• Dean: Rogers, G. BA (Alberta), BSW MSW (Calgary), PhD (Newcastle) Professor
  • Acting Dean: Sieppert, J.D. BSW MSW (Calgary), PhD (Arizona State) Assoc Professor
  • Austin, C.D. BA (City College (NY)), MSW (Michigan), PhD (Wisconsin) Professor
  • Babins-Wagner, R.B. BA BSW (McGill), MSW (Carleton) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Badry, D.E. BSW MSW (Calgary) Instructor
  • Barlow, C.A. BA(Hons) (Saskatchewan), BSW MSW PhD (Calgary) Assoc Professor
  • Bastien, B.J. BA (Lethbridge), BSW MSW (Calgary), PhD (California) Asst Professor
  • Bodor, R.C. BSW MSW (Calgary) Asst Professor
  • Calhoun, A.J. BSW (Victoria), MSW PhD (Hawaii) Assoc Professor
  • Carriere, J.M. BA (Alberta), BSW (Manitoba), MSW (British Columbia) Asst Professor
  • Coleman, H.D.J. BSW (Laurentian), MSW (Windsor), PhD (Utah) Professor
  • Collins, D.G. BSW (Laurentian), MSW (Windsor), PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Donahue, P.J.D. BA BSc (McMaster), MSW (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Elliott, G.E. BA(Hons) (Waterloo), BSW MSW (Calgary) Instructor
  • Enns, R.A. BA MA MSW (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta) Asst Professor
  • Este, D.C. BA (McGill), BA(Hons) (Carleton), MA (Waterloo), MSW (Toronto), PhD (Wilfrid Laurier) Assoc Professor
  • Fehr, L.L. BSW MSW (Calgary) Instructor
  • Gabor, P.A. BA BSW MSW (McGill), PhD (Arizona State) Professor
  • Goodman, P. BA (Winnipeg), BSW (Manitoba) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Graham, J.R. BA (Toronto), MA (Queen's), MSW PhD (Toronto) Professor and Fraser Professorship
  • Gray, E.J. BSW (Calgary), MSW Grad Dip (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (Wales) Asst Professor
  • Hall, B.L. BA (Waterloo), MSW PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Ismael, J.S. BA(Hons) MA (Calgary), PhD (Alberta) Professor
  • Jerome, M. BSW MSW (Manitoba) Instructor
  • Kearns, J.L. BA (Western Ontario), MEd DipEd (Calgary) Sr Instructor
  • Kyle, I.J. BA(Hons) (Calgary), MSc PhD (Guelph) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Lafrance, J. BA (Ottawa), MSW (Carleton), PhD (Southern Calif) Assoc Professor
  • Lai, D.W.L. BSocSc (Chinese Univ H.K.), MSSC (Hong Kong), MSW (Calgary), Diploma (Chinese Univ H.K.), PhD (Case Western Res) Assoc Professor
  • MacLaurin, B.J. BA (Guelph), BSW MSW (Calgary) Asst Professor
  • Matheson, J.E. BA (Western Ontario), MSW (Toronto), PhD (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • McClelland, R.W. BSc (Wisconsin), MPH MSW (Michigan), PhD (Ohio State) Professor
  • Miller, P.A. BA (Portland), MSW (Washington), PhD (Indiana), PhD (Ohio State) Assoc Professor
  • Pelech, W.J. BSW (Victoria), MSW (British Columbia), PhD (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Pyrch, T. BA MA (Alberta), EdD (British Columbia) Professor
  • Radian, E.T. BA (York), BSW MSW PhD (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Rock, M.J. BA(Hons) (McGill), MSW (Toronto), PhD (McGill) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Rothery, M.A. BA (Saskatchewan), MSW (British Columbia), PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Shimoni, R. BA (Hebrew), MSc (Oxford), Certificate (Hebrew), Certificate, PhD (Calgary) Adjunct Assoc Professor
  • Trute, B. BA (Saskatchewan), MSW (McGill), PhD (California) Professor and ARC Professorship in Family Centred Care
  • Tutty, L.M. BA(Hons) MA (Saskatchewan), DSW (Wilfrid Laurier) Professor
  • Waegemakers Schiff, J. BA (Toronto), MPhil (Columbia), MSW (Toronto), PhD (Columbia) Asst Professor
  • Walsh, C.A. BSc (Guelph), BSW (McMaster), MSc (Guelph), MSW (McMaster), PhD (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Weiden, T.D. BA (Mankato State), MSc PhD (Alberta) Adjunct Professor
  • Williams, M.C. BSc (Salford), BSW MSW (Calgary), PhD (Swansea) Assoc Professor
  • Wilson, M.G. BA (Alberta), MA (Calgary), PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Worthington, C.A. BAS(Hons) (Trent), MSc PhD (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Zapf, M.K. BA (Waterloo), MSW (British Columbia), PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Zuk, G.L. BA (Alberta), BSW (Calgary), MSW (British Columbia) Instructor