Winter 2021 Programs


We will be offering a second series of our online Discover programming workshop. 

Discover Programming is a 7 session course that teaches fundamentals in programming through Python and Processing. In these sessions, students will develop an understanding of basic concepts such as variables, lists, loops, functions, drawing shapes, etc. Near the end of the program, students will get the chance to create their own project with the knowledge that they have gained over the entirety of the course and with help from mentors as well. As mentioned, the tools that will be used for this course will be Processing and Python which can both be downloaded online for free for both Windows and Mac OS.
The workshop will run on Wednesday nights from May 26 to July 7, Registration will open on the 7 of May please register here

For more information about the program please see the itinerary below:

Session 1: Introduction to Processing and Python

- This session will go over what Processing and Python and how to install them. We will also cover some key fundamentals of Processing, drawing shapes and using variables.

Session 2: Basics

- Here we will expand on the idea of variable types and introduce more programming fundamentals like arithmetic operators, comments and will also touch on the setup/draw function.

Session 3: Operators and Conditions

- This session will focus on the basics of relational operators,  how to use them in conditional statements (if-else statements), and logical operators.

Session 4: Lists and Loops

- Will go over the concept of a list and how to use them. We will also cover the basics of while and for loops, key tips, and bad habits to avoid when using loops.

Session 5: Functions and Special Processing Keywords

- This session will teach the basics in using functions and how to use them. We will also go over special processing keywords and how to trigger user based events.

Session 6: Catch up/Project

-this session will be used to cover any material remaining from the previous sessions and start working on individual projects.

Session 6: Project

- This session will allow kids to work on individual projects and have the opportunity to present it to everyone else.