Bylaws, Operations and Procedures Manual & Constitution



OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Duties and Responsibilities



  • Provide leadership of the Association
  • Formulate agendas for Executive Committee and general meetings
  • Communicate with Officers and Directors on relevant matters
  • Represent the Association to the University and general community, the media and other retiree organizations



  • Is the President-elect
  • Act on behalf of the President when requested to do so
  • Take on specific responsibilities as assigned



  • Record minutes of meetings
  • Correspondence and maintain records of same
  • Prepare and distribute agendas and minutes of meetings
  • Prepare ballots for and maintain records of elections



  • Maintain a data base of all emeriti
  • Maintain the membership list for the Association
  • Maintain the accounts and pay the bills
  • Collect dues
  • Prepare and present financial statements
  • Advise on potential sources of income


Past President:

  • Provide advice and continuity respecting the Association
  • Preside at meetings in the absence of the President and Vice-President
  • Chair the Nomination Committee


Program Director:

  • Prepare programs for the annual schedule of meetings
  • Arrange for introduction and thanks to the participants
  • Arrange facilities and refreshments for programs


LAR Director:

  • Responsible for the creation, content and publication of our journal, LAR, "Life After Retirement"


Webmaster Director:

  • Responsible for the content and maintenance of our Web page



  • Duties as assigned by the Executive Committee including E-Letter, Keeping in Touch (KIT)/Social Activities and Program.


[October, 2018 and 2022] 


University of Calgary Retirees Association Operations and Procedures Manual



-          Chair the monthly meetings of the Retirees Association, University of Calgary, hereafter called UCRA, and the UCRA Executive Committee

-          Chair the monthly meetings of the UCRA

-          Chair, UCRA AGM

-          Liaise with external agencies, including the University of Calgary administration.


Vice-President and President-Elect

-          Act on behalf of the President when requested to do so

-          Take on specific responsibilities as assigned

-          Aid and assist in the operation of the UCRA whenever required to make the operation of the UCRA as smooth and efficient as possible.



-          Chair, UCRA Nominations Committee

-          Make presentation about UCRA at the Faculty retirement functions when invited.



-          Minute Executive and AGM meetings

-          Carry out correspondence and maintain records of same

-          Prepare and distribute agendas and minutes of meetings

-          Prepare ballots and maintain records of elections.


Executive Committee

Executive Committee of UCRA consists of the President, Vice-President and President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Membership/Treasurer, Program Committee Chair, Program Co-Chair, E-Letter Editor, LAR Editor, Keeping-in-Touch and Social Chair, Webmaster and one Member-at-Large. Total = 12



The Membership/Treasurer will look after all matters dealing with membership in the UCRA of the University of Calgary and manage all financial interactions through a bank account at the Alberta Treasury Branch (in Brentwood). Specifically:



-          Maintain a Master List - an up-to-date record (in the form of an Excel spreadsheet) of all Emeriti of the University of Calgary. Among other items, the records include names, titles, addresses, and UCRA membership history.

-          Receive from the HR office, each spring, names of all new Emeriti and add them to the Master List.  All new Retirees are given a hard copy of the latest LAR from HR.  The membership person will send each new Retiree a congratulatory letter and an invitation to join the UCRA.

-          Provide UCRA Executive with lists of names and addresses for the purpose of mailing hard copies of LAR once a year at the beginning of the Membership Year (Sept 1).

-          Monitor (together with the president) the email address. Besides spam, typical traffic on the retiree@ucalgary.caaddress consists of mail from CURAC, INTERAC payments from members (see Treasurer below), and occasional other mail from members and non-members seeking information.

-          Maintain and monitor (together with an alternate from the Executive) two email lists on the University mail server,, and In order to minimize spam, the sending of email to these lists is restricted to UCRA Executive members and subject to the approval of either of the two list monitors. The emeritiassocmembers-L list consists of all paid up members of UCRA from the current and past membership years.  Typically, only monthly E-letters and obituary notices are sent via this list. The allemeriti-L list contains the names of all Emeriti who have had dealings with the UCRA of U of C in the last 11 years.  It is used solely for the electronic distribution of LAR.



-          Maintain a business chequing account at ATB, belonging to the UCRA, to receive all payments to the UCRA and used to pay all expenses of the UCRA. Payments received are in the form of cheques for UCRA membership (typically $25 or $15), cheques and cash for the Christmas and June Luncheon tickets, and INTERAC payments for membership and the Luncheons. Expenses paid by cheque are for bills to the UCRA, and more typically for reimbursement of expenses incurred by UCRA Executive members for items not directly billed to UCRA. 

-          Maintain a record of all financial transactions (in the form of an excel spread sheet).  These include dated and itemized records of all transactions and lists of membership and luncheon payments, in the form of cheques, INTERAC payments, or cash.

-          Receive all membership payments (about 200/year) and deposit the cheques + cash at ATB.

-          Issue receipts for all membership payments received by cheque (not necessary for INTERAC payments or payments for tickets)


Program Committee Chair

Program dates:

-          UCRA Monthly meetings – Second Wednesday afternoon each of September, October, November, January, February, March and April.  If the University is closed on the regular date, then the meeting is held on the third Wednesday.

-          UCRA Luncheons  – Second Wednesday of December and June

-          UCRA Tour/site visit – second Wednesday afternoon of May



-          Negotiate and confirm room and catering arrangements for all events:

i)        Confirm sponsorship arrangements with the office of the Vice-President University Relations.  At the same time, send an updated copy of the presentations for the Fall and Winter terms.  This is usually done in February or March for the following year so that information can be included in the Vice-President’s budgeting processes.

ii)      Confirm meeting space and catering arrangements, including charges, for each meeting with Events Management staff.  Booking for the following year is usually done in conjunction with the discussions in item 1 (above) so that the charges are clearly understood.  Review all Event Order Sheets with the Events Manager after this process is completed to confirm the general arrangements.

iii)    Book necessary equipment for each event with the Events Manager or ComMedia, as appropriate.  Usually, this will include the podium, microphone and projector with appropriate computer connections and a lapel microphone if the speaker wishes it.  If a computer or other specialized equipment is needed, then that is booked through ComMedia.  This can be done for the term, if known, or for each event.  It should be done at least a week in advance of each event.

iv)    Arrange for appropriate gifts for each speaker.  The same gifts are used to recognize and thank retiring executive members at each December luncheon.

-          Approach potential speakers (and other program proposals) for UCRA monthly meetings - and keep the UCRA Executive Committee informed of speakers and topics.  This can be an on-going process.

-          Prepare announcements for each meeting/event, post same to the University Events website, and provide to the UCRA webmaster for the UCRA website and the UCRA Newsletter Editor for inclusion in the E-Letters.  This should be done about two weeks in advance of each event.

-          Arrange for someone to introduce and thank each speaker at the event.  This is usually confirmed at the UCRA Executive Meeting immediately prior to the event and ensure that the “Thank You“ gift is appropriately wrapped and available at the beginning of each meeting and that the person thanking the speaker knows where the gift is.

-          About a week before each event, confirm arrangements with the U of C Events Manager.  This can be done by email, telephone or an in-person meeting depending on the specifics for each event.

-          Ask the President to announce at the beginning of each event, news about upcoming event(s).

-          Arrange for summary articles and speaker photos (as appropriate) for inclusion in LAR issues.

-          Send “Thank You” letters to speakers (and their Deans, if appropriate) following each event.

-          Review arrangements with U of C Events Management staff after each event to ensure that any appropriate follow-up is handled.


E-Letter Editor

E-Letters are the main communication means, distributed electronically to members during the first week of each month from September through June each year.  There are two formats for distribution: All members with an email address are sent the E-Letter embedded in an email message plus a PDF attachment.

All issues are prepared using a standard format and layout that is controlled by the E-Letter Editor.  The most recent versions are prepared as Microsoft Word documents (Microsoft Word 2010 version or more recent).  The most flexible version is prepared using Microsoft Office 2016.



The main content for E-Letter items includes:

-          Notices for upcoming meetings (primarily the next one)

-          Important announcements (from the executive, the University or other organizations)

-          Items of general interest to the membership

-          Information about membership and contacting Association executive.

Generally, the Association is not in the practice of advertising commercial items and any requests for including such items (in E-Letters or in LAR) are referred to the Executive, discussed, and decided on a case-by-case basis.



The E-Letter Editor will receive items for inclusion in each issue by canvassing the Executive and also directly from those submitted directly by members or others who may wish to include an item. 

The Editor then decides which items will be included and assembles them into the forthcoming issue – usually using the Word document file for the previous issue as the basis/template for the next issue.

Once a suitable draft is available, the Editor distributes that, as a draft, to the Executive for their review and comment, receives any changes, edits the issue as appropriate, spell and grammar checks the final copy and then distributes it – in an email to all members on the All Emeriti Members mailing list (  This is best accomplished by copying the E-Letter contents from the Word document into an email message to be sent to all members.  If using Word 2016, then using Save As and selecting PDF file format will create the PDF version.  Paper copies can be printed and posted as appropriate.



One week prior to each Executive meeting (normally held on the first Wednesday of each month), the E-Letter Editor sends an email notice to the Executive asking for items to be included in the forthcoming issue.  At each Executive meeting, review E-Letter contents and finalize items.  Then, distribute E-Letter, as appropriate, as soon as possible following the Executive meeting – usually within two days.

As necessary or as opportunities arise – E-Letter Editor recommends editorial policies and approaches for the E-Letter format, layout and content.  Recommendations are reviewed and approved by the Executive.

In collaboration with the UCRA “Treasurer/Membership” colleague, the E-Letter Editor will make arrangements for printing and mailing/distribution of any printed copies, as appropriate for each issue.


Other Duties of the E-Letter Editor:

-          Each September, recommend to the UCRA Executive the general production schedule and arrangements for the coming year.

-          Advise the UCRA Executive on any particular editorial policies or decisions affecting content, publication or distribution of E-Letters, and implement decisions made by the UCRA Executive concerning E-Letters.

-          Coordinate with the Program Chair regarding UCRA program content (text, graphics, photos, upcoming event dates/times) for upcoming E-Letters.

-          Collect and approve other items for inclusion in the upcoming issue.

-          Ensure that the appropriate liaison person in the Vice-President’s Office is on the E-Letter email list.

-          Edit all items and arrange for proof-reading of draft issues as deemed appropriate.

-          Approve the final version of each E-Letter.

-          Save electronic copies of each issue to be stored for archival purposes.

-          Email electronic version of each issue to the members.  (Some members may request PDF copies of all issues.)

-          Submit all invoices and expense reimbursement claims to the Treasurer for payment or reimbursement of all approved expenses incurred with the production of E-Letters.

-          Each year, in September, prepare the E-Letter editor’s Annual Report for the members to receive at the AGM in October.


LAR Editor

Life After Retirement (LAR) is the official organ of the Retiree Association (UCRA) of the University of Calgary.  It is currently published in two issues:  the Fall,  during August or September, in hard copy, which is sent by regular mail to all those who were members of the UCRA over the past eleven years; and the Winter, during January or February, in soft copy, which is emailed to all active members of the Association.  The Fall issue also contains the UCRA membership renewal information.   The Editor receives items relating to the annual program and edits them for publication.  Typically, these comprise summaries of performances or presentations made at the regular UCRA Wednesday meetings, photographic records of its activities, information on forthcoming programs, and the composition of the UCRA Executive.  All technical assistance in the preparation of computer files, as well as the LAR layout, production, printing and mailing, is provided, since 2016, by Mountain View Printing and Graphics Limited (MVPG).  In collaboration with the UCRA Treasurer/Membership colleague, the LAR Editor will make arrangements for the mailing lists and distribution of the LAR.

Other duties of the LAR Editor are the following:

 1.  Recommend to the UCRA Executive the production schedule for LAR for the coming year.

 2.  Advise the UCRA Executive on any particular editorial policies or decisions affecting content,  publication or distribution of the LAR editions, and implement decisions made by the UCRA Executive concerning LAR.

 3.  Communicate on behalf of the UCRA Executive with MVPG, and submit to it assembled content by the scheduled dates.

 4.   Arrange for paper copies of LAR issues as may be needed.  In particular, the Fall (no. 1) issue has about 650 copies.  MVPG has agreed to stuff envelopes, stamp each one with appropriate postage and mail the copies on behalf of the UCRA.

 5.  Arrange for mailing addresses from the UCRA Treasurer/Membership colleague and provide them to MVPG.

 6.  Arrange with MVPG for a high resolution  PDF version of each issue to be available to the Vice-President University Relations,  for distribution to the senior administrators (deans and above) of the University, and the Winter (no. 2) issue to all those who were members over the past eleven years.

 7.  Edit articles and arrange for proof-reading of draft issues.

 8.  Approve the final version of each issue.

 9.  Arrange for several print copies of each issue to be filed in the UCRA office and stored for archival purposes.

10.  UCRA Executive is responsible for payment of all approved expenses incurred for the production and mailing of LAR.


Keeping-in-Touch and Social Chair

-          Social coordinator for June and December luncheons.  This includes arrangements for collecting money from the UCRA luncheon attendees, liaison with the facility, arranging for appropriate service and catering, and account settlement. 

-          Report to the UCRA membership obituaries of deceased Emeriti as reported in the press or informed otherwise.



-          Maintain and keep up-to-date UCRA Website



Duties as assigned by the executive committee. An example is to represent UCRA on a University committee where UCRA input is sought such as the University of Calgary 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee.







The official name of the organization shall be The University of Calgary Retirees Association, hereinafter called the Association. The official name of the University is the University of Calgary, hereinafter called the University.



The Association will bring together retired faculty and staff of the University and will foster ways for its members to continue to contribute to the life of the University and community at large. Without restricting the general intent of the organization, the Association shall:


  1. Provide to members and community partners a platform for discussion and networking through programs on topics of interest that are aligned with work being carried out at the University of Calgary.
  2. Support members wishing to establish interest groups for their personal enjoyment.
  3. Contribute intellectual materials to Libraries and Cultural Resources. 
  4. Make the wealth of experience and abilities represented by the membership available to the University.



Individuals who meet the following criteria may become members of the Association:

  • Retirees, both academic and non-academic who have ten years of employment at the University (not necessarily continuous)


  • Membership, upon written request, may also be granted by the Executive Committee.  Conditions for such memberships are generally:  
  1. A long and close professional relationship with the University.
  2. Retirees from other academic institutions.
  3. Spouses/partners of deceased UCRA members.


  • Granted Emerita or Emeritus status by the University


Members who have paid membership fees for twenty years will be granted Lifetime Membership.



This honour may be granted by the Executive Committee to a person who, or whose deceased spouse, has given outstanding service to the University.



The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Membership/Treasurer.



The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers (4), the immediate Past President, and up to seven elected directors (Maximum = 12). The Executive will be responsible for membership, program, and other matters that shall from time to time be deemed desirable in meeting the objectives of the Association. The Nomination Committee, consisting of members of the Executive Committee and Past-President as Chair, shall present at the Annual General Meeting a slate of candidates for election to the Executive Committee for the following year. The Executive Committee has the right to appoint an individual to fill any vacancy occurring during the year. All candidates and appointees must be members in good standing.



The fiscal year is from September 1 to the following August 31.



An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of October at which time the status of the Association shall be reviewed and the Officers and Directors of the Executive Committee elected. In addition to the slate presented by the Executive Committee, nominations will be invited from the floor for all positions when evidence is provided that the individual is prepared to stand. All members in good standing will have the right to vote. Voting will be in person, not by proxy.  Elections will be by secret ballot. A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be fifteen members.



The constitution may be amended by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting or at other meetings when due notice has been given. Notice of proposed amendments with detailed text and statement of intent must be circulated to the membership with the meeting agenda at least two weeks before the meeting at which the amendments are to be considered.


Approved: October 13, 2004; Changes Approved: October 12, 2005

No Changes: October, 2006 – 2010; Changes made Oct, 2011; No Changes 2012-2017

Changes made in Oct. 2018 and October, 2022.





The official name of the organization shall be The University of Calgary Retirees Association, hereinafter called the Association. The official name of the University is the University of Calgary, hereinafter called the University.



The Association will bring together retired faculty and staff of the University and will foster ways for its members to continue to contribute to the life of the University and community at large. Without restricting the general intent of the organization, the Association shall:


  1. Provide to members and community partners a platform for discussion and networking through programs on topics of interest that are aligned with work being carried out at the University of Calgary.
  2. Support members wishing to establish interest groups for their personal enjoyment.
  3. Contribute intellectual materials to Libraries and Cultural Resources. 
  4. Make the wealth of experience and abilities represented by the membership available to the University.



Individuals who meet the following criteria may become members of the Association:

  • Retirees, both academic and non-academic who have ten years of employment at the University (not necessarily continuous)


  • Membership, upon written request, may also be granted by the Executive Committee.  Conditions for such memberships are generally:  
  1. A long and close professional relationship with the University.
  2. Retirees from other academic institutions.
  3. Spouses/partners of deceased UCRA members.


  • Granted Emerita or Emeritus status by the University


Members who have paid membership fees for twenty years will be granted Lifetime Membership.



This honour may be granted by the Executive Committee to a person who, or whose deceased spouse, has given outstanding service to the University.



The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Membership/Treasurer.



The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers (4), the immediate Past President, and up to seven elected directors (Maximum = 12). The Executive will be responsible for membership, program, and other matters that shall from time to time be deemed desirable in meeting the objectives of the Association. The Nomination Committee, consisting of members of the Executive Committee and Past-President as Chair, shall present at the Annual General Meeting a slate of candidates for election to the Executive Committee for the following year. The Executive Committee has the right to appoint an individual to fill any vacancy occurring during the year. All candidates and appointees must be members in good standing.



The fiscal year is from September 1 to the following August 31.



An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of October at which time the status of the Association shall be reviewed and the Officers and Directors of the Executive Committee elected. In addition to the slate presented by the Executive Committee, nominations will be invited from the floor for all positions when evidence is provided that the individual is prepared to stand. All members in good standing will have the right to vote. Voting will be in person, not by proxy.  Elections will be by secret ballot. A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be fifteen members.



The constitution may be amended by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting or at other meetings when due notice has been given. Notice of proposed amendments with detailed text and statement of intent must be circulated to the membership with the meeting agenda at least two weeks before the meeting at which the amendments are to be considered.


Approved: October 13, 2004; Changes Approved: October 12, 2005

No Changes: October, 2006 – 2010; Changes made Oct, 2011; No Changes 2012-2017

Changes made in Oct. 2018 and October, 2022.