Free e-course on climate literacy for communities across southern Alberta
This course, offered in English and French, provides locally relevant, evidence-based information on climate change impacts and solutions, featuring insights from local subject matter experts. Each module takes a closer look at policies driving climate action, examples of local projects and initiatives helping to create a more climate-resilient Alberta, and tangible actions individuals can take in day-to-day life.
The modules include
● Climate Change in Alberta
● Diversifying Energy
● Resilient Communities
● Transportation Choices
● Efficient Homes
● Sustainable Food Systems
In addition to the modules, there is an evidence-based toolkit backed by the latest social science research to support community leaders, local organizations, and educators engage
Albertans in climate dialogues.
Each module will take roughly 45-60 minutes to complete.
For any questions or comments, please contact
Developed by
Re.Climate, Carleton University
Prairie Climate Centre, University of Winnipeg
Office of Sustainability, University of Calgary
Dr. Nadia Delanoy, Werklund School of Education led the development of the assessment for the e-course. The course developers wish to acknowledge and thank the individuals and organizations who contributed to the development of this course and its materials, including Silver Spur Strategies for their dedicated work on the e-course design.
E-course preview
Climate Change in Alberta
This module introduces climate change in Alberta. Participants will identify the major causes of climate change, the major impacts of climate change in Alberta and the major solution pathways to address climate change in Alberta.
Learning Objective: Participants will recognize examples of climate change impacts and solutions in their daily lives and be familiar with local programs and trusted resources for information.
Diversifying Energy
This module introduces the concept of diversifying our energy supplies.
Learning Objective: Participants will be able to describe current trends and energy solutions that are being implemented across southern Alberta to reach net zero and to reflect on how personal actions can contribute to these systemic changes.
Resilient Communities
This module explores how communities can become more resilient in the face of climate change through exploring the trends and actions underway in southern Alberta that will help communities reach net zero and adapt to a changing climate.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to describe examples of climate change impacts and solutions in their communities and become familiar with local programs and trusted resources for information.
Transportation Choices
This module explores changes that are being made to the transportation system and trends as they relate to climate mitigation and adaptation frameworks.
Learning Objective: Participants will be able to list examples of transportation solutions that are available to them in their daily lives and describe how personal actions contribute to these systemic changes and vice versa.
Efficient Homes
This module provides an overview of the trends and solutions that are being implemented to help homes reach net zero.
Learning Objective: Participants will be able to describe climate change impacts and solutions for their homes.
Sustainable Food
This module provides an overview of the relationship between our food systems and climate change and shares insights on the trends and solutions being implemented at different scales that create sustainable food systems.
Learning Objective: Participants will be able to describe: a) at least one connection between our food system and climate change; and b) at least one solution to create more sustainable food systems.
Talking Climate
This module provides an overview of how to engage in conversations about climate change. Participants will be able to list at least one tip about how to engage in conversations about climate change.
Veuillez sélectionner les sous-titres en français sur YouTube pour lire les sous-titres en français.
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