June 26, 2019
Congratulations Team Robot Unicorns for being a Technovation Junior Division Finalist!

Congratulations to Technovation (Calgary Region) 2019's junior team "Robot Unicorns", who competed against all Technovation teams in North America for the semifinals, and have successfully advanced to the finals! Their app Cloud9 helps children through their journey of social anxiety. The team will travel to the World Pitch Finals that will take place in the San Francisco Bay Area from Monday, August 12th through Friday, August 16th, 2019. Again, way to go!
What is Technovation?
Technovation, a flagship program of non-profit Iridescent, is the world’s largest global tech entrepreneurship competition for girls. The program offers girls around the world the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to emerge as tech entrepreneurs and leaders, and aims to inspire young women to change the world through technology. Every year, Technovation challenges girls aged 10 to 18 to build a business plan and mobile app to address a community issue. In 2018, close to 20,000 girls registered from across 115 countries.
To learn about Technovation (Calgary) please visit: science.ucalgary.ca/connections/outreach/technovation