Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing
Ensure healthy lives and promote well- being for all at all ages

Global Health and International Partnerships Research Group
The goal of the Global Health research group is to create linkages between individuals within the University of Calgary and at other Canadian Universities, and across disciplines to facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration on global health issues. They serve as a hub for resources and best practices regarding Global Health and can facilitate networking opportunities for those engaged in global health research. Learn more.

Geography of Health and GIS Analysis Research Group
The O'Brien Institute for Public Health's Geography of Health and GIS Analysis Research Group consults on GIS-related applications across the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services. They analyze the environmental and socioeconomic determinants of health in the geospatial dimension and collaborate with stakeholders across Alberta to share health GIS standards and spatial tools. Additionally, they improve coordination among health GIS users in academia, industry and government by organizing workshops and annual educational events such as Health GIS Day. Learn more.

Teaching, Learning and Student Experience

Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Certificate
UCalgary launched a new embedded certificate in mental wellbeing and resilience. Unique among post-secondary institutions nationwide, the certificate is composed of three core courses and three electives, which can be selected from a list of more than 100 courses in nine faculties. Undergraduates from almost every discipline can complete the certificate alongside their degree without adding extra time to their studies.
Learn more.

Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives
The Cumming School of Medicine’s Distributed Learning Rural Initiatives fosters and sustain meaningful relationships between medical educators, healthcare professionals in training, individuals and families living in Alberta’s rural and remote communities. This program enhances understanding for the barriers and opportunities to rural education experiences and rural careers. By offering undergraduates opportunities to experience rural communities through shadowing, this platform cross cuts research and education to respond to provide quality healthcare to the people of rural Alberta. Learn more.