed ethno-musicological examination of non-western traditions.

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 301 or consent of the Department.

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Music History and Literature 309 H(3-0)

Music and Popular Culture

Survey and specific examination of popular music and culture, ranging from classical styles to rock, within an historical and sociological context. The course will examine the meaning and messages of popular music, and its impact on present-day culture. Topics may include The Beatles and Rolling Stones, Rock and Roll, Black Music, jazz, music and media, blues, Sinatra, Broadway and others.

Note: Available to music majors and minors for credit as a non-music option.


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Music History and Literature 311 H(3-0)

Composers and Musical Cultures

In-depth study of selected composers, their music, and their relationship to intellectual history (i.e. Mozart and the French Revolution), and/or examinations of specific western and non-western musical cultures (i.e. Music in India, Music in post-war Germany) and their impact. Attendance at relevant musical concerts and lectures may be required.

Note: Available to Music majors and minors for credit as a music option.


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Music History and Literature 331 H(3-0)

Early Canadian Music

Music by Canadians. A survey from pre-Confederation to 1945 including folk-music heritage.

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Music History and Literature 551 H(3-0)

Research Techniques and Bibliography of Music

Exploring the basic reference materials and techniques for musical research in all areas.

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 303 and consent of the Department.

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Music History and Literature 555 H(3-0)

Independent Study

Individual study in a selected music history area.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Music History and Literature 571 H(3-0)

Selected Topics in Music History

A specific musical medium or genre: may include chamber music literature, symphonic literature, dramatic literature and program music.

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 303 or consent of the Department.


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Music History and Literature 573 H(3-0)

Studies in the Music of Selected Composers

Specific composers or groups of composers; may include Beethoven, Debussy, the Second Viennese School, etc.

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 303 or consent of the Department.


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Music History and Literature 596 F(1-4)

Honours Project

A major project with an emphasis upon historical and/or cultural issues.

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 303 and consent of the Department.

Note: Restricted to students in the BA Honours (Music) program.

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Music History and Literature 598 F(1-4)

Senior Project

Major project in music history and literature.

Prerequisites: Music History and Literature 303 and consent of the Department.

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Graduate Courses

Music History and Literature 603 H(3S-0)

Pro-Seminar in Music for Graduate Students

Selected works of music from the middle ages to the present in an analytical and historical context.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Required course for all MMus and MA (Musicology) students.

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Music History and Literature 651 H(3-0)

Research Techniques and Bibliography of Music

Exploring the basic reference materials and techniques for musical research at the graduate level.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Required course for all MMus and MA (Musicology) students.

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Music History and Literature 655 H(3-0)

Independent Study

Individual study in a selected area of musicology.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Music History and Literature 671 H(3-0)

Selected Topics in Musicology

Various topics such as history of music theory, analysis, notation, or performance practice may be offered. Consult the timetable for current topic.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Music History and Literature 771 H(3-0)

Selected Topics in Musicology

Various topics in the field of Musicology (doctoral level).

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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