Contact Info
Program Chair:
Dr. Frank W. Stahnisch - biography, (including research interests), publications & talks and lectures
Full Professor, AMF/Hannah Professorship in the History of Medicine & Health Care
Department of Community Health Sciences and Department of History
TRW Building, Room 3E41
University of Calgary
3280 Hospital Drive NW
Calgary, AB Canada T2N 4Z6
Telephone: 403-210-6290 E-mail: fwstahni@ucalgary.ca Fax: 403-270-7307
Most of Dr. Stahnisch’s publications are available in open access form through the Research Gate repository. Please view at:
Online Publications – A list of publications by Dr. Stahnisch is also available to view online in the University of Calgary Institutional Repository – (http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/handle/1880/47274/browse?type=author&order=ASC&rpp=20&value=Stahnisch%2C+Frank+W.)
- Further publications can be found in: UofC Local Collections & Scholarly Resources, Pubmed and Google Scholar.
Administrative Assistant to Dr. Frank W. Stahnisch (Research/Academic)
Department of Community Health Sciences
Administrative Coordinator,
History of Medicine & Health Care Program and Conference
Donna Weich
TRW Building, Room 3D03-15
3280 Hospital Drive NW
Calgary, AB Canada T2N 4Z6
Telephone: 403-220-2481 E-mail: donna.weich@ucalgary.ca Fax: 403-270-7307
Program Co-Chair:
Dr. Melanie Stapleton - (bio including research interests & pubs) - bio link
Chair, Capsule Endoscopy Committee
GI Division, Clinic 2, Peter Lougheed Centre
3500 - 26 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB, Canada T1Y 6J4
Telephone: 403-943-4595 E-mail: Melanie.Stapleton@CalgaryHealthRegion.ca Fax: 403-943-4017
Research Assistant (CIHR Open Operating Grant)
Stephen Pow
TRW Building, Room 3D25-4
3280 Hospital Drive N.W.Calgary, AB Canada T2N 4Z6
Telephone: 403-210-9640 E-mail: horatius_cocles@hotmail.com Fax: 403-270-7307
Adjunct Research Associate:
Dr. Lisa Petermann - (bio including research interests & pubs) - bio link
Primary Prevention Action Group, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
1 University Ave., Suite 300 Toronto, ON, Canada M5J 2P1
Telephone: 403-698-8146 E-mail: lisa.petermann@partnershipagainstcancer.ca Fax: 403-270-7307
Adjunct Research Associate:
Dr. Robert Lampard -
12-2640 Highway 11, Red Deer County, Alberta
T4E 1A3 Canada
Telephone: 403-346-0331 j.robert.lampard@gmail.com Fax: 430-270-7307
Adjunct Research Associate:
Dr. Susan McMahon -
c/o 3D24-4, Department of Community Health Sciences, TRW Building
3280 Hospital Dve N.W., Calgary, AB, T2N 4Z6 Canada
Telephone: 403-366-6666 susan.mcmahon@shaw.ca Fax: 430-270-7307
DAAD Rise Visiting Student Researcher:
Vincent Hoeckendorf - (University of Osnabrueck, Germany) - bio link
Contact through: Beth Cusitar, Department of Community Health Sciences, TRW Building, Room 3D25-4, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2N 4Z6
Telephone: 403-210-2640 E-mail: hoeckendorfvincent@gmail.com Fax: 403-270-7307