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  6. Dynamics of the Microcirculation of the Heart (Abstracts, internal publ.), 1982 (Oxford meeting)

  7. Sixth International Conference and Workshop.  Conference Proceedings. J. Melbin (ed.), 1984 (Philadelphia meeting)

  8. Seventh International Conference and Workshop. Conference Proceedings. M. Anliker (ed.), 1986 (Zuoz meeting)

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  10. Cardiac Mechanics and Function in the Normal and Diseased Heart, M.Hori, H.Suga, E.L. Yellin, J. Baan (eds.) Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1989 (Osaka meeting)

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  12. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference. G.A. Klassen (ed.), 1988 (Halifax meeting)

  13. Abstracts from the 10th International Conference of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society. A. Takao, S. Hosoda, H. Kurosawa, M. Nakazawa, S. Sasayama, M. Sekiguchi, M. Sugawara, Y. Watanabe (eds.).  Heart Vessels 1992 (Supplement 8) (Kobe meeting)

  14. Cardiac-Vascular Remodeling and Functional Interaction. Maruyama, Y., Hori, M., Janicki, J.S. (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo 1996 (Fukushima Satellite Symposium )

  15. Systolic and Diastolic Function of the Heart.  N.B. Ingels Jr. et al (eds.), IOS Press and Ohmsha: Amsterdam, 1996 (San Francisco meeting)

  16. Abstracts from the 11th International Conference of the  of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society - Cardiovascular Summit on Systolic and Diastolic Function. Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures.  Vol. 12, No. 2, 1994 (San Francisco meeting)

  17. Abstracts from the 12th International Conference of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society. Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures.  Vol. 13, No. 4, 1996 (Chapel Hill meeting)

  18. Abstracts from the Joint Meeting and Tutorial Course of the XIX Congress of the European Society for Noninvasive Cardiovascular Dynamics and the XIII Congress of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society. Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures.  Vol. 15, No. 2, 1998 (Gent meeting)

  19. Abstracts from the 14th International Conference of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society. Heart and Vessels (Supplement 13) 2000 (Baltimore meeting)

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