This is your creation - and it's just as unique and special as you are. You don't want to kill all your dark areas they are very important. Even the worst thing we can do here is good.
Bob Ross
The third stream is in the area of "life-beyond-treatment", or cancer survivorship. Given that the majority of people now survive the scourge of cancer treatment (over 65% of all patients will now live beyond 5 years post-diagnosis), there is a clear need to study and understand issues that arise well after the acute life threat of cancer has passed. Examples of areas of study within this stream are assessing issues around increased risk for future malignancies, fears of recurrence, effects of treatments on neurocognitive function and learning ability, relationships, sexuality and fertility issues, fatigue, disability and return to work issues.

- The Art of Survivorship: Long Term Side Effects of Therapy. Carlson. Positively Purple Conference,Calgary. October 25, 2009
- Cancer Survivorship: Planning for the future. Giese-Davis, Carlson. Cancer Care 2009: Maintaining Focus in Changing Times. Hyatt Regency,Calgary,Alberta. May 6, 2009
Screening for Distress Provincial Meeting. Halifax, NS. Invited Presentation: Implementing a Screening for Distress Program. Groff, Carlson, Maciejewski, Bultz. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Cancer Journey Action Group Initiative. November 2008.
- Screening for Distress Workshop. Quebec City, Quebec. Invited Presentation: Implementing a Screening for Distress Program. Groff, Carlson, Maciejewski, Bultz. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Cancer Journey Action Group Initiative. December 2008.
Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Towards an Agenda for Cancer Survivorship. Toronto, Ontario; Presentation: Clinical, Research and Policy Perspectives on Adult Cancer Survivorship in the USA and Canada. Carlson. March 21, 2008.
Psychosocial Oncology Network (PON) Conference. Canmore, AB. Workshop: Getting well together: A pilot study of an online support and coping skills intervention for breast cancer patients with limited access to existing support programs. Speca, Taylor-Brown, Carlson, Stephen, Turner. May 2007.
- Pyykonen, M., Giese-Davis, J., Carlson, L. Poster: Are the unmet needs of lymphoma survivors related to feelings of shame and guilt toward their carers? SACRI Annual Department of Oncology Trainee Research Day. September 30, 2011.Calgary,AB
- Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J., Zhong, L., Shirt, L., Chobanuk, J., Railton, C., Taylor, A., Lau, H., Hao, D., Fassbender, K., Walley, B., Kapusta, B., Joy, A & Carlson, L. Poster: Care plan implementation for breast and head and neck cancers: An Alberta CancerBRIDGES demonstration project. Care About Cancer Conference.Edmonton, AB. June 16-18, 2011
- Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J., Zhong, L., Shirt, L., Chobanuk, J., Railton, C., Taylor, A., Lau, H., Hao, D., Fassbender, K., Walley, B., Kapusta, B., Joy, A.A., Carlson, L.E. Talk: Care plan implementation for breast and head and neck cancers: An Alberta CancerBRIDGES demonstration project. Symposium: Moving Forward after Cancer: Implementing Survivorship Care Plans. Canadian Association of Psychosocial OncologyToronto,ON. May 4-6, 2011
- McCormick, J., Carlson, L., Chobanuk, J., Lau, H., Hao, D., Railton, C., Shirt, L., Taylor, A., Fassbender, K., Walley, B., Joy, A.A. & Giese-Davis, J. Poster: Care plan implementation for cancer survivors: A demonstration project by Alberta CancerBRIDGES.Alberta Cancer Foundation Research Conference.Banff,AB. November 8-10, 2010
- Beck, A., Robinson, J.W. & Carlson, L.E. Talk: The secrets of success: How couples maintain sexual intimacy after prostate cancer treatment. 3rd Annual SACRI Education Research Day. June 28, 2010
- Giese-Davis, J., Carlson, L., Groff, S., Bultz, B. Symposium: Evaluation of distress and common problems in a general population of cancer patients at diagnosis, 3, 6 and 12 months: does distress change over time without triage? IPOS 12th World Congress/CAPO 2010. Quebec City, QC. May 25-30, 2010
- Beck, A. M., Robinson, J. W., & Carlson, L. E. (2010). The secrets of success: How couples maintain sexual intimacy after prostate cancer treatment. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Psycho-Oncology Society 12th World Congress / Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology 2010 Conference, May 25-29, 2010,Quebec City,Quebec
- Lounsberry, J., MacRae, H., Angen, M., Hoeber, M, Carlson, L.E. Poster: Feasibility study of a telehealth delivered psychoeducational support group for allogeneic haematopoeitic stem cell transplant patients. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Survivorship Transitions & Transformations Conference.Vancouver,BC. (April 1-4, 2009)
- Verhoef, M., McKenzie, M., Bajdik, Gunn, Achilles, Rose, Carlson, L., and Ruether, D. Searching for individualized, holistic cancer: A case-controlled study of women with breast cancer. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Survivorship Transitions & Transformations Conference.Vancouver,BC. (April 1-4, 2009)
- Thomas, B. Carlson, L., Bultz, B. Disparities in survivorship by patient ethnicity: A longitudinal study on Biopsychosocial outcomes. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Survivorship Transitions & Transformations Conference.Vancouver,BC. (April 1-4, 2009)
- Speca, M., Taylor-Brown, J., Turner, J., Carlson, L., Stephen, J. Getting Well Together: A pilot study of an online support and coping skills intervention for rural breast cancer survivors. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Survivorship Transitions & Transformations Conference.Vancouver,BC. (April 1-4, 2009)
- Wirrell, H. M., Beck, A. M., Robinson, J. W., & Carlson, L. E. Women's strategies to adapt to changes in sexual intimacy after prostate cancer: Comparison of satisfied and dissatisfied partners. Paper accepted for presentation at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology national conference, May 2008,Halifax,NS. (Refereed) (2008)
- Grossman, P., Deuring, G., Garland, S. N., Campbell, T. S. & Carlson, L.E. Patterns of objective physical functioning and perception of mood and fatigue in post-treatment breast cancer patients and healthy controls: An ambulatory psychophysiological investigation. Poster session accepted for presentation at the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance scientific conference inVancouver,British Columbia,Canada (April 2008)
- Winters, J. R., Beck, A. M., Robinson, J. W., & Carlson, L. E. Prostate cancer and sexual intimacy: A qualitative investigation of the experiences of female partners. Poster presented at the Canadian Prostate Cancer Network annual conference,Toronto,ON. (Refereed) (September 2007).
- Winters, J.R., Beck, A.M., Robinson, J.W., Carlson, L.E. Presentation: Prostate cancer and sexual intimacy: Perspectives of female partners. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Symposium,Winnipeg,MB. (May 2007)
- Winters, J.R., Beck, A.M., Robinson, J.W., Carlson, L.E. Poster Presentation: Prostate cancer and sexual intimacy: A qualitative investigation of the experiences of female partners. Canadian Prostate Cancer Network Annual Conference,Toronto, ON (September 2007)
- Angen, M., Carlson, L., Currie, Hoeber, Houshmand, Maciejewski, MacRae. Poster: Telehealth videoconferencing applications in psychosocial oncology: trials and triumphs from the trenches. IPOS Annual Meeting.Venice,Italy. (October 2006)
- Simpson, S., Carlson, L., Garland, S., Angen, M., Marr. Poster: Effects of a Psychosocial Multimodal Retreat Program on the Marital Relationship and Quality of Life of Palliative Cancer Patients and their Partners. Canadian Psychological Association.Calgary, AB. (June 2006)
- Palmer, J., Carlson, L., Power, T. Poster: Cognitive Effects of Tamoxifen in Pre-menopausal Women with Breast Cancer Compared to Healthy Controls. Canadian Psychological Association.Calgary, AB. (June 2006)
- Carlson, Currie, Hoeber, Angen, MacRae, Traczyk. Workshop: Telehealth videoconferencing applications in psychosocial oncology: Trials and triumphs from the trenches. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Annual Meeting.Montreal,PQ. (May 2006)
- Simpson, Carlson, Garland, Angen, Marr. Poster: Effects of a Psychosocial Multimodal Retreat Program on the Marital Relationship and Quality of Life of Palliative Cancer Patients and their Partners. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Annual Meeting.Montreal,PQ. (May 2006)
- Simpson, Carlson, Garland, Angen, Marr. Poster: Effects of a Psychosocial Multimodal Retreat Program on the Marital Relationship and Quality of Life of Palliative Cancer Patients and their Partners. North American Research Conference on Complementary and Integrative MedicineEdmonton, AB. (May 2006)
- Simpson, Carlson, Garland, Angen, Marr. Poster: Effects of a Psychosocial Multimodal Retreat Program on the Marital Relationship and Quality of Life of Palliative Cancer Patients and their Partners. American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. (March 2006