Engineering ENGG

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Engineering.

Associate Dean (Academic & Planning) - L.E. Turner

Junior Courses

Engineering 201 H(3-1.5T-3/2)

Behaviour of Liquids, Gases and Solids

An introduction to the behaviour of fluids and solids; phase transformations, the phase rule and phase diagrams. Ideal and real gases; equations of state and their engineering applications; simple kinetic theory; transport properties of fluids. Liquid state; vapor pressure; shear behaviour; flow of fluids in pipelines. Solids; crystalline and non-crystalline structure; non equilibrium solid phases; electrical and thermal conductivity; dislocations; stress and strain; creep; fracture.

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Engineering 205 H(3-1.5T)

Engineering Mechanics I

Statics: Force vectors; equilibrium of particles in two and three dimensions; force system resultants; equilibrium of a rigid body in two and three dimensions; trusses; frames, machines and beams. Dynamics: Kinematics and kinetics of particles.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Engineering 203.

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Engineering 209 H(3-1T)

(Economics 209)

Engineering Economics

The basic tools and methodology of engineering economic studies. Topics include investment decisions, theory of replacement, economies of scale, externalities, social decision making and government regulation. Examples are drawn from engineering projects.

Prerequisites: Registration in the Faculty of Engineering with second-year standing or higher. If not registered in the Faculty of Engineering, consent of the Department of Economics.

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Engineering 233 H(3-2)

Computing for Engineers I

Overview of computer systems. Functions of software components: operating systems, editors, compilers. Programming in a high-level language: selection and loop structures, routines, array and record types, text file operations. Introduction to object-based programming: use of class libraries and construction of simple classes.

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Engineering 251 H(1-4.5)

Design and Communication I

The principles of engineering design, engineering graphics and written communication learned within a hands-on project-based experience for engineering students. Safety in the laboratory; working in a team environment; core skills for engineering students; process of engineering design; graphical communication: theory of projection, multiview representation, descriptive geometry, sketching, information for manufacturing; written communication: style, format, organization, preparation and presentation skills. Real-life examples of design and engineering practice across all disciplines. Core competencies will be learned primarily within the context of team-based design projects.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Engineering 215.

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Engineering 253 H(1-4.5)

Design and Communication II

A continuation of Engineering 251. Students will perform more advanced team-based projects that integrate mathematical, scientific and engineering knowledge and skills. Issues that play critical roles in engineering design will be introduced, such as project management, societal and environmental awareness, health and safety, design for safety, sustainable development, information access.

Prerequisites: Engineering 251.

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Senior Courses

Engineering 311 H(3-1.5T-3/2)

Engineering Thermodynamics

Thermodynamic systems, properties and state, energy, temperature and the zeroth law, equilibrium, properties of the pure substance, equations of state. Work, reversibility, heat, first law, specific heats, enthalpy, ideal gas, flow systems. Entropy and the second law, Carnot cycle, thermodynamic temperature scale, process equations, cycles, process efficiencies, calculation of entropy change.

Prerequisites: Engineering 201 and Applied Mathematics 217.

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Engineering 317 H(3-1.5T-3/2)

Mechanics of Solids

Axial-force, shear-force and bending moment diagrams; stress and strain; stress-strain relations; elastic and plastic behaviour; elastic constants; simple statically indeterminate (one-degree) problems; review of moment of inertia, product of inertia and principal axes of inertia; elastic torsion of circular shafts; elastic and plastic bending about principal axes of beams with symmetrical cross-section; composite beams; shear stresses due to bending; Mohr's circle for stress; thin-walled pressure vessels; deflection of beams by integration; Euler buckling.

Prerequisites: Engineering 205 (or 203) and Applied Mathematics 217.

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Engineering 319 H(3-1.5T)

Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Presentation and description of data, introduction to probability theory, Bayes theorem, discrete and continuous probability distributions, estimation, sampling distributions, tests of hypotheses on means, variances and proportions, simple linear regression and correlation. Applications are chosen from engineering practice.

Prerequisites: Applied Mathematics 219.

Note: Credit towards degree requirements will be given for only one of Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301/303, Engineering 319, Political Science 399, Psychology 312, Sociology 311, Statistics 201/211, 213/217, 327, 333, 357; that one being a course(s) appropriate to the particular degree program.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Biomedical Engineering 319.

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Engineering 325 H(3-1T-3/2)

Electric Circuits and Systems

Topics in electric circuits and electric systems related to engineering theory and practice in the areas of Chemical, Civil, Geomatics, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

Prerequisites: Physics 259.

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Engineering 335 H(3-2)

Computing for Engineers II

Pointers and references, memory models and memory management. Abstract data types (ADTs); implementation of ADTs as classes. Introduction to object-oriented programming: inheritance and polymorphism. Introduction to recursion. Aspects of floating-point computation

Prerequisites: Engineering 233.

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Engineering 349 H(3-1.5T)

Engineering Mechanics II

Review of Mechanics I fundamentals. Mass Centre, moments of inertia; composite bodies. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies. Work and energy principles. Friction and work of friction. Conservative systems. Impulse and momentum.

Prerequisites: Engineering 205, Applied Mathematics 217 and 219.

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Engineering 391 Q(1.5-0)

Advanced Topics I

Advanced topics in engineering science and design. Registration in the course requires approval of the Associate Dean (Academic & Planning), Faculty of Engineering.


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Engineering 393 H(3-0)

Advanced Topics II

Advanced topics in engineering science and design. Registration in the course requires approval of the Associate Dean (Academic & Planning), Faculty of Engineering.


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Engineering 407 H(3-2)

Numerical Methods in Engineering

The theory and use of numerical computational procedures to solve engineering problems. Methods for: solution of nonlinear equations, solution of simultaneous linear equations, curve fitting, solution of the algebraic eigenvalue problem, interpolation, differentiation, integration, solution of ordinary differential equations and solution of partial differential equations are included. The laboratory includes the application to elementary problems and the computer solution of comprehensive engineering problems.

Prerequisites: Engineering 233 and Applied Mathematics 307.

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Engineering 481 H(3-1.5S)

Technology and Society

An interpretive course on the interrelationship between technology and society. The first part of the course surveys significant historical developments within disciplinary areas such as energy, materials, production processes, structures, transport, communications, and computation. Sequence within each area: discovery, development, application, impact, future. Social and economic consequences are also considered. The latter part of the course explores contemporary problems of society and technology.

Note: Available to students registered in other faculties as well as third-year or fourth-year Engineering students. This course does not presuppose any formal background in Engineering or Science.

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Engineering 513 H(3-0)

The Role and Responsibilities of the Professional Engineer in Society

The professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer as they relate to society. Ethics and the engineering profession. Public and worker safety and health. Design for safety. Sustainable development. The engineer and the environment. Environmental stewardship. Essentials of leadership. Gender issues. Employment equity. Fundamentals of Engineering Law. Professional organizations. The Engineering Professions Act.

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Graduate Courses

Engineering 683 H(3-0)

Special Problems in Environmental Engineering

Designed to provide graduate students with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in Engineering for the Environment under the direction of one or more faculty members. Students will be required to consider problems of an advanced nature.

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Engineering 685 H(0-5)

Research Project in Environmental Engineering

Designed to provide individual students or small groups of students, possibly with different backgrounds, with the opportunity to work on a research project under the supervision of one or more faculty members. Industrial representatives may assist in the selection of suitable research projects and actively participate as advisors. A written proposal, one or more progress reports, and a final report are required. Open only to students in the MEng (Courses Only) route.

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