Sept. 16, 2019
Celebrate our UCalgary postdoctoral scholars

Did you know that the University of Calgary is home to over 500 postdoctoral scholars? They come from all over the world, and are actively contributing to significant research outcomes every day. To acknowledge the dedication and celebrate the successes of our postdoctoral scholars, UCalgary is participating in National Postdoc Appreciation Week Sept. 16 to 20, 2019.
UCalgary’s postdoctoral program has attracted top scholars who challenge our faculties to consider new research directions, contribute to the university’s research capacity, and have a significant impact on our shared goals of promoting discovery, creativity, and innovation.
“Postdocs are a vital part of our institution” says Dr. Penny Pexman, PhD, postdoctoral program director. “They are part of the research engine that drives us toward excellence in all fields. We are committed to supporting their professional development, and promoting their achievements to our community.”
- Penny Pexman, second from left, and the Postdoctoral Office are promoting National Postdoc Appreciation Week. Photo by Riley Brandt, University of Calgary
Since 2013, 238 UCalgary postdoctoral scholars have been hired through UCalgary’s Eyes High Postdoctoral Scholars Competition, a unique-in-Canada program that invested directly in postdocs, recruiting the highest-calibre applicants to join our institution. Since 2014, Eyes High postdoctoral scholars have collectively produced more than 528 publications, and received over $5.29 million in external fellowship and funding awards. Also notable, 16 UCalgary postdoctoral scholars have received prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships that have allowed them to focus on areas of health, natural sciences, social science or engineering research.
Postdoctoral scholars are also supported by the Postdoctoral Representatives Committee, which is comprised of 19 members from every faculty and provides strategic advice regarding professional development to enhance the postdoctoral experience at the University of Calgary.
Special events planned for postdocs
This week, the Postdoctoral Office is running workshops exclusive to postdocs to support their professional development, providing training on building a public profile, engaging with the media, and presentation skills. Additionally, this year postdocs have the chance to participate in UCalgary’s first-ever Postdoc Research Slam on Nov. 1, where selected applicants will have three minutes to pitch their research for the chance to win prizes and recognition. To attend the competition, register here.
Faculties and departments are also encouraged to show appreciation for their postdoctoral scholars. “It takes only a moment to recognize the postdocs in your faculty,” says Pexman. “It can be as simple as writing a thank you card, buying them a coffee or acknowledging their contributions in an email or on social media.”