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Awards and Financial Assistance for Graduate Students
Fees and Expenses
C.1 Fees
C.2 Tuition Fees
C.3 Program-Specific Fees
C.4 General Fees
C.5 Transfers between Course-based and Thesis-based Master’s Programs
C.6 Courses Taken Extra-to-Program
C.7 Fee Adjustments and Refunds
C.8 Payment and Collection of Fees
C.9 Delinquent Student Accounts
Academic Regulations
Program Descriptions
Interdisciplinary Specializations
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About the University of Calgary
Graduate Studies Calendar 2016-2017 Fees and Expenses C.7 Fee Adjustments and Refunds
C.7 Fee Adjustments and Refunds

Students have until the posted deadline dates to make course additions and deletions without penalty. Please refer to the Academic Schedule for these dates.

Students who make course changes after the posted deadline will be assessed a $60.00 late fee for each Change of Course Registration form processed.

After the fee payment deadline, a student may withdraw from a course up to the last day of lectures, but no refund of any portion of the tuition fees will be made.

Thesis-based students who withdraw from individual courses will not have any changes made to their fee assessment for the year.

Thesis-based students who withdraw from program will have tuition fees assessed to the end of the term in which they withdraw. If the student withdraws from program before the fee payment deadline, the tuition fees for that term will be refunded.

General fees are not refunded following the fee payment deadline.