Online learning videos
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Getting Started with Online Learning
- Overview
Access video | Access video transcript - Time Management
Access video | Access video transcript - Self-Care
Access video | Access video transcript

Supporting and Maintaining Online Learning
- Online Etiquette
Access video | Access video transcript - Online Group Work
Access video | Access video transcript - Studying Online with Others
Access video | Access video transcript - Keeping up with your readings
Access video | Access video transcript - Taking online lecture notes
Access video | Access video transcript

Establishing and Maintaining Motivation while Studying Online
- Goal Setting
Access video | Access video transcript - Habit Building
Access video | Access video transcript - Managing Procrastination
Access video | Access video transcript - Self-Compassion
Access video | Access video transcript

Navigating Online Exams
- Before the exam
Access video | Access video transcript -
During the exam
Access video | Access video transcript -
After the exam
Access video | Access video transcript
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Fogg, B. J. (2020). Rewire your brain. Retreived on 5/18/2020 from https://www.tinyhabits.com/rewire
Klein, H., Whitener, E., Ilgen, D. (1990) The role of goal specificity in the goal-setting process. Motivation and Emotion 14 (3). 179-193. doi.org/10.1007/BF00995568
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