Refereed Journal Publications

Publication in refereed journals are listed in chronological order in separate pages.
Electronic copies of these journal articles are available upon request by e-mail .

Textbook Chapters

On-line book chapter on wetland hydrology. A sample copy can be downloaded here:
Rosenberry, D.O. and Hayashi, M. 2013. Assessing and measuring wetland hydrology. In: Wetland techniques (Eds. Anderson, J.T. and Davis, D.A.). Springer. pp. 87-225.

Chapter in a comprehensive textbook on integrated groundwater management (open publication for free download):
Hunt, R.J., Hayashi, M. and Batelaan, O. 2016. Ecohydrology and its relation to integrated groundwater management. In: Integrated groundwater management. (Eds. Jakeman, A.J., Hunt, R.J. and Ross, A.). Springer, pp. 297-312.

Chapter in a textbook on plant disturbance ecology. A sample copy can be downloaded from here:
Hayashi, M. and van der Kamp, G. 2021. Water level changes in ponds and lakes: The hydrological processes. In: Plant disturbance ecology: The process and response (Eds. Johnson, E.a. and Miyanishi, K.). Academic Press, pp.321-351.