Nov. 1, 2019
The Sky is Not The Limit

NASA's Space Apps Challenge was held from October 18 th to 20th in a number of locations in Canada, including the Schulich School of Engineering. Canadian Space Agency (CSA) was also a part of this competition, offering 6 challenges for the participants to choose from.
The team Pixel Heroes including Parnia Shokri (SSE electrical and computer engineering, MSc student), Bahareh Yekkehkhany (SSE geomatics engineering, PhD student) and Amin Zadeh (electrical and computer engineer), worked on a challenge regarding NEOSSat – Canada’s space surveillance telescope. They designed an algorithm based on computer vision for detecting moving objects in NEOSSat data, which can be used for detecting unidentified asteroids, new comets and space debris.
Team Pixel Heroes is the Calgary's winner of the CSA Space Apps Challenge 2019 and will be competing against other teams from Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Waterloo and Edmonton to win the national winner's title in November.
Congratulations and Good luck!