University of Calgary
Our work is funded by numerous internal UCalgary funding opportunities (currently we are working with seed grant funding "Two birds, one stone: CO2-enhanced Li mining from saline aquifers"). We also typically host 1-2 Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) students (entirely supported by University funds) and a host of senior undergraduate and course-based MSc thesis projects (GLGY 509, 510, 701 projects), which are partially supported by the Department of Geoscience.

Canada Foundation for Innovation
Much of the equipment in our Lab was purchased through a John Evans Leaders Fund grant, "Innovative characterization of water-rock interaction for a new generation of models of sustainable energy utilization"

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Our work is funded in part by a Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2018-03800 A reactive transport approach for determining cause-and-effect redox relationships in elevated temperature Earth systems) and through a Collaborative Research and Development Grant Collaborative Research (532379-2018 Advancing scientific knowledge on fouling, erosion, and corrosion in Once Through Steam Generators) in collaboration with Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance, We also typically host 1-2 NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards in our group.

Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
The Solid Carbon Partnership project is funded by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS). PICS is hosted and led by the University of Victoria, in collaboration with the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and the University of Northern British Columbia. Our work is led by Ocean Networks Canada and funded through a collaborative agreement between the University of Victoria and the University of Calgary.

Canadian Space Agency
Our involvement in the NASA Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Mission through the Participating Scientist program is supported by funds from the Canadian Space Agency through a proposal titled "Model, experiment, and terrestrial analog-informed interpretations of the record of planetary habitability at Mount Sharp"

Natural Resources Canada
Funding from Natural Resources Canada supports research in our group through the Targeted Geoscience Initiative as well as the Research Affiliate Program.