Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office
The Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office (PDRI Office) serves as a centralized resource to all members of the university community and the central point of contact for dealing with Protected Disclosures and Research Integrity issues.
For imminent or life-threatening situations, call 911. In situations where you feel unsafe call Campus Security at 403.220.5333.
A Protected Disclosure is an allegation, by a member of the university community, of a breach by faculty or staff of a university policy (other than the Research Integrity Policy). The Procedure for Protected Disclosure outlines the process which individuals may make a Protected Disclosure, how the University will respond and how individuals will be protected from reprisals for making a Protected Disclosure.
Reporting an Incident
You can report an incident in one of the following ways:
- Email to
- Phone ConfidenceLine at 1.800.661.9675 (Available 24/7).
ConfidenceLine is an external reporting mechanism. It gives you access to an independent third party that ensures your anonymity should you wish to anonymously report a wrongdoing.
Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Advisor
Mailing Address
Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive N.W.
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
2022 Procedure for Protected Disclosure Review and Recommendations Report