Nimble Science

As Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” Nimble Science aims to revolutionize the detection and treatment of disease through passive access to the gut microbiome. The company has developed the Small Intestine MicroBiome Aspiration (SIMBA) Capsule, which is a small, ingestible pill that can selectively sample the microbiome of the small intestine.
Founders Dr. Gang (Joseph) Wang and Dr. Sabina Bruehlmann both received their doctorates from the University of Calgary. They have since collaborated with UCeed, Innovate Calgary, the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking and Creative Destruction Lab to advance Nimble Science’s innovative technology. Their vision is to use the SIMBA Capsule for gut microbiome mapping, drug and probiotic development and personalized diagnostics and medicine, and ultimately for the detection and treatment of human disease. The clinical study of the SIMBA Capsule was launched by the Division of Gastroentrology at the University of Calgary in partnership with Lallemand Health Solutions in early 2021.
Joining with UCeed has helped the company to grow and advance its technology. Nimble Science is currently at the clinical stage, conducting its second round of North American clinical trials and engaging with companies from relevant industries to seek out early partners who will use its technology. To co-founder Joseph Wang, involvement with UCeed has felt like an acknowledgement of their work. Having the support from UCeed and its advisors has been an important part of the story.
“UCeed is such a well-organized initiative and a great resource for startups like ours," says Wang. "We are very thankful for the program and the Alberta innovation community for supporting our ideas.”
Investment from UCeed has helped the founders of Nimble Science raise additional funds. As Wang explains, the scientific and investment communities are tight circles and being involved with UCeed has opened a lot of doors.
Visit Nimble Science’s website for more information.
Nimble Science has received investment from UCeed, a venture philanthropy fund accelerating UCalgary and community-based startup companies to advance problem-solving research, create jobs and fuel the economy. A key program in the UCalgary innovation ecosystem, UCeed bridges the gap between innovation, demonstration and commercialization, and is managed by UCalgary’s knowledge-transfer and business incubator, Innovate Calgary.
UCeed Health Fund is supported by the generosity of the River Fund at the Calgary Foundation and its mission to build a healthy and vibrant community where everyone belongs.
UCeed Child Health is funded by the generosity of our community through the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation and its mission to inspire our community to invest in excellence in child health, research and family centred care.