Intramurals Ice Hockey Leagues (Non Checking)

Winter 2024 Registration Opens November 15.
Registration & Playing Request Deadline January 8, 4:00pm
Max. 24 Teams.

Rip one from the point, Go top shelf, Stack the pads!

Intramural Sports offers ice hockey players a wide selection of leagues to choose from. All leagues are tiered to allow you to select the type of competition that suits you.

The Intramural program will no longer be providing jersey for teams this year, as we are trying to limit shared contact points. Teams will be asked to have their own jerseys this year, WITH #'S ON THEM. Below are a few suppliers that the Intramural program has used over the years and we can' t say enough about them, they have been awesome to work.
Beast - Darren or Cory Ikeda
Elite Sportswear - Emily Biliingsley
Silverback - Donovan Evans

Teams will be scheduled for 8 games (3 seeding round, & 5 regular season. All competitive ice hockey leagues will have standings, officials, and playoffs.

Summer league teams will be scheduled for 9 games, 8 regular season and a minimum of 1 playoff game. Max. 6 teams. 

-All teams are required to provide their own set of jersyes. (Competitive Leagues) with numbers, this can be a set of pinnies, jerseys (basic jersey with tape on with numbers)  Intramurals is trying minimize contact points between participants and staff. 
-Rostered players will only be allowed to register on team per league.  Players may not play on multiple teams in the same sport.  
-Only 16 players on your roster will be allowed to dress for games.
-All participants must complete the sport specific waiver, this will be on your active living profile once you have added to the roster by your captain, before you will be allowed to participate. NO WAIVER NO PLAY POLICY WILL BE STRICKLY ENFORCED

All players must not attend if feeling unwell. 

"A" - Players will have advanced skills and knowledge of the rules. They would have played at an elite level within a city league. Teams are highly competitive.

"B" - Players will have intermediate to advanced skills and firm knowledge of the rules. They would have played at a competitive level within a city league. Teams are still competitive.

"C" - Players will have basic to intermediate skills and basic knowledge of the rules. Emphasis is on fun over competition. Teams want the competitive atmosphere. No slap shots.

"D" - Players are relatively new to the sport - still learning the skills and will have basic knowledge of the rules. Emphasis is on fun over competition. Teams want the competitive atmosphere. No slap shots.

All division descriptions are a base guideline.

Important Information for Participants
Participants must not attend class if they are sick, or a member of their household is sick, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold. Symptoms to look for include: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, and a general feeling of being unwell. 

Selected Offering

Sep 2019
Dec 2019
Non Checking Ice Hockey - Individuals Division A
Times may vary.
Show Details

Current Offerings

Sorry, we don't have any offerings at the moment.