Feb. 23, 2018

Call for Elections for the 2019 CSM Symposium Committee

Every year, graduate students at the CSM organize the annual CSM Symposium that occurs in May. The committee starts planning the 2019 Symposium in June, so we want next year’s committee to be set up in April. EMAIL STATEMENT OF INTENT

Any graduate student in the CSM can run for the following executive positions:

  • Co-Chair - a 2-year position, becoming Chair for the following year. The co-chair will assist the chair in various tasks and learn from the current chair how to lead the committee.
  • Finance Manager - the finance manager will create a budget for the CSM Symposium, request funding from various departments/institutes, and work with the chair and co-chair on submitting funding applications (eg. Graduate Student Association’s project grant).
  • Communications Director - responsible for promotions and advertisements (creating posters and programs), and communication with the CSM communications office.
  • Bookings Manger - responsible for booking and managing the restaurants, catering and hotel reservations for the CSM Symposium.
  • Secretary - coordinates monthly meetings and records the meeting minutes.

If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please email a short statement of intent to fmsymp@ucalgary.ca by March 16th. Any questions please email fmsymp@ucalgary.ca.

We look forward to working with you!