Suicide alertness for everyone.

SafeTALK training

LivingWorks SafeTALK is a 3.5 hour training program that teaches how to recognize when someone is thinking about suicide and connect them to an intervention provider.

In this course you’ll:

  • Learn how to recognize warning signs indicating risk of suicide
  • Gain strategies for communicating with people at risk
  • Learn how to connect people with thoughts of suicide to suicide first aid resources

Please note:

LivingWorks SafeTALK is fairly equivalent to Question, Persuade, Refer Suicide Intervention Training in terms of content and learning outcomes. Participants may choose to take 1 course or are welcome to take both training programs if they’d like to re-fresh and expand knowledge.

Upcoming Sessions

SafeTALK is part of Reach Out, a Quality Money project, brought to you by your Students’ Union.