Informatics INFO

Instruction and services offered under the direction of the Library. For further information contact the Informatics Librarian, Business Library, Scurfield Hall, telephone 220-4410.

Graduate Course

Informatics 601 Q(0-1)

Research Services

A non-credit, fee-based research course designed for distance education students from other institutions and organizations, Informatics 601 provides distant learning students with specialized library service and access to resources tailored to meet individual and program needs and offers convenient and customized one-on-one personal consultation with a liaison librarian. The course has been implemented to equip students with current research skills for lifelong learning. Students enrolled in this course with receive on-site instruction in bibliographic research, personalized one-on-one consultation with liaison librarians, and access to reference service via voice-mail, e-mail, and fax. They will also enjoy full borrowing privileges, on-site access to CD-ROM databases (including the ability to book workstations to guarantee designated search times), remote access to selected databases, Internet services and sources, Internet research tools, and document delivery services with direct delivery of articles to home, office or e-mailbox. All students will be expected to arrange Internet access through a provider in their community. Charges for document delivery vary depending on the method of delivery requested.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Informatics Librarian.

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