April 15, 2021
Keep your electronic devices up-to-date and save yourself a lot of heartache
Sometimes keeping yourself safe from cybercriminals online can feel like a daunting task. Staying secure online at home and at work doesn't have to be hard. There are some easy steps you can take to increase your cybersecurity, starting with keeping all your devices updated.
What does it mean to keep devices updated?
Your smart phone, laptop and other devices connected to the internet and the systems that keep them working (their operating systems), the software they run, such as Microsoft Office, and the applications (or apps) they have on them, such as Netflix or Facebook, all have regular updates to keep them working as they should. Updates may keep your system, software or apps working smoothly, or they may address issues identified by the developer that could present a security risk to your device or data. Keeping your device updated means regularly allowing these updates to be installed on your devices.
How to keep your device updated
The best way to stay up-to-date is to allow your device to update automatically. If your laptop or desktop was issued to you by UCalgary, your updates will happen regularly. You can also check for new updates by selecting the “start” button (usually bottom left-hand corner) and choosing the “Software Center” tile, which usually appears on the right side. Once opened, click on “Updates” in the left-side menu. Any new updates should appear here. You can select “Install All” if you wish to update your device right away.
Those not issued by IT, such as your personal smart phone or laptop, or devices that may have been purchased with research funds for specific projects, can also be set to update automatically. On Windows devices, you can select the start button and then search “Update.” This will take you to the “Windows Update” page where you can see if updates are available and change your options, like when your device is updated.
On an Apple device, go to the Apple menu and select “System Preferences,” then click “Software Update.” Software downloaded from the App Store can be updated by clicking the Apple menu. Updates, if any, will show up next to the App Store. Choose App Store to make updates using the app.
Cell phones are great about letting you know there are updates ready to be installed. Most will simply notify you that an update is available and you can hit update. If you want to see whether your device is as up-to-date as possible, on an Android device, you can just go to “Settings” and select “Software update.” You can check for updates by selecting “Download and install” and you can update your option to automatically download updates by selecting “Auto download over Wi-Fi” in the same menu. Using an iPhone, you select “Settings,” then “General,” followed by “Software Update.” Here you can see whether any updates are available.
Other ways you can stay cybersecure. At home. At UCalgary.
UCalgary’s IT security team will be presenting the “Stay cybersecure. At home. At UCalgary – A Cybersecurity Webinar.” Join them April 20 at 10 a.m. for useful details about how to increase your cybersecurity at home and at UCalgary. Register here.
More information about how to protect yourself is also available.
IT has resources and is here to support you — you’re not alone. Have additional questions or concerns about cybersecurity? Contact UService at it@ucalgary.ca or by telephone at 403-210-9300.
Keep up-to-date on IT outages and news – follow the UCalgary IT Twitter account.