Residence Move-out Extension Request Form

If you would like to request an extension for your move-out date, please fill out the form below and attach the proper documents. Requests must be submitted by March 22, 2020.

*If you are staying through to the Spring or Spring/Summer term, you do not need to fill out this form. We will send you your room transfer email the beginning of April.

Building and Room ( KA-122B)
Drop down to select date

Part 1 - Explanation

Extensions to stay in residence beyond 24 hours after a student’s last exam are typically only granted for one of the reasons listed below.  Please indicate which applies to you by checking the appropriate box and provide details.

Reason for Request

Part 2 - Documentation

Some form of documentation is required by Residence Services in order to grant an extension. You may attach either a file or an image of your documentation below. This documentation must be submitted at the time of application. Examples of appropriate and required documentation would be a copy of any of the following items:

  • Your plane ticket.
  • A copy of the course outline, or official notice from your instructor or teaching assistant that would indicate when your final exam is scheduled.
  • A copy of your new lease with your name on it
If it is a document file please attach here
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
If it is an image file, please attach here
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.

Part 3 - Common Reasons for Extension Denial

There are a number of reasons why applications for extensions are not granted, some of the most common explanations are listed below:

  1. Appropriate documentation was not supplied.
  2. Contract was not signed.
  3. Individuals with employment opportunities must seek accommodations off campus.
  4. Students whose home is within 500 km, but where they are unable to arrange for transportation of personal belongings may not stay in residence.  In this case, arrangements can sometimes be made for the resident to return after they have checked out and before residence closes to pick up the remainder of their belongings.

Part 4 - Obligations

I understand that should I be granted an extension, I will be bound by the following conditions and that failure to comply may result in my being required to leave residence with one hour notice, no matter what the time is or how inconvenient it may be to me.  I also understand that my residence contract and future residence applications may be in jeopardy should I fail to comply with the stated conditions.

  1. I will follow all Residence Community Standards and the Residence Services Agreement.
  2. I will not interfere with the rights of other students to an environment conducive to study.  This includes observing 23-hour quiet hours.
  3. I will vacate my room no later than the time indicated in this document.  I understand that I will be billed for an improper check-out should I not vacate on time.
  4. I realize that I may not remain in my currently assigned room for the duration of my extension.